GLP 1 Agonists (semaglutide) Rebound

Curious if anyone who has used GLP 1 agonists for short term assistance has experienced a rebound effect afterward (appetite outta control, etc.). How was your experience coming off?
I did sema and then tirze. Tirze was much better at most things. I had to go off because my order took a very long time. I was off close to 3 months. I was so hungry after the first few weeks off. I felt out of control. But I was determined not to gain the weight back so I tried my hardest to maintain. I didn’t gain anything but the drive to eat was difficult. I’ve been back on tirze for over a month and it doesn’t work the same. I’m at 15mg. Im hungry but not ravenous. I don’t feel like I’m on it to be honest. I’m going to try going off by choice this time and work hard at self control.