HCG and blood work / bunk HCG ?


New Member
Hey guy's need yall advice.

Using HCG for a while, but testes stay small, I increased dosage from 200, then to 500 every 3rd day.
No results, even tried to 2 different brands, no difference, both feeling wise and testes stay small.

As HCG mimics LH, did blood work on LH on the day I did pin HCG, same back <0.05 so no sign of LH in blood..
I have heard stories that nowdays it's quite common HCG underdosed.

1) Does HCG show up as LH in bloodwork at all, or just bunk HCG ?
2) What HCG brand you would advise, that works 100% for you ?

Big thanks for any reply.
Hcg is notoriously under dosed. Sometimes by 50 - 75%. Find a source that has HPLC testing and try that. There's not a great blood test for HCG that I'm aware of. Send your stuff to Jano if you want to test it yourself.
Afaik you can test your HCG at home by using a pregnancy test. Few drops on the test and it should be positive, but this will tell you if it's bunk or not and not if it's underdosed. I ve done already 4 X 250IU shots and balls are the same size, some say after 4-5 shots they start to feel them getting bigger. Also, i hope you don't have a varicocele because if you have there's a chance HCG can't do nothing for you. Keep in mind as well that HCG is fragile, and generally speaking after 2-3 weeks loses enough of its potency. So either you discard it, or use the double IU, or you draw from the vial into the syringes and freeze them, and every time you want to jab you leave the syringe out for 10 minutes to thaw and then you jab
Afaik you can test your HCG at home by using a pregnancy test. Few drops on the test and it should be positive, but this will tell you if it's bunk or not and not if it's underdosed. I ve done already 4 X 250IU shots and balls are the same size, some say after 4-5 shots they start to feel them getting bigger. Also, i hope you don't have a varicocele because if you have there's a chance HCG can't do nothing for you. Keep in mind as well that HCG is fragile, and generally speaking after 2-3 weeks loses enough of its potency. So either you discard it, or use the double IU, or you draw from the vial into the syringes and freeze them, and every time you want to jab you leave the syringe out for 10 minutes to thaw and then you jab
The home test can tell you if there is any HCG in the product but it will not tell you the concentration. From what I've seen, most products labeled as HCG have HCG in them, but the issue is the dosing being mislabeled, and sometimes the vial actually contains much less than stated.
There is a blood test specifically for hCG. Like others said, hCG will not pop as LH on bloods. It is a mimetic, it is not LH.

Can’t go wrong with tried & true QSC 2500iu. Cheap, tested, balls are still there
iu are determined by gaining a certain effect not mass of substance... HCG is not a singular compound... possibly why testing varies... or possibly not... It would be nice if we knew how many mg of Alph HCG a product has as thats all we are interested in as men. ie one product could have 10,000iu of hcg but less efficacious (for males) than another brand at 2,500 iu....

ideally the synthetic generics would be pure alpha hcg and would be prob 2X-3x as strong as pregnyl for example...
iu are determined by gaining a certain effect not mass of substance... HCG is not a singular compound... possibly why testing varies... or possibly not... It would be nice if we knew how many mg of Alph HCG a product has as thats all we are interested in as men. ie one product could have 10,000iu of hcg but less efficacious (for males) than another brand at 2,500 iu....

ideally the synthetic generics would be pure alpha hcg and would be prob 2X-3x as strong as pregnyl for example...
Jano only reports alpha hCG
iu are determined by gaining a certain effect not mass of substance... HCG is not a singular compound... possibly why testing varies... or possibly not... It would be nice if we knew how many mg of Alph HCG a product has as thats all we are interested in as men. ie one product could have 10,000iu of hcg but less efficacious (for males) than another brand at 2,500 iu....

ideally the synthetic generics would be pure alpha hcg and would be prob 2X-3x as strong as pregnyl for example...
See my comment above. Jano reports only alpha hCG iu content.
I said I was gonna pay for it with my own money anyways if you re-read your quote.

Would literally harass random sources and jano for test results of zyhcg
Harass? Have a word with yourself you absolute victim, you got made to look like a complete mug with your post, go and get your test done seeing as you can afford it yourself hahahahaha