Absolutely, if you think of countries like Lybia, Iraq that aredestroyed and are still trying to recover to this day because of you... Oh and your most recent attempt, of course, Siria.

Now put it against North Korea, China or Russia, with actual fight power.

For those with short memory, just remember how badly you failed in Vietnam and how you got your ass kicked.

You guys watch too many Hollywood movies, that's for sure! Perhaps you should study your own country before judging one's opinions.

You guys are the number one country in the world indeed, when it comes to spend money on military resources, which doesn't translate into being more powerful. It translates into being ineffective.

Now this is only on the papper, in a real fight with nuclear power, no one would win as there would be no survivors.

So move on from that thought of "Best country in the world" when you don't even know your own country.
Bro Vietnam was more of a police action. If we would have released shock and awe like we did on Iraq there would have been no contest.