Going to try a very lite PCT during 2 on 4 off cycle


New Member
I decided to run the following 2 on 4 off cycle after reviewing articles by Bill Roberts along with some long threads from 2009 and 2012 primarily driven by realgains.
I chose the 2 week on 4 off format because I have noticed I tend to gain more fat towards the end of a bulk and lose more strength towards the end of a cut with or without gear.
I am currently on day 15 of the cycle but have decided to push pct to day 16 to allow for better clearing of test p. I gained 6 lbs in the 2 weeks which seem to be fairly lean.
Cycle consumed 10ml testp(100), 10ml mastp(100) 700mg var.

day 1 225mg testp, 225mg mastp, 50mg var
day 2-11 75mg testp, 75mg mastp, 50mg var
day 12-14 50mg var
day 2-14 .5mg adex eod
day 15 rest
day 16 150mg clomid, 60mg nolva
day 17-24 25mg clomid, 10mg nolva

planning blood work around day 40 to see if all is well an if I am in shape to do it again.

Cosumed 600 to 800 cals surplus day 1 - 14, Plan on a 300 cal deficit day 15-42.