GP Nolva: 30 tabs too little for pct? :/


New Member
:cool: Sup brahs. I recently finished a cycle of Test E at 500mg a week for 10 weeks and it is 2 weeks since my final pin so I just did my first serving of nolva (from geneza). 40 mg/ 2 tablets.

I noticed before my cycle that the pack of nolva I got had only 30 tabs at 20mg per tab. This wouldn't be enough for the standard pct protocal of
it would only be enough for 40/20/20
when I realized this I ordered more from my guy, (before beginning cycle) along with some dbol. My guy never got back to me. Needless to say he's not my guy anymore.
So my question is would running nolva at 40/20/20 be ok? I have some proviron to run after that as well.
Three weeks is not enough!!! You may have to hit up an RC shop for a quick fix. I also recommend that you add clomid. Although, you ran a somewhat mild cycle of just 500mg test e. Depending on your pre-cycle test levels, you may not be shutdown as hard. 4 weeks of just nolva may be good enough but why not add clomid just in case?

Also, wait three weeks from last pin of Test E or C, not two. If the ester has not yet cleared your system, the SERMs would be good for nothing other than preventing gyno. For my Test E cycles, I like to start Test Prop a week after my last E pin and ride out the last two weeks. This will allow you to retain gains all the way until you start PCT. You can start two days after last Prop shot. Just my two cents.

I would add some more or as EBK says add clomid. That is a moderate cycle and depending on history and age may be enough but why risk the boys.

I ran nolva 20/20/20/20 I also ran clomid 50/50/50 and this after a about a 3 week blast of HCG 1000iu E3D. all reliable rx products.

Will have do bloods in 2 weeks and they should tell if protocol worked
agree with everyone. why risk it. buy more nolva. it's cheap and easily available. my PCT is typically nolva 40/40/20/20 + clomid 50/50/50/50

then blood test after a month to make sure everything is back to normal
Three weeks is not enough!!! You may have to hit up an RC shop for a quick fix. I also recommend that you add clomid. Although, you ran a somewhat mild cycle of just 500mg test e. Depending on your pre-cycle test levels, you may not be shutdown as hard. 4 weeks of just nolva may be good enough but why not add clomid just in case?

Also, wait three weeks from last pin of Test E or C, not two. If the ester has not yet cleared your system, the SERMs would be good for nothing other than preventing gyno. For my Test E cycles, I like to start Test Prop a week after my last E pin and ride out the last two weeks. This will allow you to retain gains all the way until you start PCT. You can start two days after last Prop shot. Just my two cents.

Damn. Thanks for the replies guys. I wonder why they even sell them in packs of 30.