

New Member
Hey I'm developing gynocamstia and would like to know how to get rid of it or an online site to get letro
Shame on you for not having plenty of SERMS and AI on hand for during and after your cycle. Lesson learned right?? Okay, now you need to get on some Nolva (Tamoxifen) asap!!!!! Also you need to get your estro under control with a good AI. Do some research, Its not hard to find a source for either. Unfortunatley for you, it takes a little time to get the pharm grade stuff, so you may want to try a research chem site. I myself do not use research chems anymore due to the inconsistancies. But I have ran CEM-Meso's liquid Tamox and Stane (Exemestane, Aromasin) with good results. Also the letro batch I got straight put my E2 levels in the dirt. I dont mess with letro unless I am having seroious estro issues, which only happens when running a gram of test stacked with other compounds.

What compounds are you running? And what is your body fat %? These play a factor in gyno.

Hey I'm developing gynocamstia and would like to know how to get rid of it or an online site to get letro
Shame on you for not having plenty of SERMS and AI on hand for during and after your cycle. Lesson learned right?? Okay, now you need to get on some Nolva (Tamoxifen) asap!!!!! Also you need to get your estro under control with a good AI. Do some research, Its not hard to find a source for either. Unfortunatley for you, it takes a little time to get the pharm grade stuff, so you may want to try a research chem site. I myself do not use research chems anymore due to the inconsistancies. But I have ran CEM-Meso's liquid Tamox and Stane (Exemestane, Aromasin) with good results. Also the letro batch I got straight put my E2 levels in the dirt. I dont mess with letro unless I am having seroious estro issues, which only happens when running a gram of test stacked with other compounds.

What compounds are you running? And what is your body fat %? These play a factor in gyno.

Bodyfat is a factor, as is alpha-2-receptors...and Estrogen.
Letrozole + Yohimbine + Cardio will get rid of gyno much faster.
Yohimbine dose @ 15-17 mg a day, depending on tolerance, and can be split up.
Letrozole; fix the dose to w/e works for you depending on bf% and test dosage etc.

Simply put...there are a few people who are developing gyno who need more than just an AI if they want to get rid of it quicker. Even if you ANNIHILATE estrogen completely - it does not guarantee the LOSS of ALPHA-2 receptors...but...for MOST people an AI/SERM combo is sufficient.

You still need to be active and eat right...don't create INSULIN dominance by constant carb intake....the carbs will blunt Yohimbine's effects as well if taken within an hour of each other.
I wasn't taking any I never needed it the all of a sudden big lump under my nipple
And my friend who helps me w my stuff is a sober guy who is not being sober rt now . So I'm just a little lost thank u for ur help
I wasn't taking any I never needed it the all of a sudden big lump under my nipple
And my friend who helps me w my stuff is a sober guy who is not being sober rt now . So I'm just a little lost thank u for ur help

You should really take at least a small dose of an AI as a precaution while on a cycle of aromatizable steroids. If they are all / mostly DHT then you probably won't need one but other than that, every cycle you should carry an AI on hand.
Something like : Testosterone Enanthate, Tren, Deca, Anavar, Anadrol = AI needed.
Something like : Proviron, Test-E, Masteron, Winny, DMZ 3.0 = AI most likely not needed but will be for PCT.
I wish I had some ai or seems from the start but hey is a lesson learned. I've been fighting this gyno from the start, I was taking letro which knocked down the big lump under left nip but it completely wiped out libido. Once lump was gone and estro under control so I thought I started taking ai and nolva. Guess the source wasn't so good cause when I started tne last week wham right back at me. So gotta do this all over again. Going to try great white peptides hope they are ok...