HCG Conclusion

Marc Kerr

New Member
after doing some more research online, i have concluded that i will do 375i.u. everyday for 20 days on weeks 6-8, and on weeks 14-16 of a 13 week sustanon schedule.

my basis for this (steroid website) is that it is a low enough dose not to desensitize the testes, and not long enough as well.

i will soon have 3 amps pregnyl 5000i.u. and will do 1.5 amps on weeks 6-8, and 1.5 amps on weeks 14-16.

i will then finish with a nolvadex and clomid pct.

anyone with better idea let me know. thank you.
after changing it just a bit, i've decided to do:

500mg of sustanon every 4 days for 13 weeks. thats it concerning AAS. along with my cycle, i will run 10mg of tamoxifen daily for 16 weeks.

weeks 6-8, im going to run 375i.u.daily for 20 days (1.5 amps of pregnyl)
weeks 14-16, same hcg cycle

weeks 17-21: tamoxifen 40/40/20/20/20)
clomid 100/100/50/50/50)
well i use to beleive in desensitisation until the good doc and a few other guys explained why its bullshit. I also learned here that that running your HCG during the testoserone decline is more beneficial than than other times.

so after what i learned here is how i would do it


16-19 2000 iu EOD
20-23 clomid and nolva

clomid 50/50/50/50
nolva 40/40/20/20

this is assuming i have the correct half life for test deconate......15 days?

somebody help me out here-this is the first time i thought about this for sustanon.

in all honesty i would close my cycle with prop-this will make timing things much easier.
1-13 sustanon
14-18 test prop 150mg EOD

18-20 2000 iu EOD HCG
21-23 SERM
clomid 50/50/50/50
nolva 20/20/10/10

^^^ that looks even better
well i use to beleive in desensitisation until the good doc and a few other guys explained why its bullshit. I also learned here that that running your HCG during the testoserone decline is more beneficial than than other times.

so after what i learned here is how i would do it


16-19 2000 iu EOD
20-23 clomid and nolva

clomid 50/50/50/50
nolva 40/40/20/20

this is assuming i have the correct half life for test deconate......15 days?

somebody help me out here-this is the first time i thought about this for sustanon.

in all honesty i would close my cycle with prop-this will make timing things much easier.

^^^^ THIS!!
If injected in the glute decanoate is roughly 7 days if injected in the delt you could almost double it. I love the idea of finishing the cycle with prop. Would make recovery SOO MUCH easier.
well i use to beleive in desensitisation until the good doc and a few other guys explained why its bullshit. I also learned here that that running your HCG during the testoserone decline is more beneficial than than other times.

so after what i learned here is how i would do it


16-19 2000 iu EOD
20-23 clomid and nolva

clomid 50/50/50/50
nolva 40/40/20/20

this is assuming i have the correct half life for test deconate......15 days?

somebody help me out here-this is the first time i thought about this for sustanon.

in all honesty i would close my cycle with prop-this will make timing things much easier.

I was under the impession that HcG should be started when normal production of T levels start to supress. (week 4-6 after first pin) then maintan a dosage to see you through your cycle. After last pin of aas, to increase the amount leading up to a few days before pct protocol of clomid/nolva... From other posts from others on here, they were recommending 250iu - 500iu per week throughout the cycle, then bumping it up to 1250iu per week until pct..

I am not sure if this would be accurate for your cycle or not, or if this information is correct for you at all, but this is what I had planned on doing. (obviously cycles may be different)
There are 2 schools of thought

One says use maintenance doses to keep the boys fat, thus making it easier to re-start them.

Others say run heavy doses at the end to kick them back on.

There is NO DEFINITIVE evidence to one's superiority over the other, for EVERY USER.

One will work better for some

The other for others. (make sense?)
There are 2 schools of thought

One says use maintenance doses to keep the boys fat, thus making it easier to re-start them.

Others say run heavy doses at the end to kick them back on.

There is NO DEFINITIVE evidence to one's superiority over the other, for EVERY USER.

One will work better for some

The other for others. (make sense?)

Thanks Stretch, makes sense. I will do a maintaince phase this time and MAYBE try post loading on another to see any differences.
There are 2 schools of thought

One says use maintenance doses to keep the boys fat, thus making it easier to re-start them.

Others say run heavy doses at the end to kick them back on.

There is NO DEFINITIVE evidence to one's superiority over the other, for EVERY USER.

One will work better for some

The other for others. (make sense?)

the way i understand it-even if you run a maintenance dose-you should still blast it during the decline-because of its advantages for stimulating the pituitary.
ya...that's my understanding as well.

Regardless of which method you use. Once you're in the recovery stage you need a large influx of the HCG to warm the testes back up.
Referring back to Mack Kerrs original post:

He is looking at doing 375iu ED for 20 days weeks 6-8
That equals 2,625iu a week. Is this a bit much? What are the negs of running to much HcG
Well according to Dr. Scally (as I understand it)

HCG desensitization occurs when HCG is dosed for an extended period of time. OR when doses are TOO HIGH. Not sure what would be considered too high since I've seen medical studies where doses of 10,000 iu were given to hypogonadal men at ONE TIME.

Also HCG is more effective once T levels are declining (post cycle) remember having great big balls isn't the goal. THE hypothalmus pituitary needs to be included in our goals as well. We often times think less about this, probably because the pituitary isn't a gland that hangs on the outside of our body, giving us a sense of manhood. (out of sight out of mind)

Since we know that HCG use is MOST effective when T levels are declining this means that HCG use should begin after our last shot. According to Dr. Scally, the testes will not begin to produce endogenous T until our levels are around 375.

So in plain english.

The testes won't start to produce T until our levels are at 375. Therefore the purpose of HCG should be to get the testes READY to produce T.

So after our last shot, test levels are up around 3000 and we're waiting for the level to get down around 375. While we're waiting we can use HCG to WARM UP the testes, then when blood levels reach 375 BOOM start SERM's STOP HCG. and get the bad boys producing again!!

Hope this is clear.
Well according to Dr. Scally (as I understand it)

HCG desensitization occurs when HCG is dosed for an extended period of time. OR when doses are TOO HIGH. Not sure what would be considered too high since I've seen medical studies where doses of 10,000 iu were given to hypogonadal men at ONE TIME.

Also HCG is more effective once T levels are declining (post cycle) remember having great big balls isn't the goal. THE hypothalmus pituitary needs to be included in our goals as well. We often times think less about this, probably because the pituitary isn't a gland that hangs on the outside of our body, giving us a sense of manhood. (out of sight out of mind)

Since we know that HCG use is MOST effective when T levels are declining this means that HCG use should begin after our last shot. According to Dr. Scally, the testes will not begin to produce endogenous T until our levels are around 375.

So in plain english.

The testes won't start to produce T until our levels are at 375. Therefore the purpose of HCG should be to get the testes READY to produce T.

So after our last shot, test levels are up around 3000 and we're waiting for the level to get down around 375. While we're waiting we can use HCG to WARM UP the testes, then when blood levels reach 375 BOOM start SERM's STOP HCG. and get the bad boys producing again!!

Hope this is clear.

Good info! Thanks bro
thanks a lot guys. that was the info i needed.

for this cycle, i will take the instructions of doing 1500 e.o.d. (don't have enough for 2000) and run it for 20 days, then start my pct.

thanks again.
So after our last shot, test levels are up around 3000.

remember stretch the blood test showed them up around 3,000-but the test was taken according to the half-life so we can double that number to get the true T level. so 6,000 taken down by 4 half-lives will get you where you need to be.
Well according to Dr. Scally (as I understand it)

HCG desensitization occurs when HCG is dosed for an extended period of time. OR when doses are TOO HIGH. Not sure what would be considered too high since I've seen medical studies where doses of 10,000 iu were given to hypogonadal men at ONE TIME.

Also HCG is more effective once T levels are declining (post cycle) remember having great big balls isn't the goal. THE hypothalmus pituitary needs to be included in our goals as well. We often times think less about this, probably because the pituitary isn't a gland that hangs on the outside of our body, giving us a sense of manhood. (out of sight out of mind)

Since we know that HCG use is MOST effective when T levels are declining this means that HCG use should begin after our last shot. According to Dr. Scally, the testes will not begin to produce endogenous T until our levels are around 375.

So in plain english.

The testes won't start to produce T until our levels are at 375. Therefore the purpose of HCG should be to get the testes READY to produce T.

So after our last shot, test levels are up around 3000 and we're waiting for the level to get down around 375. While we're waiting we can use HCG to WARM UP the testes, then when blood levels reach 375 BOOM start SERM's STOP HCG. and get the bad boys producing again!!

Hope this is clear.

Thanks Stretch. Great info. Great thread..
remember stretch the blood test showed them up around 3,000-but the test was taken according to the half-life so we can double that number to get the true T level. so 6,000 taken down by 4 half-lives will get you where you need to be.

Ya ur right. My mistake

Another dead thread worthy of revival...not too long.

And yet very relevant to questions asked here recently.