HCG during cycle..is 6th week too late?


New Member
I am currently doing cutting with anavar at 40mg per day and testosterone enanthate at 400mg per week..i am into my 5th week of cycle and i was wondering of taking HCG throughout cycle to minimize suppression and also to have shorter recovery on PCT -> because i am planing to do a lean mass cycle immediately afterwards...

Reason why i ask this is , my last cycle was really lenghty and i screwed myself up..it took my 3 months to get my test back on ,and from that point i decided to take shorter cycles and bridge it out..

what is the dosage i could use at this point and should it be used from the start or can i use it now as well?
@Nitromatt suppression will occur at your hpta and think of it as the command center. Your testes will be atrophied not suppressed and the best way in a way is to keep the leydig cells in them stimulated through hcg therapy that way when you start pct they will not be atrophied as badly thus speeding recovery. Do not be mistaken, just because you are using the hcg doesn't mean they will not shrink. It will depend on your test dose and genetic disposition. Just like because they don't shrink doesn't mean suppression is not an issue because it is.