Has anyone considered that Crypto may indeed be the GREAT RESET happening before our eyes..?!?


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Or - is it the antidote and a simple redistribution of wealth without complete market collapse.???

People urged me to get into Crypto back in 2014 what a dumbshit I am today...

The only people loosing money are the people that have bailed. Or people that did not recognize their alt coin purchase was a construct of a complete phantom menace. But hey, you sold your coin to new holder..

Can't everyone see that this is a HIGHLANDER GRADE QUICKENING in which the cycles are now increasing exponentially on track to uniformity across board equality of currencies with value. many bullshit coins will die at that point. Some will always be around. But stability will be found with a credible value.

The biggest question is how much more profit taking is there to do between NOW and the time that Crypto becomes a mainstream accepted currency. And which ones will qualify.

I dont know how anyone can bash crypto when you have brokers like Robin Hood straight up robbing the little men. The irony being that's the last thing Robin Hood stood for... And don't think for a second those shots were not called from WAY UP HIGHER than Robin Hood management.

Is this all the next "tech Bubble" waiting but pop, or is it legitimate?

Some of it I see and Some I don't. I see DogeCoin affiliated with a Space X Musk Rocket that is going to the moon in March to deliver a functional satellite that will tie into the CubeSat array thus bringing the world currency market of Crypto to the furthest reaches and tiniest cracks in the world. This is not the BUSINESS of SpaceX. Its the business of the DogeCoin. Can no one else see a future with a dogebox sitting in peoples homes around the world delivering backing and SHOPPING to the 3rd world like never before? What am I missing..?

Some of these statements are SIMPLE CHALLENGES FOR AN EDUCATION. Someone correct me and give me some guidance..

But something is up. This thing is just now hitting the main stream investing market of Gen X'rs, baby boomers, and silent gens. And there is tons of liquid in those last two.

But there are so many issues are world dollars are getting digitized more and more every day. Is this IN FACT an elaborate scam to move further into a paperless/cashless society>??

And sure the Govt wants it's cut and what a great way to launder contraband cash in order to let uncle Sam get 20% returns on money he never would have seen otherwise, short of legalization. But then the state is in on it too at that point.

But how does crypto maintain its original intended purpose, which is anonymity. And which is what gives most bitcoin its real tangible market value.

There is so much to discuss. But I see alarms sounding everywhere over this thing that appears to be some kind of hybrid combination of a Stock, a currency, and a Commodity all rolled into one.

Is the only way to disarm to Crypto / TO EXPLODE THE DOLLAR??? But the catch there is that the USD does not control the world so in essence which is the potency of this situation.

At what precise point and TIME as crypto manifests as a spendable currency (without first converting it to dollars) do the world Governments start treating it like cash on hand and taxing as same?

What incentives and obstacles will be put in place to prevent businesses from accepting crypto for products and services? Because using your COINBASE Wallet to FIRST convert Crypto to spendable cash for a fee of 2,5% is horseshit. Is both the merchant AND the Customer now paying 2.5% on these transactions?!!??

Should we expect a great wallet heist in the near future>.? Should we never even activate the wallet function on our primary crypto trading brokerage platform in order to eliminate to possibility of this tragedy..?

WILL THE POWERS THAT BE be able to stand another CRYPTO BULL RUN without loosing their shit.?!!!! Because whether individuals profit of loose, more money is being converted to digital dollars every day. Or is it just a trillion dollar piece of shit in a Quadrillion dollar world market???

The only piece to this puzzle that I can not complete is the fact that EVERYONE can not be MILLIONAIRES... Or can they..?

Do the powers that ARE want to disarm the crypto? Or can they not resist the opportunity .? Are THEY even truly behind it.?? After all some secret conglomerate that supposedly invented BiTCOID calling themselves some unknown JAP NAME is kinda fishy to say the least.


Who can educate me...? I'm trying to understand...
Has anyone considered there's nothing secure about crypto and the only people making real money in it are the old guard of finance and the new controllers of information?

It's ridiculous to think otherwise.
The most important step into globalism and new world order is a global currency, especially a digital form that can be added or taken from your account at will based on if you follow the rules. It will be crypto in its current form or whatever final variation is left after regulations.
Considering the shadow banks are investing heavily in buying up property.

Blackrock, vanguard, state street, fidelity....ect are all buying up at top dollar housing.

Crypto investments are easy to collapse if a globalist desires. However land will always be king when it comes to holding value over just about anything else.

Of course land could be a liability if the Globalist seize it or increase taxes to the point you can no longer afford it. Or the globalist could simply devalue the land by building a toxic waste dump next door or building up slums filled with crime.

Like they said "you will own nothing and you will be happy". If they want to take everything for themselves and they pay off enough people they can control every aspect of your life if there's enough mercenaries willing to sell out their own people, which there most certainly are.....we call them cops.

There's a desire for many to join the ranks of those that get rich simply moving money around. I don't think most of us are gonna end up in that category and if everyone did the value of the money would be completely worthless.

Only so many people can be parasites before the system collapses.
Im really not sure even what your saying you seem all over the place but ill address one point you mentioned which is crypto was created for anonymity. I dont really think so, crypto was created originally to serve as a decentralized currency system that cannot be controlled by governments and their central banks as well as international banking systems. Anonymity is a secondary aspect which varies based on what crypto we are talking about but it was never the primary reason satoshi started bitcoin. Satoshis real purpose was made pretty clear by himself when referencing global monetary policies. Bitcoin came to exist on the heels of the 2008 global economic crisis which was triggered by the US sub prime mortgage fiasco that many saw coming but few tried to prevent.

So i wouldnt say the purpose of crypto was anonymity, its purpose originally was decentralization, to remove control and power over currency from the hands of governments who have a history of mishandling that power. A great example in the present is the US government printing incredible amounts of fiat.

What is crypto TODAY? Its all over the place in terms of project purposes. Some cryptos are definitely geared towards anonymity, but theres such a wide spectrum of intended purposes of various cryptos its impossible to define. Originally though, crypto (bitcoin) was about decentralization. In many ways crypto is less anonymous than traditional fiat, and with all the KYC and AML requir3ments of almost all on/off ramp methods combined with the ability to publicly trace everything on the blockchain its generally more transparent than fiat ever was. So not sure id ever say its original purpose was anonymity.
Im really not sure even what your saying you seem all over the place but ill address one point you mentioned which is crypto was created for anonymity. I dont really think so, crypto was created originally to serve as a decentralized currency system that cannot be controlled by governments and their central banks as well as international banking systems. Anonymity is a secondary aspect which varies based on what crypto we are talking about but it was never the primary reason satoshi started bitcoin. Satoshis real purpose was made pretty clear by himself when referencing global monetary policies. Bitcoin came to exist on the heels of the 2008 global economic crisis which was triggered by the US sub prime mortgage fiasco that many saw coming but few tried to prevent.

So i wouldnt say the purpose of crypto was anonymity, its purpose originally was decentralization, to remove control and power over currency from the hands of governments who have a history of mishandling that power. A great example in the present is the US government printing incredible amounts of fiat.

What is crypto TODAY? Its all over the place in terms of project purposes. Some cryptos are definitely geared towards anonymity, but theres such a wide spectrum of intended purposes of various cryptos its impossible to define. Originally though, crypto (bitcoin) was about decentralization. In many ways crypto is less anonymous than traditional fiat, and with all the KYC and AML requir3ments of almost all on/off ramp methods combined with the ability to publicly trace everything on the blockchain its generally more transparent than fiat ever was. So not sure id ever say its original purpose was anonymity.
Respectfully disagreed. Crypto and Silk Road went hand and hand. BITCOIN was born with Silk Road. It was a way to change cash into another form of currency that was not readily traced via Western Union transactions. I stand my my take is that it gained tangent traction from that aspect. Then it soon became a potential nightmare to the powers that be forward.

Bitcoin is the most viable of them all and guess what - IT IS STILL ACCEPTED VIRTUALLY NOWHERE.... With the exception of illegal markets - of course. Unless you want to talk about the wallet aspect of it where they basically manipulated it into having to pay a 2.5% transaction fee on BOTH ENDS, as opposed to classic VISA transactions. A big fat juice SCAM. A crypto wallet DOES NOT VALIDATE crypto as a currency when you are converting that crypto to US dollars prior to exchanging them for goods and services..

Currently, the US Govt is beginning to apply taxation and regulation on crypto as per capital gains. The bitter dementia is that they soon plan to try to tax it like earned income/cash. And yet is has ZERO MARKET VALUE.. I'd go so far as to say that the crypto market is going to be a bust uglier that than even the tech bubble poppin back in the mid-ninties.

REASON? Well crypto has no value outside of illicit transactions. And with govenments now wanting to TAX crypto capital gains minimally, where do you think this is headed?? SO they already KNOW where your money is, and how much is in crypto. How long before they start trying to gain control of the information of WHERE the Crypto is spent? Do you really believe they don't OR Can't already?? The only reason they don't is that they are currently profit taking off of it too, and to realize that the anonymity of crypto is BYE BYE, would kill this market all together.

Like it or not, crypto is a DOLLAR BASED financial instrument. How do we know this? Its because we want our crypto to appreciate SO THAT WE CAN CASH IT OUT TO US DOLLARS. Its ridiculous. It will always be a whore to the dollar. To make the final leap to a valid currency is NEVER going to happen. You can talk about what businesses will accept crypto, if any. But BACK UP and tell me now WHO wants to get their paycheck in crypto. There's you proof its garbage...

Crypto purpose "impossible to define"?? Yea cause it has none other than market eye candy. But lets not discount that any stock traditionally traded is worth no more than what the market THINKS it is. Its all psychology.

More transparent that fiat currency. NO. At least we know fiat currency is being printed out of thin air. Who knows WHAT is going on with the crypto base, who owns it, and who is behind it. I get a big kick out of the last BITCOIN hoorahh "there's" only 10% left available to mine". What the fuck ever... And this horseshit about "mining machines" and the cost of electricity to run them. give me a break what are we talking about the latest Atari 2600's with a fancy noize generator and a rigged power meter attached to them. Come on... Its a computer. Thats the most absurb concept I have ever heard uttered/ Paying money for a light and sound show to falsely legitimize something with no tangible value. GOOD GRIEF..

Show me where all the millionaires are. Show me. Cause everyone can't be one... This is just the pinnacle of the latest manifestation of market pyramidal schemes to which Bernie Madoff would be envious. Probably the greatest of all time. BITCOIN rising to the value of 60K US dollars and with ZERO REAL MARKET PURPOSE... And if you don't think the fat cats that run the world did not get control of this you are dreaming. I would say that back when the 2 FBI agents supposedly "got busted" embezzeling a couple Mil in Bitcoin was probably about the move they made to legitimize it and formal acknowledgement that the powers that be had gained full control over said market. The only think sleezier than the silent govt takeover of FEDEX just before.....

Bitcoin and crypto are going down in history as the biggest cash heist in modern times. A mode to evaporate INFLATED DOLLARS at best. You want to show me proof and validation of any merit to crypto, then show me how to trace the ownership. But you can't right because it's "Blockchain" technology. So no one knows who's involved with it, and a currency that does not even require a printing press to PRETEND to validate it. Crypto's very essence will be the end of what the powers that be decided they should attempt to turn to their advantage.

The FACT that Robin hood is a conglomerate merging crypto with legit company stock trade is so disturbing and if everyone can't see how the market makers just completely destroyed the very purpose these markets were created for, and via manipulation of a legitimate stock transaction.. And in the GameStop debacle - Well that's disturbing...

The king of the hill does not just get dethroned. Nor does he just step asided. He consumes and takes for himself. Thats all that is happening with this bullshit market.
You would love hanging out with Mr. Whale from twitter. Look him up, hes a bearish guy so youd love his posts i take it.

Are you implying bro that bitcoin was started for silk road? Because thats what it sounds like you said. So Satoshi Nakamoto is really some coke dealer?

Will crypto come crashing down? Ya it has before. Will it rise again? Probably.

Do you remember many moons ago so ething called eGold? I do. It was really the first digital currency. Basically youd on ramp to it, the company would buy X dollars of physical gold they stored in a vault in Panama i believe. The value of your account was tied to the value of the gold and fuctuated accordingly. Do you remember how eGold ended? I do, because at the time i owned about $500 of eGold, AKA i owned $500 of gold in a vault in Panama that had a digital equivalent i could digitally send to other users to pay for things. I think this was... shit, maybe back in early 2000s. Well one day the US gov didnt like eGold, they somehow got the rights to seize all the gold in the vault in Panama. Im still waiting for my $500 back. I was never given any option to get it back, the US government stole my money and everyone elses who owned eGold. But eGold was in Panama not the USA, it wasnt in US jurisdiction, and i am a Canadian not an American. How the fuck did the US gov get to seize assets in a foreign country?

I just wanna say, fuck you US gov i want my $500 back!
You would love hanging out with Mr. Whale from twitter. Look him up, hes a bearish guy so youd love his posts i take it.

Are you implying bro that bitcoin was started for silk road? Because thats what it sounds like you said. So Satoshi Nakamoto is really some coke dealer?

Will crypto come crashing down? Ya it has before. Will it rise again? Probably.

Do you remember many moons ago so ething called eGold? I do. It was really the first digital currency. Basically youd on ramp to it, the company would buy X dollars of physical gold they stored in a vault in Panama i believe. The value of your account was tied to the value of the gold and fuctuated accordingly. Do you remember how eGold ended? I do, because at the time i owned about $500 of eGold, AKA i owned $500 of gold in a vault in Panama that had a digital equivalent i could digitally send to other users to pay for things. I think this was... shit, maybe back in early 2000s. Well one day the US gov didnt like eGold, they somehow got the rights to seize all the gold in the vault in Panama. Im still waiting for my $500 back. I was never given any option to get it back, the US government stole my money and everyone elses who owned eGold. But eGold was in Panama not the USA, it wasnt in US jurisdiction, and i am a Canadian not an American. How the fuck did the US gov get to seize assets in a foreign country?

I just wanna say, fuck you US gov i want my $500 back!
Come get it Canadian. ;)
You would love hanging out with Mr. Whale from twitter. Look him up, hes a bearish guy so youd love his posts i take it.

Are you implying bro that bitcoin was started for silk road? Because thats what it sounds like you said. So Satoshi Nakamoto is really some coke dealer?

Will crypto come crashing down? Ya it has before. Will it rise again? Probably.

Do you remember many moons ago so ething called eGold? I do. It was really the first digital currency. Basically youd on ramp to it, the company would buy X dollars of physical gold they stored in a vault in Panama i believe. The value of your account was tied to the value of the gold and fuctuated accordingly. Do you remember how eGold ended? I do, because at the time i owned about $500 of eGold, AKA i owned $500 of gold in a vault in Panama that had a digital equivalent i could digitally send to other users to pay for things. I think this was... shit, maybe back in early 2000s. Well one day the US gov didnt like eGold, they somehow got the rights to seize all the gold in the vault in Panama. Im still waiting for my $500 back. I was never given any option to get it back, the US government stole my money and everyone elses who owned eGold. But eGold was in Panama not the USA, it wasnt in US jurisdiction, and i am a Canadian not an American. How the fuck did the US gov get to seize assets in a foreign country?

I just wanna say, fuck you US gov i want my $500 back!
I don't think Satoshi Nakamoto is a real person. I think it just a name of some kind of silent corporate figment and creation. Kinda like the assholes that built the Georgia Guidestones and all hide anonymously delivering shitty messages to the world...

And yea I am saying crypto was created for illegal trade... The govt is legitimizing it kinda by acknowledging it via taxation. But only because they cant stand not to get a piece of the pie..

You know what gets bookies busted? Its not the illegal business of bookin bets. Its not declaring the money to the govt to be taxed...

Yea I am also not so sure this crypto market is not going to become a big set up for a huge dollar heist to get the inflated money back off the streets. You wait, their be press headlines about some mega hack from N korea stealing all the cryptos from all the folks dumb enough to have it in their digital wallets. BYE BYE GONE with zero recourse. These whales are moving megabux and no one can even say who they are..

Plain and simple. For a bitcoin to be sold, someone has to buy it. HOW DO YOU DOCUMENT THIS MARKET? You can't. Some nerd sitting at a computer working for the powers that be simply toggles the price and outstanding volume down and they keep the money... Its that simple. Who could say different. You can not prove how supply and demand might related to market price in this arena.. How actually transactions apply in real application. The Market Cap moves with the volume and price. Does the NYSE tell you how much IBM is out there on the books at all times.? No. There is a reason for this BS in the crypto market. Its the same reason the encourage everyone to be "HODLERS". They need time to build confidence to recreate the us dollar in terms of the fact that there are really 1/20th the amount of real dollars out there and if everyone called in their marker the market would implode. Crypto thinks it can recreate this only slicker...

Again, if you can tell me who the original owners of a particular crypto are, and show me validation that a coin is a coin, and finite and not repeatable. Thats one thing. But you can't. the funny part is you cant with govt dollars either.

But yes I'm staying in especially on some of these alt stocks worth nothing. Because there is no doubt, be it stock, gold, dollars, or crypto - they are only worth what the market THINKS they are worth. I agree there will be some more surges before the ride is over.

Besides. They are just now gaining the interest on the baby boomers and silent generation - which is where the last liquid money remains in the US. After all, they can't pull in the net until they have em all in there. Might scare em away...

I'll just say I'm skeptical/ But at the same time if a sukka says it has value, then it MUST have value dammit all....

I'm trying not to overthink it while I figure it out. That's how things slip right by ya...
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You know what gets bookies busted? Its not the illegal business of bookin bets. Its not declaring the money to the govt to be taxed...
This is why the drug war will never stop.

When a drug raid is being carried out they don't look for drugs, they look for money.

Crypto even though the government can track it down and confiscate, it slows them down. If someone is crafty and only accepts crypto payments and can hide it and make it really hard to retrieve then that does in fact slow the drug war.

Without the incentive of money and valuables the drug war just isn't worth it.

This is why I recommend those in the business to live very modestly, almost monk like, drive dependable but a cheap vehicle. Make it so the cops are gonna have to work their ass off for every dime.

So if you have thousands of busts and cops only turn up enough money and valuables that amount to practically nothing. This is how we win the drug war or at the very least make it so police departments can't afford all the goodies they get from these busts.