girl wants to try anavar


Been digging through here for a week and can't find the answer I'm looking for exactly, or at least an answer I'm satisfied with. She's on birth control pills. Will mg/d have adverse effects with it? Could she be more prone to getting pregnant? would it cancel out the effects of the birth control?

What all possibilities is she looking at here?
From my understanding, bc still works fine, var is still dosed the same... 5-20mg/day, the only thing is, bc will 'block' the full potential of var... so her gains won't be the same as if she was off bc...
But the risk of pregnancy and the additional risks to the fetus in case of pregnancy are too grave if you guys are sexually active, so it's a moot point.

You have 3 options:

Either var and no BC but condoms EACH AND EVERY TIME. No accidents, no exceptions.

Var and no BC and no sex is condoms are not strictly enforced.

Var and BC and perhaps very slight diminished potential but a good insurance policy against pregnancy.


You guys would have to consider abortion very very seriously in the event of an accidental pregnancy if no BC. I know BC isn't foolproof, if people are going to point that out. But the gravity of becoming pregnant while on var is not to be trivialized.
This has been such a controversial topic over the years... I think we need doc input on this as guys get their wives prego on juice all the time and the kids turn out fine.... and with female use, if she doesn't have her period on it, she is very unlikely to be pregnant as you don't release the egg... So other methods should be sufficient... I know we had this discussion in one of the threads with @Dr JIM ? I think it was in your first thread Happy... do you remember?
well, lol... I pound it raw at least 5 times a day minimum already. I mean, dat ass... and I'm on tren/mast/test

So the consensus is stay on BC and use var at, say, 10/d?

if it is her first time, with all other aspects in check, start at 5mg... better to start lower then increase from there as long as she isn't experiencing undesirable sides. Avoid going over 20mg
Yeah yeah I'm just havin some fun here come on... in all seriousness, I think I'll go with what's been said on here to keep her on BC if she's still wanting to have a go with it
This has been such a controversial topic over the years... I think we need doc input on this as guys get their wives prego on juice all the time and the kids turn out fine.... and with female use, if she doesn't have her period on it, she is very unlikely to be pregnant as you don't release the egg... So other methods should be sufficient... I know we had this discussion in one of the threads with @Dr JIM ? I think it was in your first thread Happy... do you remember?
All well and good but there is a human being in the middle here. Are they going to risk unplanned pregnancy and a kid who's parents conceived him/her just because they didn't want diminished gains from steroids but too horny to stop having sex or use condoms???? Unless they're committed and ready for children, safe sex should be had period, var or not.
better be safe then sorry... and her next run she can judge it for herself... I know there is a mixed feeling with a lot of women. There are lots on bc and lots off it with aas...
She's gonna stay on BC or not do var at all is what we've now concluded on our end. Start at 5 like geargoddess said. Probably won't push any higher. She's a disciplined girl. Love her to death, wouldn't want anything to go wrong with her but I don't dictate her, she does what she wants, as long as she's safe and informed on it and so am I, I'm cool with it. I appreciate the feedback
She can diet and lift/cardio just fine, she just wants to try it for the hell of it, not push it high. 5mg seems cool
Not being an asshole. Just a reasonable voice is all.

I'm the mommy of the group, sorry LOL

Yes you are the mommy... And I agree. I never said no about other protection... but it's the individual choice what method they chose... and it would totally suck if the little juice monkey inside has health issues... I want healthy babies for all...
Good on you. I wanted to take the var route before climbing the soapbox on unplanned pregnancy, but GG pointed out a kink in the argument LOL
She's gonna stay on BC or not do var at all is what we've now concluded on our end. Start at 5 like geargoddess said. Probably won't push any higher. She's a disciplined girl. Love her to death, wouldn't want anything to go wrong with her but I don't dictate her, she does what she wants, as long as she's safe and informed on it and so am I, I'm cool with it. I appreciate the feedback

Keep us posted... would be great to have another female join the Meso clan :)
We'll see what happens lol she's hesitant, I'm not pushing it on her, I just happen to have two boxes of pharmacom anavar I bought awhile back and don't think I'll ever use, I brought the idea up to her and I'll have to explain steroids to her cause she's clueless. She knows I know a plenty, but as far as with the female body, I know fuck all about the reproductive system and what anavar would do to a girl, so here I am. She's 20 btw, thought I'd throw that out there too. Honestly better off us could care less about having kids anyways... we have a lot we want to do together in life and we're just not the "grounded" type if that makes sense. If she ever got pregnant it'd be an accident... likely be a immediate abortion due to many reasons
Yes you are the mommy... And I agree. I never said no about other protection... but it's the individual choice what method they chose... and it would totally suck if the little juice monkey inside has health issues... I want healthy babies for all...
I agree. I see people in real life tho - young people - just starting using steroids. The don't do bloods. They don't have pct planned. They stack whatever they can get their hands on. Guys hand their chicks whatever their buddy at the gym is selling. They then drink on cycle. Have promiscuous, unprotected sex. Eat like shit...these are good people. Fun, awesome, hardworking. But good people do stupid things and even if I have to seem like an uptight anal crazy lady, I'd like people to consider the worst case scenario. At least know.

I check up on a lot of the dudes im friendly with at the gym...are you eating your veggies? Sleeping? Laying off the alcohol? Wrapping it up? They laugh at me, but at least someone cares to remind them.