Inflation and EEEVery business out there just has to get the piece and stick it to ya...

finingcokmpanies,, price limits? LOL. this is not the answer. you are right Joe and the whore are trash but liberal policies are not the answer. the answer is more competition, make it easier to own a business, run a business, not all these labor laws. let companies operate at low costs, no minimum wage laws, money wasted on HR, allow people to start. business and compete. under cut their competition and force prices down

I have some news for ya.. A FUKKING 2 LITER OF COKE JUMPED FROM $2.14 all the fukking way to $2.48 today. Now if that dont take that cake right out of OUR MOUTHS... And people still buying it. Get your call options on coke RIGHT FUKKING NOW....

No I beg to differ. MARKET CONTROLS have always been utililized dating back to the Anti-Trust act that started it all. AND THERE IS A REASON FOR IT... Its because GREED and SATAN are one in the same and they both must be held in check..

The problem is that we are now dealing with an international marketplace where businesses are not simply US companies. They are large conglomerates comprised of foreign owners and foreign management. So you can't simply start bashing companies on the top of the hand with a yardstick anymore. This is the primary folly of selling ourselves out like cheap fuking sluts... Plain and simple there are too many political controlling interest involved now.. But I for one would like to see it..

I am using CocaCola as an example here because they are the prime example of the fall of this ROME 2.0... GREED. And just like the business I used to be in - IT IS DRIVEN BY ONE STUPID COCKSUCKER TRYING TO MAKE HIS MARK. He comes up with fukked up ideas and sells them to ignorant greedy boards and absentee stockholders and no one does any extrapolation beyond their wallet.. Its just that simple. I usually happens in 5-7 year cycles and its a trickle down to the end... A quick one at this rate..
one thing ive ealized

Americans hate businesses. Who made your car? You hate them. Who made your food? You hate them. Where did you buy your gym bag? You hate them. Who made the plates at your gym, the treadmill? FUCK THEM RICH FUCKERS!




fucking clown world. without business we would be a third world country. without the poor, your taxes would be lower and there would be less crime, less robbery, less assaults, less rapes, prices would be lower, less inflation



every human is equal, that doctor that performed surgery and said your sick grandmother is no better than the crackhead rapist running around Chicago wearing his crips bandanna. THEY ARE EQUAL GOD DAMNIT, WE ARE ALL EQUAL.. EQUALITY FOR THE WIN..

Now you know how much I am a fan of CAPS and text trickery so I am going to have to read this one closely and start with an A for application...o_O

I'm gong to assume you entire post was facetious and I am going to play along...

The "rich" are not the RICH anymore.. Simply put. There has been a great disconnect that has occurred and due to ROMAN COMPLACENCY. There is simply no other way to put it. If you look at the history of the world the Roman Empire is always a great place to start. ALL THE SIGNS HAVE COME INTO PLACE NOW AND FULLY MANIFESTING. And every empire falls with the finally acts of contracting mercenaries for their armies and normalization of homosexuality and all the worst sins of the flesh. In short the exit of respect for the Bible as the bar for moral code. And thats it.. Game over.. (Work that BOLD too... ;) :) )

I hear what you are saying here and see that you are a fan of the CLOWN WORLD ANECDOTES TOO.. Priceless indeed I love those vids... LOL...

Wait!!! Its not the rich that have 9 inch cocks??? Better recheck that stat because the bottom line is all it takes to be successful in this world is a STANDING HEIGHT of 6'3" or greater. And that is no shit... If you really stop and conceive of what that means it goes straight back to world economic slavery and having a person in charge that is big enough to intimidate others.. PERIOD... As the rest just seems to fall in place for them...

I can make a perfect example of this as small business owned my little men that are not competent to survive in the real world and they hire stupid dogs to work for them. Then the shitbags that they hire turn out to be a destructive lunatic APE and the owner then lacks the Moxy to fire their asses. Its like they just expect their business to run itself in some aspects. Their company then suffers till the entire course is run of this imbecile going thru every single employee with all the misery they can dish out until so many other employees have had enough of this idiot and he is hated to the point that he simply will not return to work of his own volition. Sometimes this never even resolves. It happens every day.. And these are the company owners that care about their small business is the biggest irony. Or cared enough o attempt one. But they have been hand held and spoon fed by this false society, else they would have never managed to open the doors in the first place..

You speak of Equality but in fact that is PRECISELY NOT what a democracy stands for. Inequality in fact drives success. Without front runners there is no one to covet and no one to EMULATE. No one to ASPIRE TO BE...

And to be clear I am the FURTHEST from an anti-government person. But I am the furthest thing from an incompetent govt... And I have pointed out before that the Govt is a DIRECT function of the economy... Plain and simple... And in this REPULIC the Conservatives assert the aggressive programs and run shit so hot that the economy is about to literally implode and catch on fire. And then they don't want anything to do with it and the weak ass democrats can get their feet in the door. Then they come around will bullshit policies that ultimately run just about as long as it takes for society to start barfing up in their mouths. Then republicans see the demand return, and nothing short of the RETARDED DEMOCRATS making complete fools of government, and come back in to restore sanity.... And look around at all the blue haired IDIOTS burning the country down and screaming racial epitaths at their own with overloaded lunacy, and tell me I am wrong. But I do believe we have been infiltrated by outside forces. IN SHORT WHAT I AM SAYING IS THE ONLY REASON WE HAVE LIBERAL DEMOCRATIC GOVERNMENTAL BODIES IS THAT CONSERVATIVES NO LONGER WANT ANYTHING TO DO WITH IT. Dems are weak minded and serve a purpose by design. The problem with it is that they promote the worse of two evils and which is the quickest path to hell. They empower weak ass SLOTH, GLUTTONY, and CHEEP GREED. And when someone's life goal is to outfit their disposable automobile with rims that cost 1/4 of the damnb vehicle, there is a big problem. Make no mistake that HELL is indeed the end of the road regardless. Its just a mitigation of the path to get there is all.... Honestly its the ultimate expression of CHECK AND BALANCE AT THE HIGHEST LEVEL.. But you cant go sprinkling money on your peoples else they will all go over to the casino and blow it all on cigarettes and booze. Living the dream right... Now this is the end game of successful republican conservatives as well. But at least they had a brain did something to earn it.. The only people to argue against this TRUTH AND REALITY are in fact the imbeciles that aspire to live a life of delusional sin...

People are born into their roles FYI. Its only a few rotten apples SQUEEKING SO LOUD in an environment that has been empowered to have the LUXURY to humor them and its spun out of control. And I get a big kick out of the forces in play circling this gender equality card back around full circle with the competitive trannies. LOL they got what that wanted how's it looking now.. Name me one fucking building WOMEN have built. Name me one fucking war they could win against men hand to hand. And thats what the world has forgotten is the BRASS TACKS are where shit starts and ends.. NOW I AM NOT INTENDING TO TAKE THIS on a he-man-woman-hater-event. I am making AN INARGUABLE POINT...!!! And this is the icing on the cake of a society in complete disconnect with reality exhibiting every single sign on COMPLETE LUNACY... As some mysterious force continues to degrade and destroy men putting real men in jail for thinking, acting like, and simply being men.. Go ahead and destroy your strongest fukking morons...

The funniest part of it all is that our err is precisely what Putin has been screaming makes him so disgusted with the west. And many other countries alike. He is merely pointing out the lunacy of going against nature and that path will never succeed. We actually wound up right here where we are as the net result of a poison pill struck to the United States now fully manifesting.. Here is an Ex-KGB agent telling us that they did one of the upper echelon minds that was a part in this nightmare we are now living. The Demoralization of a Nation....

The irony is that he explained this in the 1980's and it was already too late to hear him.... The damage was done..


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I think that if the founding fathers came back for a couple months they would be so sad to see what has happened. They would be like "why haven't you updated the constitution more? This thing wasn't meant to last FOREVER."

Raise taxes, create new tax brackets for very high kncomes AND capital gains and a specific tax for hedge funds and shit.

Completely ban the selling of water rights go any private entity. Water is a public resource.

Make lobbying illegal. Carve out campaign donations based off taxpayer funds. Disallow political ads on TV and radio and shit. Politicians debate the issues and have 10-15 minutes to answer and explain their policies, not this 3 minutes bullshit where they can't even answer the question in the time.

Stop states from competing to provide the bigget tax incentives to companies who open offices there. They make states compete and bend over backwards and fuck them in the ass, goading them with the jobz and the taxez they'll provide.

Drastically cut the overhead and middle management in hospitals, utilities, and schools. Drastically cut executive salaries and bonuses. They can still make millions, but not THAT much.

Make stock buybacks illegal it is price manipulation, and was previously illegal.

Make olden parachutes illegal

Decriminalize drugs entirely

Tax junk and fast food and soda and candy then use that to reduce the price of healthy foods with a direct subsidy on healthy foods and subsidies for farmers to grow more diverse crops and use regenerative and organic farming methods.

Use the money to increase budgets for schools, healthcare (although we may not even need it if we incentive people to eat healthy and diabetes and shit reduces), dental care. Put more money into water treatment to reduce the chemicals and shit in drinking water. This should reduce the mental and physical health issues like cancer other GI issues. I also expect we'd see the trans debate go sway and less homosexual people. I'm not saying either of these are morally wrong but the fact is chemicals affect puberty and development which ffects sexual orientation and gender identity.

Also let's change out education system to make stuff like classic reading (Shakespeare and stuff) optional and encourage kids to take personal finance classes and stuff.

That's not an exhaustive list but it'd a start. We have a lot of potential but the wealth gap and greed is destroying us.

This ^ has to be the stupidest thing I've seen yet

This dumbfuxk says pretty much

"let's control the out of control government, by making the government bigger and putting them in charge of regulating everything"

Yeah, that'll work
The suggestion that we are further right is absolutely laughable.

We are more authoritarian, not further right.

Also LOL about the constitution. They’d be APPALLED at our blatant disregard for the 1st, 2nd, 4th, and 10th amendments.

EDIT: The posted thoughts on education and “vice taxes” show how little you pay attention to what’s already been tried and is actively failing.

Your goal to tax things you dont agree with proves you’re just another flavor of authoritarian. Right, left, what difference does it make whos boot it is.
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The suggestion that we are further right is absolutely laughable.

We are more authoritarian, not further right.

Also LOL about the constitution. They’d be APPALLED at our blatant disregard for the 1st, 2nd, 4th, and 10th amendments.

That comment about "changing the constitution" was written by a leftist idiot that thinks the same people that wrote "give me liberty or give me death" would ban ar 15 rifles to "keep America safe" if they were alive today.

Just an incredibly braindead and indoctrinated idiot. And he's not the ONLY one
That comment about "changing the constitution" was written by a leftist idiot that thinks the same people that wrote "give me liberty or give me death" would ban ar 15 rifles to "keep America safe" if they were alive today.

Just an incredibly braindead and indoctrinated idiot. And he's not the ONLY one
The firearms aren’t negotiable for exactly the things said in this thread. Gtfo out of my life and execute your fuckery over there out of my general vicinity please. :)
Also, to address OP, if you think your local, intermediate, or even moderately big businesses charging more is the issue and not your politicians and big wigs manipulating markets with law and slush funds and literally PRINTING TRILLIONS of dollars you have your angers misdirected.

This situation was created in Washington. Fully. End to end.
when a politician dies, it is a great day. I remember when that old leftist hag RGB cracked. The people of Iran call the us government the world largest terrorist organization and the great satan. The people of Iran are intelligent, unlike the Americans 50% of who are obese.

The left ruined America, socialist pigs
Also, to address OP, if you think your local, intermediate, or even moderately big businesses charging more is the issue and not your politicians and big wigs manipulating markets with law and slush funds and literally PRINTING TRILLIONS of dollars you have your angers misdirected.

This situation was created in Washington. Fully. End to end.
The real question is WHO is tapping the morons they call politicians on the shoulder to run... WHO IS INSTALLING THEM..!

Shit I was out yesterday and I was like let me try a taco bell pizza they all rave about. Decide nahh it was 7 bux. So I ordered a couple tacos. Saw the price was like 4.60 for 2 of those shitty things and just kept on driving by the window. LOL .. I actually think I am going to make a habit of ordering and driving off. It was kinda fun... Just drive around town placing orders and not showing up at the window FOR SPITE... Maybe start a national team of em... God knows they are not paying the fuking employees another god damb dime. So hows that supposed to work? Prices go up but wages lag behind? FOR EVER?? If you haven't looked dont do it now CAUSE ELVIS HAS LEFT THE BUILDING AND THE SHIT IS HITTING THE FAN FOR GOOD NOW...

Two things I note...

First I agree with you. But I also see a failure in corporate America as using all this magic money and it's consequences as a reason to do some serious profit taking. And as long is there is an idiot with money to blow, they will keep on sticking it to us... Apparently.. Again that has something to do with the fact that its no longer "Corporate America".. Its more like 'Corporate World"... This is big on many levels.. You dont really believe China just allows us to devalue the US Dollar and say nothing... Do you?? After all we are getting their resources for our shitty dollars to top it all off. So WHO is the loser..???!!!

My organic milk at walmart just went from $5.60 to 7 bux... Shit is jumping almost daily now. Everything is going to be up 25% before this even slows down.. And forget about a good steak. Filet has gone up from 24bux/lb to over 40bux over the past year or two... So they are being selectively manipulative as well.. Shit I was in a hardware store yesterday and a pack of belt sanding paper has gone up but also I think the quantity of belts inside dropped from #4 to a 2 count. Now tell me thats not some shit. Thats like 150% inflation incurred already...

SHOW ME WHERE THE COST INCREASE IS JUSTIFIED. And the price of Gas dont cut it for an excuse. Shit half the trucks on the roads were probably not full and simple logistical tweaking could take care of half the cost.. Etc, etc....

THEY are trying to FLAT OUT KILL US NOW. Be it by starvation, drug abuse, super high crime, or civil war in the streets. But this administration is out to lunch and someone is getting away with some real evil... I have never seen the white house so incompetent. I really dont think they understand that they are about to sink the middle class. and what that will mean...

Believe me I am not left by any means. But I am not so sure some temporary controls do not need to be put in place. Same as any law against GOUGING... The psychology is as simple as Putin going into Ukraine. The cat is away and the mice are at play. And these cocksuckers are greedy. It goes as high as nobody having to balls to call anyone out... And they are running all over us.. The simple fact that corporations have gone as far as they have is proof that they simply have zero fear of govt regulations, controls, or disciplinary action. Make no mistake THIS HAS NEVER BEEN TRULY FREE ECONOMY. To think that is the equivalent of saying the people can live in peace without cops and hall monitors. Its just dont work like that. We are too fuking stupid, fearful, and inherently compelled by evil....

I am starting to see all this as non-recoverable. Seriously... I think we are heading for the GREATEST DEPRESSION... And they will get their world war to go with it too one way or the other just watch... The problem for them is, And I believe Ukraine is a test, is that folks are just not that stupid as they used to be in terms of fear mongering. The internet has destroyed their power to manipulate purely thru fear. The days of raping a country for absolutely no reason at all with an army or board may be nearing an end. A lthough saying that I understand Putins concern with us arming up on his border for so many years. He just went nutty unfortunately and popped his top. A travesty unfolds. But we can see thru all this that folks are not up to just running around raping, or even being raped. The box is open and there has been too much intercontinental communication already. That door is closing so this means they will have to start some nuclear shit to destroy everything... Unfortunately, the old industrial machine is not going to be called on to crank the shit back up this time. NOt like last time anyway... It will only be on small scale and large military industrial profiteers and that is making no one happy any more.. I mean they may actually just decide to exterminate us. They might have already considering the amount of toxins in the food chain..

The truth is that some dickhead did the math and logic's that the average family spends 1200 bux a month on food. So add 25% to that and its only a $300.00 increase. Well that might look ok on paper to those banking at least 150K between two spouses. But its not really working out as such. ITS JUST WHAT THEY ARE DOING PLAIN AND SIMPLE. And if you examine the logic its down right rotten inception by cold demons that ARE COMPLETELY OUT OF TOUCH and need to be taken out back and SHOT..

YES you are correct it is related to Govt. But mostly due to the fact that ours is absentee. Also the fact that world govts are now in play not only in business but and owners of classically American Corporations now. They are just hitting it from all angles. and its a fuking plan this I guarantee..
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The real question is WHO is tapping the morons they call politicians on the shoulder to run... WHO IS INSTALLING THEM..!

Shit I was out yesterday and I was like let me try a taco bell pizza they all rave about. Decide nahh it was 7 bux. So I ordered a couple tacos. Saw the price was like 4.60 for 2 of those shitty things and just kept on driving by the window. LOL .. I actually think I am going to make a habit of ordering and driving off. It was kinda fun... Just drive around town placing orders and not showing up at the window FOR SPITE... Maybe start a national team of em... God knows they are not paying the fuking employees another god damb dime. So hows that supposed to work? Prices go up but wages lag behind? FOR EVER?? If you haven't looked dont do it now CAUSE ELVIS HAS LEFT THE BUILDING AND THE SHIT IS HITTING THE FAN FOR GOOD NOW...

Two things I note...

First I agree with you. But I also see a failure in corporate America as using all this magic money and it's consequences as a reason to do some serious profit taking. And as long is there is an idiot with money to blow, they will keep on sticking it to us... Apparently.. Again that has something to do with the fact that its no longer "Corporate America".. Its more like 'Corporate World"... This is big on many levels.. You dont really believe China just allows us to devalue the US Dollar and say nothing... Do you?? After all we are getting their resources for our shitty dollars to top it all off. So WHO is the loser..???!!!

My organic milk at walmart just went from $5.60 to 7 bux... Shit is jumping almost daily now. Everything is going to be up 25% before this even slows down.. And forget about a good steak. Filet has gone up from 24bux/lb to over 40bux over the past year or two... So they are being selectively manipulative as well.. Shit I was in a hardware store yesterday and a pack of belt sanding paper has gone up but also I think the quantity of belts inside dropped from #4 to a 2 count. Now tell me thats not some shit. Thats like 150% inflation incurred already...

SHOW ME WHERE THE COST INCREASE IS JUSTIFIED. And the price of Gas dont cut it for an excuse. Shit half the trucks on the roads were probably not full and simple logistical tweaking could take care of half the cost.. Etc, etc....

THEY are trying to FLAT OUT KILL US NOW. Be it by starvation, drug abuse, super high crime, or civil war in the streets. But this administration is out to lunch and someone is getting away with some real evil... I have never seen the white house so incompetent. I really dont think they understand that they are about to sink the middle class. and what that will mean...

Believe me I am not left by any means. But I am not so sure some temporary controls do not need to be put in place. Same as any law against GOUGING... The psychology is as simple as Putin going into Ukraine. The cat is away and the mice are at play. And these cocksuckers are greedy. It goes as high as nobody having to balls to call anyone out... And they are running all over us.. The simple fact that corporations have gone as far as they have is proof that they simply have zero fear of govt regulations, controls, or disciplinary action. Make no mistake THIS HAS NEVER BEEN TRULY FREE ECONOMY. To think that is the equivalent of saying the people can live in peace without cops and hall monitors. Its just dont work like that. We are too fuking stupid, fearful, and inherently compelled by evil....

I am starting to see all this as non-recoverable. Seriously... I think we are heading for the GREATEST DEPRESSION... And they will get their world war to go with it too one way or the other just watch... The problem for them is, And I believe Ukraine is a test, is that folks are just not that stupid as they used to be in terms of fear mongering. The internet has destroyed their power to manipulate purely thru fear. The days of raping a country for absolutely no reason at all with an army or board may be nearing an end. A lthough saying that I understand Putins concern with us arming up on his border for so many years. He just went nutty unfortunately and popped his top. A travesty unfolds. But we can see thru all this that folks are not up to just running around raping, or even being raped. The box is open and there has been too much intercontinental communication already. That door is closing so this means they will have to start some nuclear shit to destroy everything... Unfortunately, the old industrial machine is not going to be called on to crank the shit back up this time. NOt like last time anyway... It will only be on small scale and large military industrial profiteers and that is making no one happy any more.. I mean they may actually just decide to exterminate us. They might have already considering the amount of toxins in the food chain..

The truth is that some dickhead did the math and logic's that the average family spends 1200 bux a month on food. So add 25% to that and its only a $300.00 increase. Well that might look ok on paper to those banking at least 150K between two spouses. But its not really working out as such. ITS JUST WHAT THEY ARE DOING PLAIN AND SIMPLE. And if you examine the logic its down right rotten inception by cold demons that ARE COMPLETELY OUT OF TOUCH and need to be taken out back and SHOT..

YES you are correct it is related to Govt. But mostly due to the fact that ours is absentee. Also the fact that world govts are now in play not only in business but and owners of classically American Corporations now. They are just hitting it from all angles. and its a fuking plan this I guarantee..

The abundance of dollars makes each dollar worth less. That's simple enough to understand when s dollar is technically based on no real world commodity. The dollar is fake anyway.

This gives the government the power to inflate, deflate and manipulate it's value to regulate consumption.

Basically right now the democrat party and Biden administration has inflated the dollar by printing trillions more. This means the corporate debts of their billionaire donors can be paid back by a dollar for dollar exchange with money thats worth less than what they borrowed.

Combine that with massive unregulated immigration to keep wages down and inflation to keep prices high and you've got yourself exactly what they set out to.

They're not incompetent. They just don't care about you. It's the rich corporate globalist billionaire donors they care about and that's who they work for.

Ask that idiot @NorthMich about it. "Orange man bad" is about as deep as that imbecile can think, but he supports democrat party policies.

Money out, money in. Win win for the DNC and Washington DC establishment. They just have to move those trillions of dollars around without anybody seeing where the money is going.

So whallah. Joe Biden and Hunter Biden special friends to the rescue.

The abundance of dollars makes each dollar worth less. That's simple enough to understand when s dollar is technically based on no real world commodity. The dollar is fake anyway.

This gives the government the power to inflate, deflate and manipulate it's value to regulate consumption.

Basically right now the democrat party and Biden administration has inflated the dollar by printing trillions more. This means the corporate debts of their billionaire donors can be paid back by a dollar for dollar exchange with money thats worth less than what they borrowed.

Combine that with massive unregulated immigration to keep wages down and inflation to keep prices high and you've got yourself exactly what they set out to.

They're not incompetent. They just don't care about you. It's the rich corporate globalist billionaire donors they care about and that's who they work for.

Ask that idiot @NorthMich about it. "Orange man bad" is about as deep as that imbecile can think, but he supports democrat party policies.

Money out, money in. Win win for the DNC and Washington DC establishment. They just have to move those trillions of dollars around without anybody seeing where the money is going.

So whallah. Joe Biden and Hunter Biden special friends to the rescue.

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What's most frightening about ARTIFICIAL INFLATION (which is what this is)... Is that there is really no way to tell for sure what will happen... They are actually so inept that they would spin the entire nation into chaos just to cover up their embezzlement. You have to consider WHO they are providing the money to and WHAT they are going to do with it. I suspect this administration is so incompetent that they actually thought a good portion of those receiving funds would just re-invest more money. Or maybe not dig into their 401zzz... But the MARKET MINDSET is what determines what the NET EFFECT any money from air is going to have. Consider the govt is working so God Damn hard at making sure there are reasons in place to justify price increases.. Starting with WHY ARE THERE SHIPS THAT CAN NOT BE PORTED??? Simply because they do not want them to.. Else they would have put stimulus into the transportation markets instead. Instead of breaking those people too. I have talking to people in the trucking business that profess that "all the money is gone" and there is no incentive now to drive.. That's just the tip of the iceberg

Consider the bulk of the money stated as "PRINTED" basically all goes to government interests other than the hands of the people. Good or bad.. It depends... THE TINY AMOUNT that goes in the hands of the American people gets spent and that can cause inflation if the Laws of Supply and Demand were still in effect... But they are not... Do you really think CocaCola saw the shelves emptying out and said, "hey guys we got a real shortage here and we NEED to charge more for it." No its not working like that these guys are just determining market prices based on how much money they can stuff in their wallets and they don't give a shit about supply... They simply got to a point in gross profits as sales volume, in combination with some asshole at home office that convinced everyone to do some profit taking.... But the long and short is that the bulk of the 6 trillion or whatever astronomical amount is pays into government contracts that kick back to the hands that feed them.. Those contracts being the very same people in charge... We are living in the biggest BROTHER-IN-LAW system in all of creation which if ever gets audited would put people in politics 16 feet under the jails where they belong... This current political regime will be dissected and criminally awed for eons to come as one can clearly discern that another difference in repubs and dems must be the level of intelligence as they can't even run a solid scam without looking stupid. They certainly hope you think they are just incompetent buffoons so that you will not be the wiser. And honestly in situations like this the corrupt money makes it so far and wide that there may be no one to call them out... Plain and simple it is the most disturbing PROFIT TAKE of all time in history making the Military Industrial Complex look short sighted. In fact, if you examine classic democrat/republican tit-for-tat, this is exactly what should have been predicted.

Take a moment to consider any of the best and most known charities in business struggle not to steal 75% of the proceeds they receive as donations before giving any to the causes they promise. Then you can start to recognize the depth of the disturbing levels of greed in the US today..

On the cost of goods skyrocketing as a direct effect on the American People... The govt thinks that they can encourage poor business models and help snap up all the shit money off the streets. How do they encourage it?? By the simple fact that they do not Discourage it...! In fact this is part of the smoke screen they are creating. But in essence they are really just trying to put us in poverty and squeeze us till your eyes pop our and you blow yer fukking brains out... I may even expound with some business modeling with financial statements at some point in this thread using CocaCola as my model in order to elaborate at some point. The bottom line is the difference in DEMOCRAT AND REPUBLICAN is not the degree of greed, its the degree of incompetent short sightedness. As they destroy the fucking country or what is left of it... After all who is left to point a finger when everyone that matters gets paid...

Keep in mind FIRST there have been modes of printing money since the dawn of time right under our noses. Consider WICK and FOOD STAMPS. Do you really think their is a liability on the other side of any govt financial statements to balance this? At least one that remains evident once you get to the top of the food chain in financial statements... No- that is another way to generate CASH from THIN AIR... Hell that money never sees the form "CASH". Nor did any goverment stimuluses either for that matter when you consider the degree of digital banking going on today. Still it does manifest in some form or other for many...

@Hughinn - "the power to inflate/deflate, etc..". Yes but they let a tiger out of the cage and one they were not expecting in that a good proportion of the money the people markets saw most likely went unexpectedly to illegal contraband trade. Because that's the newest common gift to ourselves that keeps on giving in shit times. And just the icing on the cake to their opioid regulations and attempts to destroy the working fabric of the country.

Yes they are planning to water down the US labor market with illegal immigrants. They just did not stop to realize that letting folks in that can't simply go home to Mexico for the winter is a stupid fukking brain fart. There is a big difference in having our neighbors from Mexico pop in and out, and others from way further down south that dont plan to leave. That money goes a long way to those that can go live cheap at home. How far does chump change got for folks living here in this inflated THUNDERDOME...?!

And YOU are correct in that they don't care about us. Only they do not work for "THEM".. THEY ARE THEM....

The icing on the cake being Bidens grand plan to enable the IRS to terrorize the nation. Even better he probably plans to attack corporate America first. He just did not get the memo that they are all on the take already.. I wont even get into his exorbitantly incompentent student loan payoffs. The banks will just find a way to charge them more money. At least they had the sense to change to qualifications for repayment amounts. Put everyone on the ETERNAL PAYMENT PLAN. As the water just churns now...

On Trump yes I get a kick out of people so polarized against him. I have a lot of concerns about him myself and he is incredibly incompetent in politics. He is also the sort to take the gloves off in a business type manner that is not becoming politics and brings shame to the game and in the worst of ways. Granted he is only countering their games. But someone has to stand up and say enough bullshit is enough. Still most American people today and so fuking stupid that they cant see the forest thru the trees. Hell they cant even tell you what a forest is.. While Trump is the least of two evils, the fact that the republican party wants nothing to do with government is down right scary.. And they are simply laying down selfishly awaiting this demoncrat nightmare to scatter so much SHIT in the water that everyone is begging them to come back. That was wrong...

So wrong that the most obvious incursion into US politics... The fact that the Bidens have business interest directly in Ukraine which basically leaves them suspect to COMPROMISE BY INTERNATIONAL BLACKMAIL & EXTORTION is just disturbing to the core. Especially in terms of a potential WW3 looming and related.. Europe has thrown their economy in chaos over all this as well. And when in fact the US is the sole reason for the war and our attempts to weaponize Ukraine over the past 2 decades. Funny how that sole reason for Putins incursion never even comes up for discussion.. This has a real chance of circling back around on the US as some serious animosity from our European allies if anyone ever stops to think...

So muddy the water from every angle possible. At the end of the day all they see is people driving around aimlessly wasting resources and causing trouble and they figure as long is there is money out there to do that, then there must be too much out here. They are just too stupid to see that part of the reason for this is driven by failed govt policy. Policy that has been left in place for 50 years now just to keep the peasants appeased and at bay.. A country full of Gen X morons and incompetents created by their greed and starved us to failure. They can't kill Gen X off fast enough... They probably dream about it at night...

Every fucking family in this country is a pink slip or a few more shitty checks away from complete disaster... And once one wheel falls off the whole fuking thing breaks.. Shitbags...

Anyone can say and do as they please. But the fact remains that we are a ship adrift with no one at the helm. Actually worse because those driving would find the only iceberg in the whole damn ocean and hit it...
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The abundance of dollars makes each dollar worth less. That's simple enough to understand when s dollar is technically based on no real world commodity. The dollar is fake anyway.

This gives the government the power to inflate, deflate and manipulate it's value to regulate consumption.

Basically right now the democrat party and Biden administration has inflated the dollar by printing trillions more. This means the corporate debts of their billionaire donors can be paid back by a dollar for dollar exchange with money thats worth less than what they borrowed.

Combine that with massive unregulated immigration to keep wages down and inflation to keep prices high and you've got yourself exactly what they set out to.

They're not incompetent. They just don't care about you. It's the rich corporate globalist billionaire donors they care about and that's who they work for.

Ask that idiot @NorthMich about it. "Orange man bad" is about as deep as that imbecile can think, but he supports democrat party policies.

Money out, money in. Win win for the DNC and Washington DC establishment. They just have to move those trillions of dollars around without anybody seeing where the money is going.

So whallah. Joe Biden and Hunter Biden special friends to the rescue.

View attachment 172729
Very relevant photo, albeit photoshop. But it is very relevant and when you think about the meaning it becomes not fun at all.
Lol dude Marxists are not in power right now. We have had decades and decades of politics and politicians slidingbfurther and further rightm what uses to be centrist is now left wing. And what used to be far right is just regular right.

Look at the tax brackets over the last 100 years and look at the wealth gap. that says it all right there.

Communism doesn't work for the same reason our American republican and other actual democracies don't work: the people who want to be in power are almost always corrupt shitbags that are driven by green. Good people don't get into politics lol

We haven't had an ACTUAL liberal president in decades. The fact is that is we REDUCED the wealth gap everyone would be better off and the US would be in a much better place in the world. But instead we are losing our talent to a shitty, underfunded education system, a bloated military and higher education system, and offshore jobs to make a country thay is simply going to be the rich and the poor. Or if you want trump to be the king/dictator like he wants to be, then we can go allll the way back to the nobles and the serf system.

Meanwhile the left has been hijacked by people who think gender rights are the most important issue in the world.

But really both sides are just squabbling to pander to their bases getting to keep us divided so they can keep the rich rich and getting richer.

I don't get why it is such a crazy idea to tax earnings over 1 million dollars at 50% or over 2 million at 75%. Like wtf, those people will STILL be rich, they will STILL be able to have an incredible house and nice cars, but oh maybe they won't be able to buy a 50 million dollar yacht. Who gives a shit?- if that money puts people through school and rids us of the homeless problem and fights climate change and gives teachers benefits etc , then that's well worth it. Call me a radical socialist all you want I dont care. That isn't socialism. people still get financially rewarded for working hard.bthey can still make millions, but maybe let's make it harder to be a billionaire and a little easier to "lift yourself up by your bootstraps". People do work hard as fuck and they gonowhere and have no hope.
I like your post. But just adding..

As far as your last paragraph goes. They used to call that a TAX SHELTER. But that has become too "In your face" with the advent and proliferation of the INTERNET...

Just saying it looks punishing ON PAPER. But then again all those bazillionaires including the new Apple CEO Tim Cook gave up "all his money to charity". L..... O....... L......... they smoked that one out already tho...
sorry I can't read that long post you may need meds no offense, but for the most part right. Communism, marxism, leftist policies, trying to make everyone equal, life sucks in a marxist society. only when the us government gets what they have coming will it ever be better. the marxist pigs are in power and their useful idiots cheer them on
As I am re-saddling up these days I actually realize the the correct answer is that it is YOU that needs MEDs to keep up...:) And ditto no offense...
As I am re-saddling up these days I actually realize the the correct answer is that it is YOU that needs MEDs to keep up...:) And ditto no offense...
99% of your posts are political, just like Hughinn. Do you even seriously lift and use steroids because if not, go find a political forum.