Gyno after tren


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10+ Year Member
So I just got done w tren ace and prop. Back to a cruise of test e.

While I was on tren my estrogen spiked and started to notice signs of gyno. I hit a-dex a little harder 1mg a day for 2 days and .5mg Ed after. That seemed to get me stable again. But I still notice a tiny lump that when I squeeze it hurts.

How can I get rid of it? I have adex, a-sin, clomid, nolva on hand.
If all else fails, letro for reversal.

How much test were you taking in comparison to the tren?
So I just got done w tren ace and prop. Back to a cruise of test e.

While I was on tren my estrogen spiked and started to notice signs of gyno. I hit a-dex a little harder 1mg a day for 2 days and .5mg Ed after. That seemed to get me stable again. But I still notice a tiny lump that when I squeeze it hurts.

How can I get rid of it? I have adex, a-sin, clomid, nolva on hand.

Start Nolva at 40mgs/day now!!
If all else fails, letro for reversal.

How much test were you taking in comparison to the tren?

Was for a competiton

First week
500mg test
50mg eod tren

Week 2
500mg test
75mg eod tren

Week 3
350mg test
100mg eod tren

Week 4
250mg test
100mg eod tren.
Was for a competiton

First week
500mg test
50mg eod tren

Week 2
500mg test
75mg eod tren

Week 3
350mg test
100mg eod tren

Week 4
250mg test
100mg eod tren.

Thats not what I thought you were going to say as far as your doses. Are you sure you had legit tren? Regardless, do what johnny saidand if that doesnt work get some letro. The longer you have it the harder reversal will be.
Yea I labmaxed it and it lit the fuck up. What doses did u think I was gonna say'?

I just re read your doses and your tren was eod. The tren was pretty low in comparison to the test to start. This could be complete bullshit what Im about to say and anyone can correct me if Im wrong. But my theory in this situation is that because tren has a higher affinity to bind to the androgen receptor than test you had a higher conversion to estrogen. Heres one link and theres a ton more out, sorry I couldnt find any real medical or bill roberts reports on this theory.

I just re read your doses and your tren was eod. The tren was pretty low in comparison to the test to start. This could be complete bullshit what Im about to say and anyone can correct me if Im wrong. But my theory in this situation is that because tren has a higher affinity to bind to the androgen receptor than test you had a higher conversion to estrogen. Heres one link and theres a ton more out, sorry I couldnt find any real medical or bill roberts reports on this theory.

This was my first run w tren so I wanted to start low and build up. But it got my estro to shoot through the roof. Maybe next time I'll run lower test. Like 250 test and 350 tren.
This was my first run w tren so I wanted to start low and build up. But it got my estro to shoot through the roof. Maybe next time I'll run lower test. Like 250 test and 350 tren.

Like I said it could just be a broscience theory. I always run tren higher and really like it, I never get sides or anything. Hope it gets better.
I would stay at 40 until it's gone.

I'm pretty unclear on the prolactin issue. Some say it's a by-product of high estro. And if u control estro u control prolactin.

Others say one doesn't have to do w the other.

What's ur stance? I bought caber anyway for my npp run.
Dont use letro. Use raloxifene or tamoxifen. Preferably raloxifene at 60mg/day , if not tamox at 40mg/day for one week followed by 20mg/day after that.
It makes non sense to systemically crash your e2 (not to mention its unhealthy and uncomfortable as hell) when you could handle the issue at the site where it actually occurs, the e recptor in breast tissue.
I bought caber anyway for my npp run.
I could be wrong, but ive read lots of threads where people say gyno is gyno, and if you take an AI it will take care of the gyno, so it wouldent matter if you got it from trenbolone, nandrolone, test, you would just need one AI like Aromasin to take care of it all.
Like I said it could just be a broscience theory. I always run tren higher and really like it, I never get sides or anything. Hope it gets better.
Hey guys....trenbolone will not convert to estrogen since it is a 19 nor....your gyno issue is however almost always caused by an elevated estrogen you have any bloods that were done pre and mid cycle? Also were you sensitive in previous cycles? I noticed that you cruise test e...what also then went from a test e cruise to a test prop blast meaning that your test levels spiked hard for at least 10 days or more as the longer Esther e released and the short Esther prop hit quick....this is what probably caused your estrogen spike which led to your gyno.
Anyway I cant speak to letro etc to fix u up....just wanted to clarify the tren aromatization question so you don't blame my best friend Tren.
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Hey guys....trenbolone will not convert to estrogen since it is a 19 nor....your gyno issue is however almost always caused by an elevated estrogen you have any bloods that were done pre and mid cycle? Also were you sensitive in previous cycles? I noticed that you cruise test e...what also then went from a test e cruise to a test prop blast meaning that your test levels spiked hard for at least 10 days or more as the longer Esther e released and the short Esther prop hit quick....this is what probably caused your estrogen spike which led to your gyno.
Anyway I cant speak to letro etc to fix u up....just wanted to clarify the tren aromatization question so you don't blame my best friend Tren.

The tren and prolactin induced gyno myth is brought up at least once a month here.