Gyno after tren

Just checking. I hear shit go back and forth and back and forth. Just curious, when you incorporate test in a cycle with tren ace or npp, whats the ratio you use? Would you run like 500mg test a wk with 400mg npp wk? What about running higher test than tren ace? It will be some time before I run my tren, but Ive heard some controversy about more test than tren will have each compound competing over Androgen receptors, and If you want to let the trens effects really shine, to run it higher than the test. Any truth in that? Most people run like 350mg tren a wk and I cant see running less than that of Test being beneficial other than keeping your E2 up a little.
I read reports on natural ways to control prolactin levels and what i found was 300mg vitamin b6 and 300mg vitamin e ed were shown to be effective in controlling prolactin levels in men. I used this while taking both tren a and tren e on different cycles and have never had a problem.....