

10+ Year Member
It is nothing new but new to me.I read some interesting studies on it and claimed to do the job with one 100mcg dose at recovering normal levels.Anyone have any experience or knowledge on this peptide?
Single dose of triptorelin gets bodybuilder’s hormones going again

Italian endocrinologists managed to restore the natural testosterone production of a bodybuilder whose sex hormone production had shut down after 13 years of taking steroids. All they had to do was give the 34-year-old man a single dose of 100 micrograms triptorelin. An article by the researchers, who work at the University of Brescia, was published recently in Fertility & Sterility.


The bodybuilder went to a doctor in September 2008 because he was depressed, had no energy and had lost all interest in sex. He told the doctor he’d been using steroids since he was 21.

The guy took 10-week courses. Typically he would inject a daily 25 mg nandrolone and 25 mg stanozolol for the first 8 weeks, and follow it with 2 weeks of 50 mg mesterolone daily [say: primo]. The following week he would take 50 mg clomid daily, and for the last week he’d inject himself three times with 2000 IE hCG.

Well, that’s what the doctors reported. Probably the man took hCG first and clomid after. What’s more the doses sound very responsible to us. If bodybuilders tell doctors how much steroids they’ve been using, in our experience you need to triple the doses.

How many courses the man took each year is also not mentioned in the article.

The bodybuilder did jack up his doses from 2005 to 2008. During the 8 weeks that he injected stanozolol and nandrolone, he also started to use boldenone, injecting an average of 50 mg per day for a period of 3 weeks. And that’s where it went wrong, according to the blood tests. The doctors examined the guy in September, but decided to just observe for a few months. A damaged axis often just needs time to recover. But when the doctors examined the bodybuilder’s blood again in January 2009, there had been hardly any improvement.


The doctors decided to treat the guy with the GnRH analogue triptorelin. GnRH is a hormone that consists of only 10 amino acids. It is produced in the brain by the hypothalamus and stimulates the production of FSH and LH by the pituitary gland. The hormones travel in the blood to the sex glands, where they get these to produce testosterone.

The bodybuilder responded immediately to the hormone treatment. Within several minutes the concentration of LH and FSH in his blood had risen.


The doctors saw the bodybuilder 10 days later. His energy had returned and the testosterone concentration in his blood had risen to 7 ng/ml. Another three weeks later, his testosterone level was still normal, and his libido had returned too.

Fertil Steril. 2010 Apr 21. [Epub ahead of print].
This spunds pretty cool if its real. I recently went to my dr for bl99ds and he thought i had a pituitary tumor and wanted me to do all kinds of scans. my prolactin was around 48 amd all the rest of my levels were fucked. I had to tell him that I've been on Decca and to let me fix it. I went back a month later and my prolactin was fine all my other stuff is coming back to normal. I'm going back in a couple more weeks to get blood again. He had told me that with my prolactin that high I was not fertile and that my body will shut down. needless to say it's back in the normal range at 14. I wasn't taking any prami because I didn't think I needed it, I needed it. Trying to have a baby, just got married a month ago. If you run this, keep me in the know please. Thx
This spunds pretty cool if its real. I recently went to my dr for bl99ds and he thought i had a pituitary tumor and wanted me to do all kinds of scans. my prolactin was around 48 amd all the rest of my levels were fucked. I had to tell him that I've been on Decca and to let me fix it. I went back a month later and my prolactin was fine all my other stuff is coming back to normal. I'm going back in a couple more weeks to get blood again. He had told me that with my prolactin that high I was not fertile and that my body will shut down. needless to say it's back in the normal range at 14. I wasn't taking any prami because I didn't think I needed it, I needed it. Trying to have a baby, just got married a month ago. If you run this, keep me in the know please. Thx

Becarefull with this stuff.

High doses are being used for chemical castration!
Becarefull with this stuff.

High doses are being used for chemical castration!

This is a massive concern for me and why I do not even consider trying it. I know I can measure it correctly etc but I damn sure do not know that it will be received by me dosed properly. One screw up by someone could cost you dearly so this is one I would not take a chance with from the peptide companies out there, no way.
Now if its available via a legit pharmaceutical company and I could get it from a pharmacy I might change my view but thats the only way Id ever use it. I know someone would have to screw up royally to make the difference between the therapeutic dose and the castration dose but I don't trust the sources most of these peptide companies use by any means.
Another thing to consider is this is a case study of 1 individual; not that compelling if it's only worked in 1 instance.

I saw a few others but it seems like a last resort all else has failed terribly type of thing. One of which the guy had a pump attached to him to administer very small amounts because of the short half life, and injections were not frequent enough. Im not going to be the guinea pig.
Im so not interested in this product i took me everything just to write this comment. We've become a nation of instant gratification nitwits willing to risk castration, or other serious complications, for a quicker recovery plan. At least wait until there is A LOT more data and studies on triptorelin before you decide to experiment. In the meantime, stick with Clomid/Nolva, gentlemen. You'll be better off in the long run, i assure you.
It is nothing new but new to me. I read some interesting studies on it and claimed to do the job with one 100mcg dose at recovering normal levels.Anyone have any experience or knowledge on this peptide?

A SINGLE case study! Follow up?

If bodybuilders tell doctors how much steroids they’ve been using, in our experience you need to triple the doses.

If you are referring Triptorelin, then you have no idea for its MOA.

Triptorelin has been discussed extensively. Learn how to use the search function.
I saw a few others but it seems like a last resort all else has failed terribly type of thing. One of which the guy had a pump attached to him to administer very small amounts because of the short half life, and injections were not frequent enough. Im not going to be the guinea pig.

I've only seen this one n
Becarefull with this stuff.

High doses are being used for chemical castration!
Holy shit!! Thanks bro. Just read this thread so far (this one that I'm writing on .)
Holy shit!! Thanks bro. Just read this thread so far (this one that I'm writing on .)

No problem man that was like the first thing i found and i quickly realized that a had researched it before and said hell no
A SINGLE case study! Follow up?

If you are referring Triptorelin, then you have no idea for its MOA.

Triptorelin has been discussed extensively. Learn how to use the search function.
Good for you what you do but I do know how to use the search function.I wanted to know the opinions of the people here that are relevant to me .You quoted saying I was referring to something or another like I wrote any of it?
Im so not interested in this product i took me everything just to write this comment. We've become a nation of instant gratification nitwits willing to risk castration, or other serious complications, for a quicker recovery plan. At least wait until there is A LOT more data and studies on triptorelin before you decide to experiment. In the meantime, stick with Clomid/Nolva, gentlemen. You'll be better off in the long run, i assure you.

Look man did I say I was gone to experiment with anything here?It was just asking if anyone knew anything about the peptide as just a knowledge based thing .Get off your high horses please as it is a bit annoying.Stick with clomid or nolva ..Really.. wtf lol.You have become a nitwit swimming in instant gratification not me.So think of what your saying when you write that bullshit.
Look man did I say I was gone to experiment with anything here?It was just asking if anyone knew anything about the peptide as just a knowledge based thing .Get off your high horses please as it is a bit annoying.Stick with clomid or nolva ..Really.. wtf lol.You have become a nitwit swimming in instant gratification not me.So think of what your saying when you write that bullshit.

Im not even sure how to respond to that comment, so i think i'll just say good luck.
Look man did I say I was gone to experiment with anything here?It was just asking if anyone knew anything about the peptide as just a knowledge based thing .Get off your high horses please as it is a bit annoying.Stick with clomid or nolva ..Really.. wtf lol.You have become a nitwit swimming in instant gratification not me.So think of what your saying when you write that bullshit.
Look man did I say I was gone to experiment with anything here?It was just asking if anyone knew anything about the peptide as just a knowledge based thing .Get off your high horses please as it is a bit annoying.Stick with clomid or nolva ..Really.. wtf lol.You have become a nitwit swimming in instant gratification not me.So think of what your saying when you write that bullshit.

So you just shitted on 2 ppl trying to help you and you expect others to help now? Get a grip on your sensitivity levels and re-read what was written. Nothing was disrespecting you which the same can't be said for you.
Wasn't asking for help that was the point which im not really sure you understand.To put it in simple terms it was like hey what do you think of "that"?Not im going to do this ....never mind.
Wasn't asking for help that was the point which im not really sure you understand.To put it in simple terms it was like hey what do you think of "that"?Not im going to do this ....never mind.

And Dr. Scally and Northern Nutrition gave you answers on "what they think of that".......