Guidance on gauge size and technique


New Member
I'm getting ready to do my first cycle of Tren. I bought some disposable syringes from Walgreens but they are Insulin 29 gauge and too small. They're too small to draw from the vial. I practiced with a glass of water and it worked, but apparently the Tren is too thick to get through the syringe.

After reading some posts on here it seems people are using anything between 20 - 25 gauge.

Couple Questions:

~What size gauge do you use or recommend for a Tren ACE (it's a hybrid that is used in mixed martial arts) ?

~I'm doing 1 cc either 1x or 2x a week. Do you think a 1" needle is sufficient?

~Where is the best place on the body to inject this size needle?

~I'm going to try WalMart ... what do I say at the pharmacy? I don't want an Insulin needle per se... should I just ask for a 22 gauge (lets say) 1" hypodermic needle?

I'm just feeling a lil uncomfortable going to the store. I want to find out what I like before I order online.

Thanks in advance
in some states i think u need a doctor's prescription for syringes. if ur under 20% bodyfat at 5'10", 1" should be fine for dorso-gluteal injections, aka the upper-outer quadrant of either buttcheek. that is the most forgiving injection site, but if u have a big fat ass u may want to consider a 1.5" needle.

if ur new to injecting, i wouldn't go any thinner than a .23ga needle, i use a .25 1.5" but the effort is greater when ur twisted around n injecting urself...u want to keep a very steady hand, and be thoroughly sterile.

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good luck.
I'm getting ready to do my first cycle of Tren. I bought some disposable syringes from Walgreens but they are Insulin 29 gauge and too small. They're too small to draw from the vial. I practiced with a glass of water and it worked, but apparently the Tren is too thick to get through the syringe.

After reading some posts on here it seems people are using anything between 20 - 25 gauge.

Couple Questions:

~What size gauge do you use or recommend for a Tren ACE (it's a hybrid that is used in mixed martial arts) ?

~I'm doing 1 cc either 1x or 2x a week. Do you think a 1" needle is sufficient?

~Where is the best place on the body to inject this size needle?

~I'm going to try WalMart ... what do I say at the pharmacy? I don't want an Insulin needle per se... should I just ask for a 22 gauge (lets say) 1" hypodermic needle?

I'm just feeling a lil uncomfortable going to the store. I want to find out what I like before I order online.

Thanks in advance

Judging from this post, you are no where NEAR ready to use AAS. I would highly recommend reconsidering what you're about to do before you seriously screw up your body.
I'm getting ready to do my first cycle of Tren. I bought some disposable syringes from Walgreens but they are Insulin 29 gauge and too small. They're too small to draw from the vial. I practiced with a glass of water and it worked, but apparently the Tren is too thick to get through the syringe.

After reading some posts on here it seems people are using anything between 20 - 25 gauge.

Couple Questions:

~What size gauge do you use or recommend for a Tren ACE (it's a hybrid that is used in mixed martial arts) ?

~I'm doing 1 cc either 1x or 2x a week. Do you think a 1" needle is sufficient?

~Where is the best place on the body to inject this size needle?

~I'm going to try WalMart ... what do I say at the pharmacy? I don't want an Insulin needle per se... should I just ask for a 22 gauge (lets say) 1" hypodermic needle?

I'm just feeling a lil uncomfortable going to the store. I want to find out what I like before I order online.

Thanks in advance

Tren acetate is "a hybrid that is used in mixed martial arts"?[:o)] You'd better go back to WalMart, do not pass "Go", do not collect $200, do not hang around the men's washroom, do mix your fonts, and do not touch any AAS until you learn something about them. You know, read.

Judging from this post, you are no where NEAR ready to use AAS. I would highly recommend reconsidering what you're about to do before you seriously screw up your body.

Oh get a grip... I've been training for over a decade.. I know my body. I have a good source and am confident that I can take this shit once or twice a week to help me cut down to MW. THe fighter I got this shit off of has already done it.... my friend got it for me and I didn't ask enough questions. You don't know what Tren ACE is, obviously...

I love how people on Internet forums act like their in a friggin' sewing circle. Awww... I can't be part of your club????!!!! bahahaha tard

if you don't have any advice on gauge size get lost
Tren acetate is "a hybrid that is used in mixed martial arts"?[:o)] You'd better go back to WalMart, do not pass "Go", do not collect $200, do not hang around the men's washroom, do mix your fonts, and do not touch any AAS until you learn something about them. You know, read.


um, that goes for you too tardnuckle... I thought I'd drop a post and see if there's any cool posters in here......

you obviously don't know the fight-game.
Big Ups

You sir, are a fucking idiot. I hope you get an abcess and die.....slowly.

Both the above members UNLIKE YOU, know exactly what Tren ACE is. It's trenbolone Acetate, trenbolone being the drug, and acetate being the "ester" or time release mechanism. It's not a fucking hybrid, you idiot fighter.

It's just tren, and you're a fucking idiot if you run it by itself. Have fun, using AAS to "cut" you fucking cheater. Why do you need to use AAS to CUT WEIGHT? Diet and training should be enough by itself. You've just joined the best forum on the web to learn about AAS and managed to insult two of it's most knowledgeable members, who posted in an effort to keep you from hurting yourself. You don't have a fucking clue!! OBVIOUSLY.

Learn by yourself no one here is gonna help you anymore

[:o)][:o)]it's tren ace, I think it's some kinda hybrid or something[:o)][:o)]
bwaahahahahaha Stupid fucking hillbilly

pin your tren, you'll get hugh strength gains, (at least while your on cycle)

OH ya. enjoy the night sweats and dreams, of course the dreams will only come IF you can sleep, And you might wanna research gynocomastia, look at some pics. R-E-A-D

BTW, I feel bad for being so hard on you earlier. If you REALLY wanna cut. I mean TOTALLY RIPPED SHREDDED, and STRONG AS AN OX. You should go take about 100mg of Winny EVERY DAY. Shit will MELT THE FAT OFF YOU seriously bro. It's WAY better than tren. Winny is a hybrid between 2 other kinds of steroids, and it's THE SHIT. You don't have to do cardio or anything, it's some super-shit. Around here we call it the steroid of the God's, look into it, bigups.
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Big Ups

BTW, I feel bad for being so hard on you earlier. If you REALLY wanna cut. I mean TOTALLY RIPPED SHREDDED, and STRONG AS AN OX. You should go take about 100mg of Winny EVERY DAY. Shit will MELT THE FAT OFF YOU seriously bro. It's WAY better than tren. Winny is a hybrid between 2 other kinds of steroids, and it's THE SHIT. You don't have to do cardio or anything, it's some super-shit. Around here we call it the steroid of the God's, look into it, bigups.

While its funny your saying this I would like to post a disclaimer to those readers out there who do not know any better... He is fucking with this guy... DO NOT try this at home...

BUT... if you are a cock sucking know it all it is the truth!

BTW... Jeton, thanks for the visual! ;) very good taste my friend.... It reminds me of an old saying...

IF you stand them on their heads... they all look like sisters... [:o)]
Tren Ace "once" or "twice" a week??? Good luck with the sides bro!!![:o)]

I was worried that pinning tren ace and prop EOD was not enough and have decided to do ED injections. I can't imagine the fluxuation of test levels with an acetate ester injection of only once or twice a week.

Or, maybe because it's a "hybrid" it gets more Miles Per Gallon and will last longer[:o)]

Please save your "tard knuckle" and "sewing circle" bullshit for a "fight game" forum. Most of the Senior members here are extremely knowledgeable and are willing to help you out a great deal if you don't act like an asshole and for the most part know what you are talking about

I know I'm new here, so my opinion probably doesn't get much weight, either, but I agree with these guys. Just give yourself four months or so to research, bigUps... there's no fucking point in sticking yourself wrong and not being able to walk for two weeks or worse cause an abscess and need to go to the hospital. Last time I checked, chicks weren't into large parts of your ass getting chopped off because you made a dumb mistake with a needle.
well.. you're Canadian... you're at least a Socialist.

Yeah, calling ACE a "hybrid" was incorrect.. still don't understand why goofballs troll forums and don't offer up salient advice.

I would never turn to this stuff full-time... body builders are the easiest guys in the world to tap out.. they have no mobility and constantly get hurt. All the guys that do mma and hit the needles hard get hurt all the time.

I asked about body part locations because I roll jiu jitsu and you can't inject in your ass frequently... you need to be able to roll on your ass frequently.

I ordered 22 gauge online and will go with that...

I'm not the least bit worried about doing 1cc of Tren ACE once maybe twice a week.

Thanks for the help :rolleyes:
Do you understand ANYTHING.

there are two forms of trenbolone

Acetate has a 3-4 day half life, it MUST be injected every other day, or every day, in order to keep blood levels stable.

Enanthate is the other form and can be injected once a week.

God man, either learn something about juice, or just stay clean. You shouldn't have to cheat to win MMA, I know a lot of guys who don't cheat and are competitive.
Wow, I will be the first to admit that I have much to learn about AAS but I have enough common damn sense to research shit before I use it. I've been planning on a Test P and Tren A cycle for a LONG time. Try like a year of research (partly because I am converting from pellets). This isn't my first cycle but I still make damn sure I'm doing this stuff correctly.

This guy has done absolutely NO homework! It doesn't take much research to know that a slin pin is too small for these oils. I'd love to see what his PCT regimen is. I highly doubt he has one or even knows what PCT stands for. His hormones are going to be on a damned rollercoaster pinnin that shit once or twice a week!

If your such a badass and you've been training for years then you should be used to the ups and downs with your weight. Cutting should be second nature to you.
I'm not the least bit worried about doing 1cc of Tren ACE once maybe twice a week.

Thanks for the help :rolleyes:

Ohhh... don't worry guys he's only going to do 1 cc a week.

Lol do you understand ANYTHING? so how is that TA dosed? 25mg per ml? 50? 75? 1cc is just the volume of the oil smartguy. If you don't know how much active ingredient is in your product then you have no idea how much TA you are putting in your body.
Ohhh... don't worry guys he's only going to do 1 cc a week.

Lol do you understand ANYTHING? so how is that TA dosed? 25mg per ml? 50? 75? 1cc is just the volume of the oil smartguy. If you don't know how much active ingredient is in your product then you have no idea how much TA you are putting in your body.

I trust my source... he's the same size as me and we do the same training.

now get lost

"umm, I don't know shit. I have NO IDEA, what i'm injecting in my body, but don't tell me I'm wrong, get lost" LOL

I trust my source... he's the same size as me and we do the same training.

now get lost

If he's so great then why in the hell did he let you buy slin pins? Or in fact, why in the hell are you asking us if he is the all knowing Tren Ace god?


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