HCG Conclusion

That is the way I use HCG. No one mentioned this, but HCG also sends a signal back to the Pit and Hypo to not tell the leydig cells to produce test. However, HCG clears the system pretty fast.

So what I do, first titrate down, drop tren (which I should not be f'ng w/ anyway) Mast. var.etc. If I used any EQ or deca, it was many weeks ago at this point. Right now I only have test in my system (well, actually, some tren e also). Doing about 500 mg a week in a prop/e combo. Going to titrate that down to 200 mgs in 2 weeks. 5 days after last 100mg shot of test e, will start a run of 1.5-2kIUs HCG eod for 2.5 weeks. Now if I were younger, and not on replacement, I would start serms at this point. This would be about 22-23 days after last shot of 100 mg test e.
That is the way I use HCG. No one mentioned this, but HCG also sends a signal back to the Pit and Hypo to not tell the leydig cells to produce test. However, HCG clears the system pretty fast.

So what I do, first titrate down, drop tren (which I should not be f'ng w/ anyway) Mast. var.etc. If I used any EQ or deca, it was many weeks ago at this point. Right now I only have test in my system (well, actually, some tren e also). Doing about 500 mg a week in a prop/e combo. Going to titrate that down to 200 mgs in 2 weeks. 5 days after last 100mg shot of test e, will start a run of 1.5-2kIUs HCG eod for 2.5 weeks. Now if I were younger, and not on replacement, I would start serms at this point. This would be about 22-23 days after last shot of 100 mg test e.

So, you blast at the end of the cycle? Rather than maintain?