You want results that you'll see pretty quick and that will be noticeable?
Then don't screw around with small GH doses. Yeah, I know all the studies say 1-3 ius daily is optimal and all that but I've seen too many guys take small amounts and see nothing from it really. I've never seen anyone take larger doses with some other stuff thrown in and not see results.
I've run Seros at 9 ius daily and also at 18 ius EOD getting ready for shows and did zero cardio. Still had to diet but did no cardio and came in 5-6% bf. I've also prepped on generics at 8-10 ius daily with similar results.
10-12 ius ED split into 3-4 doses. AM fasted and stay fasted for at least 2 hours with cardio if possible. Pre-wo, Post wo (cardio here if not in the a.m.) and before bed fasted also.
Add in clen (or similar) and t3 then implement some carb cycling so you have 3 days in a deficit, 2 days at maintenance and 2 days in a slight surplus.
100% guaranteed you'll see bf loss like never before. Yes, you could do all that without GH and see results also but the GH will enhance the effect and keep you big and full while you do it.
Also, I never said it was healthy either. I just hear the lack luster GH reports all the time and the common denominator is always not enough is being used imo.