GnRH Tripotorelin (100 mcg)


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10+ Year Member
I am going to use tripotorelim, a single 100 mcg dose for the first time with my next PCT.

I am aware of the seriousness of acurate doseage. I have researched a good amount and there is an area I can't find a consistant answer.

Should I begin a SERM with the trip or should I wait 10 days after my 100mcg dose then run a standard nolvadex @ 20,20,20,20?

I think personally I may dose the trip and simply begin nolvadex the same day....I would prefer to have someone who has actually used trip for PCT to advise though.

Thanks in advance for the help bros.:thumbup:
I will get to an answer shortly, but what would be the purpose of combining a GnRH agonist with SERM?

I've read some examples of people using them, I assume to control estrogen. I will say simply using an AI? Not 100% as most the Trip PCT info I have read has been vauge on this.
I've read some examples of people using them, I assume to control estrogen. I will say simply using an AI? Not 100% as most the Trip PCT info I have read has been vauge on this.

I have recommended that IF you are going to use a GnRH agonist (Triptorelin), do not use an AI or SERM within 30 days. The reason being is that the GnRH receptor might be in an increased responsiveness. As support for this thought, I have consulted on about 6 recent cases all with castrate serum testosterone. One had a level of 17.
I have recommended that IF you are going to use a GnRH agonist (Triptorelin), do not use an AI or SERM within 30 days. The reason being is that the GnRH receptor might be in an increased responsiveness. As support for this thought, I have consulted on about 6 recent cases all with castrate serum testosterone. One had a level of 17.

Wow...thank you for checking this out for me. I assume then Trip should be my only PCT drug? Feels odd but if trip is all they claim then I should be gtg!
Wow...thank you for checking this out for me. I assume then Trip should be my only PCT drug? Feels odd but if trip is all they claim then I should be gtg!

IF!!! I have been disappointed by the results. Again, why the need for a SERM (or AI)? This is contradictory to the idea of GnRH and as actually observed harmful. IMO, this fad will pass.
IF!!! I have been disappointed by the results. Again, why the need for a SERM (or AI)? This is contradictory to the idea of GnRH and as actually observed harmful. IMO, this fad will pass.

So would you suggest I just wait and see how the GnRH trip plays out and just do a standard pct?