HCG - Aromatization Problem


New Member
Hello guys,

I am currently taking HCG to cope with testicular atrophy. I have ceased taking steroids after 3 years of blast and cruise :)

My estrogen levels are unfortunately higher than normal on this drug. Could you please guide me whether I can get away with estrogen by combining HCG with tamoxifen or do I have to take aromasin instead? I am looking forward to your kind suggestions and recommendations. TIA
If estro is already high, asin.

Nolva helps prevent excess e from binding to breast tissue but does not eliminate already existing estrogen.

best of luck on your return to nature.
Thank you for comment.
So you mean that I should add Aromasin besides Tamoxifen?
Muddy waters here but if you keep e in check with aromasin, you probably, PROBABLY, won’t need Nolva at the same time. If you’re prone to Gyna, then yes, do both.

side note: Nolva has some nasty side effects on the eyes and vision. And their permanent. Just be aware of that if considering long term use of Nolva.
I would take 6-12 mg 2x a wk to start.. hcg raises e2 alot .. I used some mid blast to get the boys fuller and more sensitivity.. 2 weeks in my e2 went crazy.. acne flared..I felt tired and moody.. only negative of hcg for me so far
I'd like to try hmg..see of.its any better
Muddy waters here but if you keep e in check with aromasin, you probably, PROBABLY, won’t need Nolva at the same time. If you’re prone to Gyna, then yes, do both.

side note: Nolva has some nasty side effects on the eyes and vision. And their permanent. Just be aware of that if considering long term use of Nolva.
Thanks alot for this important info about the side effects of nolva. I’ll unfortunately have to incorporate this drug for 45 in my pct program.

I am planning to do my hcg protocol like this:
15 of hcg EOD for 2 weeks
25mg of Aromasin EOD for 2 weeks

once I am done with hcg, I’ll start doing SERM only pct.

Do you have any opinion to my program?
Thanks alot for this important info about the side effects of nolva. I’ll unfortunately have to incorporate this drug for 45 in my pct program.

I am planning to do my hcg protocol like this:
15 of hcg EOD for 2 weeks
25mg of Aromasin EOD for 2 weeks

once I am done with hcg, I’ll start doing SERM only pct.

Do you have any opinion to my program?
15…. ? I recommend 1000iu a week in 2 doses so 500x2. Nolva is great for pct but at high doses and/or long duration, side effect become more prominent. 25mg of aromasin eod will most likely be too much and you’ll probably crash your e which suckkks.

get bloods accordingly but when in doubt, IMHO 12.5mg x 2 a week is a good dose to keep e from getting crazy but it’s impossible to say without blood work. 25mg/week is a good starting point IMO
Hello guys,

I am currently taking HCG to cope with testicular atrophy. I have ceased taking steroids after 3 years of blast and cruise :)

My estrogen levels are unfortunately higher than normal on this drug. Could you please guide me whether I can get away with estrogen by combining HCG with tamoxifen or do I have to take aromasin instead? I am looking forward to your kind suggestions and recommendations. TIA
ok but:
how much hcg?
2000IU 3 times a week.
Yikes 6000iu is crazy high, like trying to conceive within the next month crazy.

1500iu/week split into 3 doses of 500 is my new sweet spot and my libido thanks me for it. As well as my boys. Always waking up to wood and wanna fuck every girl that walks past me at work lol might hit the freak of the place if we both have a day off lmao