Getting laid a lot. Virtually zero semen.

I don't know wether there is an effective way to actually shoot bigger loads, but you're having alot of sex is emptying you, maybe do less/take a break wwould help. And water
Wait...You're banging her THREE TIMES PER DAY yet she still thinks you're dropping loads with someone else? Assuming you work and sleep, WHEN exactly would these other encounters have a chance to happen?

I agree that staying hydrated is probably #1.
I'm in the same boat. Someone told me hcg might help. I thought it was just me I'm only running 200mg test cyp and 5mg of cialis daily. I was on a deca cycle but had to come off for a test.
in order of importance:

1: lecithin (1000mg-2000mg ed)/hcg (250iu-500iu eod)

2: pygeum (200mg-400mg ed)

3: zinc (50mg-75mg for 4 weeks), but cycle it and take lower amounts (25mg) for 4 weeks after. too much too long isnt good.

staying hydrated is an obligation. 1-1.25 gallons/3.5-4.5l of water/day.

some people report bigger load on masteron, tren, proviron but i guess thats individual. wouldn't rely on that.

wouldn't use clomid for long periods due to sides, maybe load it for a week (25-25-25-50-50-50-50) for special occasion.

eat celery sticks makes your cum whiter and less watery
It shouldn't matter what the load size is unless you're trying to get her pregnant, in which case hcg and hmg would help with load size and fertility.

Also steroids obviously shrink you're nuts and if you're blowing your load 3x a day then obviously it'll be even less

Sounds like it's more of an insecurity thing with her thinking she sucks in bed or something. Just reassure her. Don't think you should have to take ancilliries for the purpose you described, unless you're now insecure about it from her comments.

Unless you're trying to have a kid though it shouldn't matter. As long as the sex is good and you both finish then who cares
Best reply yet.

Even as a natty with giant nuts I could bang 10 to 12 times a day. Guess what after the 3rd or 4th round i could still organizm but nothing but clear pre cum stuff comes out.if u wana blow a fat load I'd have to reframe from sex or masterbation for 2 days.

Not sure if i remember this right because it dosent pertain to me I just read and watch it of shit. But dave palumbos pregnancy protocol i think recommended sex only every other day, probably due to load size.
No, they always fake it.
Not my girls, got learn to use ur tounge and fingers right to stimulate the clit and warm em up.also Some women cant or have a hard time coming without clitoral stimulation before and or or during intercourse.
Again a quick google search everyone neglects, mabe not 100% true but it's a good start for investogation.20240526_141818.jpg
The contribution of testes to sperm (spermatozoa+ seminal liquid) is very modest, the main charactes are prostate and seminal vescicles.
A slight decrease in term of quantity of sperm during cycle is possible, related to suppressed testes function, but not related to X active molecule, as long as you've got in your body an androgen load targeting tissues involved in the sperm production.
The main reason for semen to be low in volume are dehydration and frequent sexual intercourse, so just try drinking more and explain your girlfriend that you're not a sperm-drant.
Micronutrients deficiency could contribute, but it's difficult as long as you're eating normally (some micronutrients have little evidence in improving sperm quality, although modestly)
Best reply yet.

Even as a natty with giant nuts I could bang 10 to 12 times a day. Guess what after the 3rd or 4th round i could still organizm but nothing but clear pre cum stuff comes out.if u wana blow a fat load I'd have to reframe from sex or masterbation for 2 days.

Not sure if i remember this right because it dosent pertain to me I just read and watch it of shit. But dave palumbos pregnancy protocol i think recommended sex only every other day, probably due to load size.

Not my girls, got learn to use ur tounge and fingers right to stimulate the clit and warm em up.also Some women cant or have a hard time coming without clitoral stimulation before and or or during intercourse.
Yup. I don't think my wife has ever gotten off from actual sex. I always take care of her with fingers and tongue and all is good
From my knowledge, and as other stated, all these supplement should or are attributed to improve load size
Zinc, Selenium, Pygeum, Lecithin (5+grams), hydration, multivitamins (nothing super high or specific other the aforementioned) ,
also include HCG or FSH , low dose Clomid, super low dose Tadalafil