GodbullRaw ( us & international raw source)

Why though. I'm sure there is some demand for it. Or there would be if it was offered in the first place.

i say mythical because they are said to exist but where are they?

"The medication has also been marketed in the form of several androstanolone esters, including androstanolone benzoate (brand names Ermalone-Amp, Hermalone, Sarcosan), androstanolone enanthate (brand name Anaboleen Depot), androstanolone propionate (brand name Pesomax), and androstanolone valerate (brand name Apeton), which are provided as oil solutions for intramuscular injection at regular intervals.[37]"
yes, we have DHT

But can you offer any esterified DHT?

Several esters of dihydrotestosterone (DHT; androstanolone, stanolone) have also been marketed, including the following:[8][9]

Androstanolone benzoate (Ermalone-Amp, Hermalone, Sarcosan)
Androstanolone enanthate (Anaboleen Depot)
Androstanolone propionate (Pesomax)
Androstanolone valerate (Apeton)

Never marketed

The following esters of DHT have not been marketed:[8][9]

Dihydrotestosterone acetate
Dihydrotestosterone butyrate
Dihydrotestosterone formate
Dihydrotestosterone undecanoate
But can you offer any esterified DHT?

I would just make a cream. Topical administration sort of works like esters, you don’t receive the full dose all at once due to the limitations of skin permeability rates. What are you trying to accomplish?
You might even be able to extend the release by layering a few pieces of gauze with a blot of cream on each one . Then cover it with one of those plastic waterproof wound coverings. Just throwing out some ideas
I would just make a cream. Topical administration sort of works like esters, you don’t receive the full dose all at once due to the limitations of skin permeability rates. What are you trying to accomplish?

Just curious how real DHT would compare to the derivates. I saw a few anedoctal reports that made it sound interesting. And makes me wonder why it's not more popular.
Just curious how real DHT would compare to the derivates. I saw a few anedoctal reports that made it sound interesting. And makes me wonder why it's not more popular.

My anecdotal report is that it sucks. It makes you irritable and pissed af. Increases body hair if that’s a desirable thing.
I don’t want to fill the thread up with unrelated topic, feel free to pm me about dht I have experimented with it extensively

I appreciate that. Actually i thought about creating a thread about DHT / DHT ester experiences, there are probably more people interested in this.
i prefer personal user choose international pack, risk little on custom side, domestic pack only for labs
Can you ship within mainland China? All sources seem to chicken out, but they're selling SARMS on TaoBao from questionable sources. Even the gym bros are still shipping out, but now just have stickers with "for animal use only."
Just curious how real DHT would compare to the derivates. I saw a few anedoctal reports that made it sound interesting. And makes me wonder why it's not more popular.
I’ve been wanting to try a topical DHT for many years. I think it would be perfect for preworkout and pre sexy time. I think it would be the best option of everything if you can make a good mix.

Theres a lengthy thread on here about making your own DHT topical. I’m just not much of mix-master/brewer myself. But if someone offered a topical DHT, I’d give them my money.