GLP-1 Protocols for fat loss…


I am about to experiment with Semaglutide after hearing nothing but good things from almost everybody… except for one client who has experienced some kidney related issues.

For anyone with first-hand experience, what is a good protocol (scaling from 0.5 mg/week upto 2.5 mg) and is there anything to be concerned about using these GLP-1 receptor agonists?

I am looking to stop intermittent use of stimulants and other dopaminergic compounds to expedite fat loss and from what I’ve read these drugs can be used for long-term, gradual and very efficacious fat loss, but would like to hear a few more first-hand experiences from the forum.
GLP-1 RAs do not burn fat but they can be useful in that sense to assist you with it.

Start with 0.25mg / week and stay there as long as possible. Increase to 0.5mg if needed. Increase again to 0.75mg or 1mg.
I am about to experiment with Semaglutide after hearing nothing but good things from almost everybody… except for one client who has experienced some kidney related issues.

For anyone with first-hand experience, what is a good protocol (scaling from 0.5 mg/week upto 2.5 mg) and is there anything to be concerned about using these GLP-1 receptor agonists?

I am looking to stop intermittent use of stimulants and other dopaminergic compounds to expedite fat loss and from what I’ve read these drugs can be used for long-term, gradual and very efficacious fat loss, but would like to hear a few more first-hand experiences from the forum.
0.25 x 4
0.5mg x 4
1 x 4
1.5 x 4
2 x 4
2.4 ongoing.

I don't weekly to simplify my life and that what was the manufacturer did.
It's good for 2 months reconstituted atleast.

I say just keep it all in the fridge. Not the freezer.

Stalls at 4 months. My opinion is might as well take a break for 3 mo to restart.
This is a good post from criddi. Any reason you don't want to start at 0.25?
This is a good post from criddi. Any reason you don't want to start at 0.25?
No, just going off a buddies protocol who just started. Im 250 lbs and have a high tolerance for most drugs... starting it out tomorrow. Ill keep a vlog over the process, as Im interested in new drugs and bio hacks.
Just a heads up, I made a mistake by starting at 0.5mg (my reason for this is the same as you I have a high tolerance for MOST drugs) after the third injection of 0.5mg I got violently sick vomitting/nausea I couldn't do shit for 2 days. On my fourth shot I did 0.25mg and the appetite suppression was still there and I think I’ll stay at that dose until I am happy with my weight loss.

I also lost so much weight so fast my lifestyle coach is considering in putting me on low dose Tren to retain my muscle mass.

I lost 12lbs in 3.5weeks though I probably lost most of it in the two days I got so sick I could barely eat and keep anything down.
Just a heads up, I made a mistake by starting at 0.5mg (my reason for this is the same as you I have a high tolerance for MOST drugs) after the third injection of 0.5mg I got violently sick vomitting/nausea I couldn't do shit for 2 days. On my fourth shot I did 0.25mg and the appetite suppression was still there and I think I’ll stay at that dose until I am happy with my weight loss.

I also lost so much weight so fast my lifestyle coach is considering in putting me on low dose Tren to retain my muscle mass.

I lost 12lbs in 3.5weeks though I probably lost most of it in the two days I got so sick I could barely eat and keep anything down.
Ya I feel ok on the 0.25 mg/week, 3 days in and slightly nauseous on the first day. All in all I feel fine now and might increase next week, but doubt Id climb to the 2.4 mg dose the last study used for test subjects that led to 60 lbs of weight loss during the study.