GenXTropin. 90.7% Somatropin, 0.03% Dimer

My brilliant was with regards to the Janoshik testing process.

I don’t have the experience to interpret the results. I wouldn’t really mind 10% less potent, but I’m curious what the other 10% is
My brilliant was with regards to the Janoshik testing process.

I don’t have the experience to interpret the results. I wouldn’t really mind 10% less potent, but I’m curious what the other 10% is
It’s other proteins / amino chains.

Basixally shit you don’t want in your body
@janoshik I know I may seem annoying, but I have to ask you. Which Somatropin of these followings would you recommend:
Driada Medical,
Deus Mediacal,
(Medi Pharma, doesn't seem that legit imo),
Bioamino labs HGH,
Prima Pharma HGH?
(or any like generics or "cheaper" pharma which are like 2-5eur per iu that send to Germany/EU).

(based off purity, dimer, etc. (your opinion) and also just from the security perspective since none of these are pharma grade and I don't want to fcking die. Thanks in advance man . Love your work)
@janoshik I know I may seem annoying, but I have to ask you. Which Somatropin of these followings would you recommend:
Driada Medical,
Deus Mediacal,
(Medi Pharma, doesn't seem that legit imo),
Bioamino labs HGH,
Prima Pharma HGH?
(or any like generics or "cheaper" pharma which are like 2-5eur per iu that send to Germany/EU).

(based off purity, dimer, etc. (your opinion) and also just from the security perspective since none of these are pharma grade and I don't want to fcking die. Thanks in advance man . Love your work)
Janoshik does not recommend sources, including sources who actually pay him to test gear. Look through the source threads and look at which ones have the best quality gear.