Hcg clomid on trt fertility


Im on gear for a while and i will have a baby again, with the first one i quit aas for 1 year but this time i wanne stay on

Im thinking about to add hcg 200 iu every day with 10 mg nolva (get gyno fast from hcg) and 25 mg clomid (maybe add 25mg proviron?) do you guys think this will be enough

If i have after 6 mounths no succes i will stop with my cycle and will start

100mg test e
Hcg 1500 3x a week
Hmg 75 iu 2x
10mg nolva
Trt dose test won’t fully suppress most guys With HCG.

trt 150mg test+HCG (500 2x /wk)
fsh(75 iu 2x/wk)
This is a protocol I used from my trt doc. It worked in 6 weeks

hmg is a waste
Ima try this....

150 Test E
Moderate dose of Primo (hopefully the HCG will battle any suppression from it)
HCG 5000iu weekly (3x injects)
50mg Clomid daily

Have enough for 16 weeks, gonna run an analysis at week 8 to see where I’m at.

Have B and C steady for 4 years
Ima try this....

150 Test E
Moderate dose of Primo (hopefully the HCG will battle any suppression from it)
HCG 5000iu weekly (3x injects)
50mg Clomid daily

Have enough for 16 weeks, gonna run an analysis at week 8 to see where I’m at.

Have B and C steady for 4 years
I'm looking forward to seeing the results of your experiment. Good luck. I anticipate following a similar protocol in the near future.