The abundance of dollars makes each dollar worth less. That's simple enough to understand when s dollar is technically based on no real world commodity. The dollar is fake anyway.
This gives the government the power to inflate, deflate and manipulate it's value to regulate consumption.
Basically right now the democrat party and Biden administration has inflated the dollar by printing trillions more. This means the corporate debts of their billionaire donors can be paid back by a dollar for dollar exchange with money thats worth less than what they borrowed.
Combine that with massive unregulated immigration to keep wages down and inflation to keep prices high and you've got yourself exactly what they set out to.
They're not incompetent. They just don't care about you. It's the rich corporate globalist billionaire donors they care about and that's who they work for.
Ask that idiot
@NorthMich about it. "Orange man bad" is about as deep as that imbecile can think, but he supports democrat party policies.
Money out, money in. Win win for the DNC and Washington DC establishment. They just have to move those trillions of dollars around without anybody seeing where the money is going.
So whallah. Joe Biden and Hunter Biden special friends to the rescue.
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What's most frightening about ARTIFICIAL INFLATION (which is what this is)... Is that there is really no way to tell for sure what will happen... They are actually so inept that they would spin the entire nation into chaos just to cover up their embezzlement. You have to consider WHO they are providing the money to and WHAT they are going to do with it. I suspect this administration is so incompetent that they actually thought a good portion of those receiving funds would just re-invest more money. Or maybe not dig into their 401zzz... But the MARKET MINDSET is what determines what the NET EFFECT any money from air is going to have. Consider the govt is working so God Damn hard at making sure there are reasons in place to justify price increases.. Starting with WHY ARE THERE SHIPS THAT CAN NOT BE PORTED??? Simply because they do not want them to.. Else they would have put stimulus into the transportation markets instead. Instead of breaking those people too. I have talking to people in the trucking business that profess that "all the money is gone" and there is no incentive now to drive.. That's just the tip of the iceberg
Consider the bulk of the money stated as "PRINTED" basically all goes to government interests other than the hands of the people. Good or bad.. It depends... THE TINY AMOUNT that goes in the hands of the American people gets spent and that can cause inflation if the Laws of Supply and Demand were still in effect...
But they are not... Do you really think CocaCola saw the shelves emptying out and said, "hey guys we got a real shortage here and we NEED to charge more for it." No its not working like that these guys are just determining market prices based on how much money they can stuff in their wallets and they don't give a shit about supply... They simply got to a point in gross profits as sales volume, in combination with some asshole at home office that convinced everyone to do some profit taking.... But the long and short is that the bulk of the 6 trillion or whatever astronomical amount is pays into government contracts that kick back to the hands that feed them.. Those contracts being the very same people in charge... We are living in the biggest BROTHER-IN-LAW system in all of creation which if ever gets audited would put people in politics 16 feet under the jails where they belong... This current political regime will be dissected and criminally awed for eons to come as one can clearly discern that another difference in repubs and dems must be the level of intelligence as they can't even run a solid scam without looking stupid. They certainly hope you think they are just incompetent buffoons so that you will not be the wiser. And honestly in situations like this the corrupt money makes it so far and wide that there may be no one to call them out... Plain and simple it is the most disturbing PROFIT TAKE of all time in history making the Military Industrial Complex look short sighted. In fact, if you examine classic democrat/republican tit-for-tat, this is exactly what should have been predicted.
Take a moment to consider any of the best and most known charities in business struggle not to steal 75% of the proceeds they receive as donations before giving any to the causes they promise. Then you can start to recognize the depth of the disturbing levels of greed in the US today..
On the cost of goods skyrocketing as a direct effect on the American People... The govt thinks that they can encourage poor business models and help snap up all the shit money off the streets. How do they encourage it?? By the simple fact that they do not Discourage it...! In fact this is part of the smoke screen they are creating. But in essence they are really just trying to put us in poverty and squeeze us till your eyes pop our and you blow yer fukking brains out... I may even expound with some business modeling with financial statements at some point in this thread using CocaCola as my model in order to elaborate at some point. The bottom line is the difference in DEMOCRAT AND REPUBLICAN is not the degree of greed, its the degree of incompetent short sightedness. As they destroy the fucking country or what is left of it... After all who is left to point a finger when everyone that matters gets paid...
Keep in mind FIRST there have been modes of printing money since the dawn of time right under our noses. Consider WICK and FOOD STAMPS. Do you really think their is a liability on the other side of any govt financial statements to balance this? At least one that remains evident once you get to the top of the food chain in financial statements... No- that is another way to generate CASH from THIN AIR... Hell that money never sees the form "CASH". Nor did any goverment stimuluses either for that matter when you consider the degree of digital banking going on today. Still it does manifest in some form or other for many...
@Hughinn - "the power to inflate/deflate, etc..". Yes but they let a tiger out of the cage and one they were not expecting in that a good proportion of the money the people markets saw most likely went unexpectedly to illegal contraband trade. Because that's the newest common gift to ourselves that keeps on giving in shit times. And just the icing on the cake to their opioid regulations and attempts to destroy the working fabric of the country.
Yes they are planning to water down the US labor market with illegal immigrants. They just did not stop to realize that letting folks in that can't simply go home to Mexico for the winter is a stupid fukking brain fart. There is a big difference in having our neighbors from Mexico pop in and out, and others from way further down south that dont plan to leave. That money goes a long way to those that can go live cheap at home. How far does chump change got for folks living here in this inflated THUNDERDOME...?!
And YOU are correct in that they don't care about us. Only they do not work for "THEM".. THEY ARE THEM....
The icing on the cake being Bidens grand plan to enable the IRS to terrorize the nation. Even better he probably plans to attack corporate America first. He just did not get the memo that they are all on the take already.. I wont even get into his exorbitantly incompentent student loan payoffs. The banks will just find a way to charge them more money. At least they had the sense to change to qualifications for repayment amounts. Put everyone on the ETERNAL PAYMENT PLAN. As the water just churns now...
On Trump yes I get a kick out of people so polarized against him. I have a lot of concerns about him myself and he is incredibly incompetent in politics. He is also the sort to take the gloves off in a business type manner that is not becoming politics and brings shame to the game and in the worst of ways. Granted he is only countering their games. But someone has to stand up and say enough bullshit is enough. Still most American people today and so fuking stupid that they cant see the forest thru the trees. Hell they cant even tell you what a forest is.. While Trump is the least of two evils, the fact that the republican party wants nothing to do with government is down right scary.. And they are simply laying down selfishly awaiting this demoncrat nightmare to scatter so much SHIT in the water that everyone is begging them to come back. That was wrong...
So wrong that the most obvious incursion into US politics... The fact that the Bidens have business interest directly in Ukraine which basically leaves them suspect to COMPROMISE BY INTERNATIONAL BLACKMAIL & EXTORTION is just disturbing to the core. Especially in terms of a potential WW3 looming and related.. Europe has thrown their economy in chaos over all this as well. And when in fact the US is the sole reason for the war and our attempts to weaponize Ukraine over the past 2 decades. Funny how that sole reason for Putins incursion never even comes up for discussion.. This has a real chance of circling back around on the US as some serious animosity from our European allies if anyone ever stops to think...
So muddy the water from every angle possible. At the end of the day all they see is people driving around aimlessly wasting resources and causing trouble and they figure as long is there is money out there to do that, then there must be too much out here. They are just too stupid to see that part of the reason for this is driven by failed govt policy. Policy that has been left in place for 50 years now just to keep the peasants appeased and at bay.. A country full of Gen X morons and incompetents created by their greed and starved us to failure. They can't kill Gen X off fast enough... They probably dream about it at night...
Every fucking family in this country is a pink slip or a few more shitty checks away from complete disaster... And once one wheel falls off the whole fuking thing breaks.. Shitbags...
Anyone can say and do as they please. But the fact remains that we are a ship adrift with no one at the helm. Actually worse because those driving would find the only iceberg in the whole damn ocean and hit it...