Getting stronger on PCT???


New Member
I'm getting stronger in my 3rd week in PCT. I cycled test e 400mg/week for 12 weeks and did 3 weeks of dbol 25mg/day as a kickstart. Went from 185 at 9% and ended at 230 at 12%.... so I gained A LOT. People definitely knew something was up lol. But after the cycle ended I'm at 220 and staying there. Lost water and fullness, but my strength is shooting up. My lifts and reps are going up. I am taking creatine which could help a little, but I feel like I'm gaining strenth like I'm on gear again.
My PCT is Clomid @ 50/50/50/50 and Nolva @ 40/20/20/20.
I have hcg, but decided to experiment without it.
Also taking exemestane @ 12.5mg e3d.
I'm worried that my strength will go up and my tendons and muscles won't be able to handle it. Should I be worried?
Lucky you
Many people would find these gains hard to believe at such low doses
I know, but I basically went on a see-food diet, human vaccum cleaner. Plus first time using dbol. I used Geneza dbol injecatble, worked wonders. Weight shot up and pumps were too insane. And ofcourse the strength was crazy.
185 @ 9% to 230 @ 12% I'm sorry but you are dreaming on your body fat. Also if it's your first cycle which I'm thinking it is then obviously you aren't or weren't close to your genetic potential and therfor should continue to gain strength. My WILKs puts me as an advance lifter and I can gain strength during pct.
Pretty inexperiencex myself..
But i did continue to gain strength through most of my pct then leveled off and maintained towards the end and then started losing sgrength about a week after pct was finished.
185 @ 9% to 230 @ 12% I'm sorry but you are dreaming on your body fat. Also if it's your first cycle which I'm thinking it is then obviously you aren't or weren't close to your genetic potential and therfor should continue to gain strength. My WILKs puts me as an advance lifter and I can gain strength during pct.

Man, gotta love the negativity. Why can't you guys just accept something and say like "good job on the gains", and "yes you should gain strenth on pct" or "no you shouldn't gain strength on pct."
This is the reason I left the other forums to come here, because I thought it was where bodybuilders can help each other out, not discourage them.

Ps. I'm really emotional on clomid lol
Pretty inexperiencex myself..
But i did continue to gain strength through most of my pct then leveled off and maintained towards the end and then started losing sgrength about a week after pct was finished.

Should I continue to up my lifts? I'm scared of ripping something.
How much weight should I continue to up? I'm scared of ripping something.

Like i said, inexperienced. Dont really feel comfortable giving advice about something that could potentially harm you when im not very knowledgable. I will say that i continued to push myself hard as i was on cycle and ended up hurting my shoulder. Nothing major, but i had to lay off oressing for awhile so i would be careful, dont force anything!!
Man, gotta love the negativity. Why can't you guys just accept something and say like "good job on the gains", and "yes you should gain strenth on pct" or "no you shouldn't gain strength on pct."
This is the reason I left the other forums to come here, because I thought it was where bodybuilders can help each other out, not discourage them.

Ps. I'm really emotional on clomid lol
Let's see some before and afters!
Man, gotta love the negativity. Why can't you guys just accept something and say like "good job on the gains", and "yes you should gain strenth on pct" or "no you shouldn't gain strength on pct."
This is the reason I left the other forums to come here, because I thought it was where bodybuilders can help each other out, not discourage them.

Ps. I'm really emotional on clomid lol
Not for nothing but most just won't believe it
unless you post before and after PICS
Yeah that's remarkable gains man. If they really happened then congrats for sure! I would still push yourself hard in the gym but I would lower volume. Get in and out quick, no need to be in the gym long because your body's recovery is down.

How long do you plan to run aromasin? I personally wouldn't be using it in pct unless I had bloods or side effects showing otherwise.
Yeah that's remarkable gains man. If they really happened then congrats for sure! I would still push yourself hard in the gym but I would lower volume. Get in and out quick, no need to be in the gym long because your body's recovery is down.

How long do you plan to run aromasin? I personally wouldn't be using it in pct unless I had bloods or side effects showing otherwise.
Thanks, should I taper off ai in that case? I didn't get bloods on pct so I don't know for sure, but I get acne and lots of bloat if I don't use it. Maybe those sides are just cause the androgen levels are fluctuating?
When did you notice the sides? They occur recently? You have to watch because if you crush your e2 you will be more susceptible to injure your joints. You also have to watch what your sodium intake is and see if that isn't causing majority of the bloat.

How often did you pin? Twice a week?
When did you notice the sides? They occur recently? You have to watch because if you crush your e2 you will be more susceptible to injure your joints. You also have to watch what your sodium intake is and see if that isn't causing majority of the bloat.

How often did you pin? Twice a week?
Yup pinned twice a week, plus dbol everyday for the first 3 weeks.

Also got my sides as soon as pct started.