Gh reconstituting


New Member
Hello, I’m looking to use HGH with TB500 to recover from lower back injury before starting another aas cycle. I have never used HGH or TB500.

I’m looking to get black top 120iu’s. I’m sure this is a dumb question but I have searched for weeks with no luck.

If these are 120iu’s per vial and I was doing 2iu’s a day (just to start and go up from there), than I get 60 days worth from one vial? This does not sound correct to me but idk.

Or am I getting 12iu’s per vial and it’s 6 day supply? Adding 1.2 ml water?

I’m 34 years old, my injury - Cauda equina syndrome from migrating disc. Lost 100% use of right leg for over a month. Had multiple lower back surgeries, herniated L4-L5 & L5-S1. This has been over the last 3 years. Last surgery was about 6 months ago.

Thanks for the help!
Hello, I’m looking to use HGH with TB500 to recover from lower back injury before starting another aas cycle. I have never used HGH or TB500.

I’m looking to get black top 120iu’s. I’m sure this is a dumb question but I have searched for weeks with no luck.

If these are 120iu’s per vial and I was doing 2iu’s a day (just to start and go up from there), than I get 60 days worth from one vial? This does not sound correct to me but idk.

Or am I getting 12iu’s per vial and it’s 6 day supply? Adding 1.2 ml water?

I’m 34 years old, my injury - Cauda equina syndrome from migrating disc. Lost 100% use of right leg for over a month. Had multiple lower back surgeries, herniated L4-L5 & L5-S1. This has been over the last 3 years. Last surgery was about 6 months ago.

Thanks for the help!
Each Vial is 12iu so 2iu times 60 days is 120iu. So you are correct, reconstitute each vial with 1.2ml bac water.
Each Vial is 12iu so 2iu times 60 days is 120iu. So you are correct, reconstitute each vial with 1.2ml bac water.
Great thank you! Will the hgh last 60 days if refrigerated after reconstituting? I read it is more like 21 days?
Ghost misread your post. 12iu per vial. 120iu per kit. Each vial will last 6 days at 2iu per day
Ghost misread your post. 12iu per vial. 120iu per kit. Each vial will last 6 days at 2iu per day
I thought it was 120iu per vial. Thank you for clarifying. So a kit come with 10 vials of 12iu’s each. This is what I was not understanding.
Exactly. Just reconstitute one vial at a time til you get to a higher does if ever. then you can do a couple at a time if you want