Haven't really felt any sides from tren. Am I lucky?

I would highly question this part and test it ;)

It's not normal to not feel anything for this long even on E.
some guys will lose their job, fight with their girlfriend and almost beat up a cashier all in the same week and think tren doesnt effect them and they are mentally stronger than it (???)

that being said, the poster shouldnt expect DNP-like sweating and heat from tren, I never sweat like that on tren, and I wouldnt be surprised if he feels more irritability next week or his ibido isnt as high as it should be if he doesnt have experience with that test and eq dosage and his e2 is lower than usual.
some guys will lose their job, fight with their girlfriend and almost beat up a cashier all in the same week and think tren doesnt effect them and they are mentally stronger than it (???)

Most human beings are completely oblivious to the effects exogenous compounds have on them, and to details in general, they are simply unaware and go through life in a passive manner ;)
Yeah tren is one of those things that absolutely, 100% changes your behavior on cycle

But you don't really realize it. You can feel the aggression/irritability, but the tren changes happen gradually so it feels like nothing else is really changing temperament wise, when in reality everything's changing.

You don't realize until you stop it, what the changes actually were.

The anger gets exhausting after a while. Yeah you might feel alpha or whatever on it, but I find constantly having to tame the aggression to be annoying.

Not saying I won't use tren again. I absolutely will. Just needed a break from it.

And yeah if you're in a relationship or even dating on tren you're going to think you're being cheated on and lied to. That's been my experience anyway.

It's nasty stuff, but obviously the gains are second to none
You ever used Tren ?

Thought you said you were tall and that was enough to look tough, so I would assume you never did, as Tren is the drug we all use to look tough ;)

I use Tren before going to the club to make sure no one assaults me, or before I go for a long drive to make sure I win every road rage along the way ;)
Lol, en roues libres.
Yeah tren is one of those things that absolutely, 100% changes your behavior on cycle

But you don't really realize it. You can feel the aggression/irritability, but the tren changes happen gradually so it feels like nothing else is really changing temperament wise, when in reality everything's changing.

You don't realize until you stop it, what the changes actually were.

The anger gets exhausting after a while. Yeah you might feel alpha or whatever on it, but I find constantly having to tame the aggression to be annoying.

Not saying I won't use tren again. I absolutely will. Just needed a break from it.

And yeah if you're in a relationship or even dating on tren you're going to think you're being cheated on and lied to. That's been my experience anyway.

It's nasty stuff, but obviously the gains are second to none
i dont touch tren or deca because very quickly i start to act strange at work or socially and then I eventually I realize it, or people act a little different towards me because of my behavior, maybe they share a few strange glances with eachother about me, then the paranoia makes me overthink everything and i think people are plotting against me.

the righteous anger is one thing and easy to identify but actually maintaining relationships with people in 2024 on tren is impossible for me, especially because of how people tend to be passive aggressive or fake nowadays in certain environments or how soft everyone is.

if it was 1350 and i was on a medieval battleground or something, or even a few years ago in the military it would be OK. because that focus and extreme thinking would be beneifical, and people tend to speak their mind and would let you know if youre extra extra nuts. instead of your coworkers suddenly stop talking to you and youre waiting for an HR email and thinking James made up a lie about you because hes jealous that Sarah smiled at you and maybe theyve been secretly banging the whole time
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Yeah tren is one of those things that absolutely, 100% changes your behavior on cycle

But you don't really realize it. You can feel the aggression/irritability, but the tren changes happen gradually so it feels like nothing else is really changing temperament wise, when in reality everything's changing.

You don't realize until you stop it, what the changes actually were.

The anger gets exhausting after a while. Yeah you might feel alpha or whatever on it, but I find constantly having to tame the aggression to be annoying.

Not saying I won't use tren again. I absolutely will. Just needed a break from it.

And yeah if you're in a relationship or even dating on tren you're going to think you're being cheated on and lied to. That's been my experience anyway.

It's nasty stuff, but obviously the gains are second to none

Alpha is completely different from being aggressive ;)

Calm, collected, witty, funny, smart, assertive ;)