Getting laid a lot. Virtually zero semen.


New Member
Getting laid a lot. I won’t get into much detail but I have sex twice/three times a day. Thing is I’m running out of semen and my girlfriend is questioning whether I’m getting off with someone else due to how low it is. I do not masturbate anymore, not a big fan of it anyways I just feel like an incel if I watch porn.

How do you increase the load size? Do I have to completely come off the juice in order to fix this? I tried pygeum, lecithin and the other stuff. Nothing really works. HCG does work but but E2 levels are too difficult to control on it and I’m like a water balloon (I’m talking a 3-4kg in water weight and AI doesn’t do much for it). I tried SERMs they do work and better then HCG but makes me crazy emotional and just basically bipolar. SERMs also affect my vision so avoiding them like the plague.
hahaha thats fucking hilarious your girl thinking that ha just say no im blowing my load 3x times a day here give me a break. And proviron and tren give me huge loads. Other than that idk maybe just cut it down to once a day.
Getting laid a lot. I won’t get into much detail but I have sex twice/three times a day. Thing is I’m running out of semen and my girlfriend is questioning whether I’m getting off with someone else due to how low it is. I do not masturbate anymore, not a big fan of it anyways I just feel like an incel if I watch porn.

How do you increase the load size? Do I have to completely come off the juice in order to fix this? I tried pygeum, lecithin and the other stuff. Nothing really works. HCG does work but but E2 levels are too difficult to control on it and I’m like a water balloon (I’m talking a 3-4kg in water weight and AI doesn’t do much for it). I tried SERMs they do work and better then HCG but makes me crazy emotional and just basically bipolar. SERMs also affect my vision so avoiding them like the plague.
Its going to happen when doing it that often, explain that to her.

Also is she cumming 2-3 times a day? Or just expecting you to?
hahaha thats fucking hilarious your girl thinking that ha just say no im blowing my load 3x times a day here give me a break. And proviron and tren give me huge loads. Other than that idk maybe just cut it down to once a day.
Tren helps the loads yeah? Shame it shrinks my nuts to basically fucking nothing.
Its going to happen when doing it that often, explain that to her.

Also is she cumming 2-3 times a day? Or just expecting you to?
Yeah she always wet. It’s actually annoying. I’m not a tall guy so girls get a bit of a shock the first time. It does not match my body at all.
Theres a stack porn stars use to get big loads.. iirc its all vitamins but i dont remember it off the top of my head just google it
Getting laid a lot. I won’t get into much detail but I have sex twice/three times a day. Thing is I’m running out of semen and my girlfriend is questioning whether I’m getting off with someone else due to how low it is. I do not masturbate anymore, not a big fan of it anyways I just feel like an incel if I watch porn.

How do you increase the load size? Do I have to completely come off the juice in order to fix this? I tried pygeum, lecithin and the other stuff. Nothing really works. HCG does work but but E2 levels are too difficult to control on it and I’m like a water balloon (I’m talking a 3-4kg in water weight and AI doesn’t do much for it). I tried SERMs they do work and better then HCG but makes me crazy emotional and just basically bipolar. SERMs also affect my vision so avoiding them like the plague.

Maybe zinc. I think that's in the porn star stack Mr. Rek mentioned:

Theres a stack porn stars use to get big loads.. iirc its all vitamins but i dont remember it off the top of my head just google it
Theres a stack porn stars use to get big loads.. iirc its all vitamins but i dont remember it off the top of my head just google it
Tried zinc magnesium, the holy grail cum stack which doesn’t do fuck all really. Not worth dishing out the extra cash for a little extra oomph. Water is the best thing.
i used this product from pop star labs for a few months and it worked a bit. took a month or two to start seeing differences though
It shouldn't matter what the load size is unless you're trying to get her pregnant, in which case hcg and hmg would help with load size and fertility.

Also steroids obviously shrink you're nuts and if you're blowing your load 3x a day then obviously it'll be even less

Sounds like it's more of an insecurity thing with her thinking she sucks in bed or something. Just reassure her. Don't think you should have to take ancilliries for the purpose you described, unless you're now insecure about it from her comments.

Unless you're trying to have a kid though it shouldn't matter. As long as the sex is good and you both finish then who cares
Getting laid a lot. I won’t get into much detail but I have sex twice/three times a day. Thing is I’m running out of semen and my girlfriend is questioning whether I’m getting off with someone else due to how low it is. I do not masturbate anymore, not a big fan of it anyways I just feel like an incel if I watch porn.

How do you increase the load size? Do I have to completely come off the juice in order to fix this? I tried pygeum, lecithin and the other stuff. Nothing really works. HCG does work but but E2 levels are too difficult to control on it and I’m like a water balloon (I’m talking a 3-4kg in water weight and AI doesn’t do much for it). I tried SERMs they do work and better then HCG but makes me crazy emotional and just basically bipolar. SERMs also affect my vision so avoiding them like the plague.
You're not taking any 5AR inhibitors are you ? ie) finasteride or dutasteride? bc that will def tighten up the tap. Your prostate can only produce so much, its not a never ending fountain,I'm sure you realize lol.
Sheesh, on top of whats already been suggested, maybe increase your H2O and add in some L-arginine.Have you tried the HCG @ 250-500 iu/day ?
I use the aformentioned Zinc, HCG, sunflower Lecithin, clomid-low dose. I also use Exemestane @ 12.5 mgs twice weekly, this increases gonadotropins and keeps my bloat down when I add in the HCG.
You're not taking any 5AR inhibitors are you ? ie) finasteride or dutasteride? bc that will def tighten up the tap. Your prostate can only produce so much, its not a never ending fountain,I'm sure you realize lol.
Sheesh, on top of whats already been suggested, maybe increase your H2O and add in some L-arginine.Have you tried the HCG @ 250-500 iu/day ?
I use the aformentioned Zinc, HCG, sunflower Lecithin, clomid-low dose. I also use Exemestane @ 12.5 mgs twice weekly, this increases gonadotropins and keeps my bloat down when I add in the HCG.
Aromasin and low dose cloned help somewhat?