Has anyone brewed Tren E in GSO without it crashing? (without any EO or MCT added)

Hey guys, so I brewed my first batch of Tren E at 200mgs/ml with a 5% OD so 210mgs/ml with 1.5%BA and 18%BB suspended in GSO
I used basskiller's calculator and triple checked all the numbers
the brew was 235mls (I know I shouldn't have brewed this much for the first time brewing Tren E, but I have brewed many other batches of other raw compounds such as Test E, Test Cyp, Deca, and Tren A with no issues in GSO)
Using a magnetic stirrer, I stirred the solution for around 2 hours at 200-230rpm with the temperature of the oil at around 63-67C
After this the solution looked beautifully clear, and since oil filters quicker when it's warm I went ahead and poured it on in without letting it cool to see if it would crash or not (big mistake)
After the Tren E filtered through a .2 micron filter, I dispensed the liquid into the vials. As I was dispensing, I noticed that the oil towards the top of the glass media bottle was easier to draw into the dispensing needle then the oil towards the bottom of the glass media bottle. I attributed this to the temperature of the oil at the time, thinking well as the oil is cooling off it is getting a little more difficult to draw. After all the vials were filled and capped/crimped I noticed at the bottom of the glass media bottle there were some crystals that had formed. Not too many to be super concerned with, but concerning nonetheless. After about 10-20 minutes certain vials began to fall out of solution horribly. Not all of the vials crashed tho, only the ones that I filled last. And I'm beginning to think the Tren E sediment settled at the bottom of the glass media bottle, meaning the vials I filled last are dosed severely different then the vials I filled first which is super fucking annoying. Some of the vials are super crashed, with heaps of crystals at the base of them (i'm certain they are the vials I filled last, as one of them is only 5ml while the rest of the vials are 10ml, and the 5ml vial was filled last), some of the vials are partially crashed, with moderate amounts of crystals at the base of them (I'm guessing this was the mid-range liquid from the glass media bottle), and some of the vials are completely fine (I'm guessing these were the top liquid from the glass media bottle) I didn't notice the Tren crashing until I had dispensed all the liquid into the vials btw.
Anyways so my question is has anyone on here ever brewed Tren E with just GSO and BB and BB with no other form of oil such as MCT or EO? I've done some reading on here about Tren E recipes and it seems the majority of them have EO or MCT oil in them or both especially if there's any GSO thrown in there. Is GSO just not a good carrier oil for Tren E by itself? is 1.5%BA not enough BA for Tren E in GSO? is 18%BB enough? How would you experienced brewers go about fixing this? My plan was to dispense all the Tren E back into a beaker and restir again adding more BB maybe 2-5%more, and possibly more BA, on top of heating the Tren to 75-80C to help it suspend into solution better even tho I've read that you shouldn't really go much above 65C with tren. But honestly I got a feeling that even after these efforts I'll still be left with some crashed ass Tren E.
Someone please put my mind at rest and tell me that you've successfully brewed Tren E using only GSO, BA, and BB. And if so what BB and BB% did you use. Thanks in advance
Hey guys, so I brewed my first batch of Tren E at 200mgs/ml with a 5% OD so 210mgs/ml with 1.5%BA and 18%BB suspended in GSO
I used basskiller's calculator and triple checked all the numbers
the brew was 235mls (I know I shouldn't have brewed this much for the first time brewing Tren E, but I have brewed many other batches of other raw compounds such as Test E, Test Cyp, Deca, and Tren A with no issues in GSO)
Using a magnetic stirrer, I stirred the solution for around 2 hours at 200-230rpm with the temperature of the oil at around 63-67C
After this the solution looked beautifully clear, and since oil filters quicker when it's warm I went ahead and poured it on in without letting it cool to see if it would crash or not (big mistake)
After the Tren E filtered through a .2 micron filter, I dispensed the liquid into the vials. As I was dispensing, I noticed that the oil towards the top of the glass media bottle was easier to draw into the dispensing needle then the oil towards the bottom of the glass media bottle. I attributed this to the temperature of the oil at the time, thinking well as the oil is cooling off it is getting a little more difficult to draw. After all the vials were filled and capped/crimped I noticed at the bottom of the glass media bottle there were some crystals that had formed. Not too many to be super concerned with, but concerning nonetheless. After about 10-20 minutes certain vials began to fall out of solution horribly. Not all of the vials crashed tho, only the ones that I filled last. And I'm beginning to think the Tren E sediment settled at the bottom of the glass media bottle, meaning the vials I filled last are dosed severely different then the vials I filled first which is super fucking annoying. Some of the vials are super crashed, with heaps of crystals at the base of them (i'm certain they are the vials I filled last, as one of them is only 5ml while the rest of the vials are 10ml, and the 5ml vial was filled last), some of the vials are partially crashed, with moderate amounts of crystals at the base of them (I'm guessing this was the mid-range liquid from the glass media bottle), and some of the vials are completely fine (I'm guessing these were the top liquid from the glass media bottle) I didn't notice the Tren crashing until I had dispensed all the liquid into the vials btw.
Anyways so my question is has anyone on here ever brewed Tren E with just GSO and BB and BB with no other form of oil such as MCT or EO? I've done some reading on here about Tren E recipes and it seems the majority of them have EO or MCT oil in them or both especially if there's any GSO thrown in there. Is GSO just not a good carrier oil for Tren E by itself? is 1.5%BA not enough BA for Tren E in GSO? is 18%BB enough? How would you experienced brewers go about fixing this? My plan was to dispense all the Tren E back into a beaker and restir again adding more BB maybe 2-5%more, and possibly more BA, on top of heating the Tren to 75-80C to help it suspend into solution better even tho I've read that you shouldn't really go much above 65C with tren. But honestly I got a feeling that even after these efforts I'll still be left with some crashed ass Tren E.
Someone please put my mind at rest and tell me that you've successfully brewed Tren E using only GSO, BA, and BB. And if so what BB and BB% did you use. Thanks in advance
I know the post is old, but pm me if u still need some answers... glad to help u with some very important tips.
I have done this with no issues, i wonder if the carrier could be at fault and different brands of GSO can play a part in this?
So whats the problem then?
the problem is always the melting point, if u have a magnetic stirrer, then u have to be careful with the melting point of each different compund, its obvious that if u use guaiacol, the melting point will be lower, so be careful with the melting point, and reach it, do not pass it, i mean if test e has a melting point of 45 degrees, then you cannot say i melt it at 25 degrees, it needs its melting point. and dont go above 45 degrees centigrade, because it will crash(cristallization) is the chemical name.

so, if u need help with tren or any other compound, ill be glad to help you, in private, ive cooked
WINS oil n suspension
etc... so be glad to help you
Correct me if I’m wrong, but all the talk of Tren degrading very quickly due to heat, why not use minimal heat, say 100° - 120° F max and let the solvents do the job of dissolving?
Correct me if I’m wrong, but all the talk of Tren degrading very quickly due to heat, why not use minimal heat, say 100° - 120° F max and let the solvents do the job of dissolving?
Because its not just the solvents, its solvents and warm, every compound has its own melting point, and u have to respect it, sometimes u cannot see the crystals even if they are there,and when the solution get to room temperature, it will fall from solution.
one example is oil based winstrol, even if u use guaiacol, you need temperature, 240 degrees centigrade aprox.
There are a lot of theories about pip, and i think it has to do with the temperature at which each compound is taken.
tren wont oxidize with temperature.
Since then I’ve been making tren e
50/50 GSO/MCT
2%BA 20%BB
Adding the BA in at the very end after the liquid cools down and “cold stirring” it into the mix before passing it through the filter
Nothing I’ve made has crashed since then which is good.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but all the talk of Tren degrading very quickly due to heat, why not use minimal heat, say 100° - 120° F max and let the solvents do the job of dissolving?
Overblowm. 20 yrs ago dudes would out their tren and everything in the damn over for 30 mins, W/ Tren you get a darkerr color and maybe it does 'weaken' it but just use the minimum to dissolve (heat wise)
So I just brewed my first batch of TrenE and no issues.

210 mg / ml
didnt go over 40C
heated and magnetic stir at 40 C for 30 minutes then added 2% BA and 20BB. no issues and its been sitting for 24 hours. double filtered.
Tren e is the easiest my friend, problem might be your bb, I use 2/18 everytime, sesame only, mct only and both mixed, I cant say something about gso never tried.
Tren e is the easiest my friend, problem might be your bb, I use 2/18 everytime, sesame only, mct only and both mixed, I cant say something about gso never tried.
So as soon as I switched to MCT, all my problems went away. The particles in my GSO caused all my gear to look fuzzy and over time the fuzziness got worse. So I'm assuming the hormone was attaching to the small particles and over time it got worse and worse.
Didn't want to open up a new thread.
I have problem with my brew of Tren E. No matter how much I stir it does not dissolve. It just stays like a thick dark yellow milky liquid.

200 mg/ml

2% BA
20% BB
78% Miglyol 840