Hcg for atrophy


Well-known Member
Been blasting and cruising for several years. Not worried about the fertility aspect of using hcg, but I would like to recover some sack size back as I’ve atrophied pretty good. Would 500 iu a week for 10 weeks suffice or would a different protocol be better? Tia
I was amazed at my boys deflation on just 200 trt for 2mos, so I can only imagine. I played w the fertility 3x300 and its solid. Ive fucked w 2x250 as well and been unimpressed. May as well see what best suits you. I do need to havr another lil one so I stick.w the 3x300 for now
I was amazed at my boys deflation on just 200 trt for 2mos, so I can only imagine. I played w the fertility 3x300 and its solid. Ive fucked w 2x250 as well and been unimpressed. May as well see what best suits you. I do need to havr another lil one so I stick.w the 3x300 for now
Yeah man I can’t have anymore kids so just trying to get some size back. You running 900iu a week?
Yeah man I can’t have anymore kids so just trying to get some size back. You running 900iu a week?
Hi Bro, do you mean you are unable to have any more kids due to AAS usage? Even if implementing a fertility protocol? Just curious. I have no children but am definitely at an age where I should be having them. Fertility has been a concern of mine in recent months due to years of aas usage
Hi Bro, do you mean you are unable to have any more kids due to AAS usage? Even if implementing a fertility protocol? Just curious. I have no children but am definitely at an age where I should be having them. Fertility has been a concern of mine in recent months due to years of aas usage
I’m unable to have them due to surgery.
how long does the ball size last? assume pretty good indicator getting some natural test while still larger?(asking those who take bloods alot, although may be rare instance it could be noticeable if cruising) or does test production drop off pretty rapidly (week or 2)and balls stay plump for 2-3 months after hcg usage. thats what I sort of assumed but no one talks about that part
how long does the ball size last? assume pretty good indicator getting some natural test while still larger?(asking those who take bloods alot, although may be rare instance it could be noticeable if cruising) or does test production drop off pretty rapidly (week or 2)and balls stay plump for 2-3 months after hcg usage. thats what I sort of assumed but no one talks about that part
It does not take long at all for atrophy to occur when the balls have no signals sent to them IME. You get pain and yes they shrink… but they are primed and ready for your natural signals. Know that.
Also I believe this is an important point too.

The affect hcg has on VITALITY and just feeling good is always superior to natural… Not to mention the constant need to womb raid women ha ha . I felt exceptional after a 5000iu shot…. Far greater than AAS ever made me feel.
Also I believe this is an important point too.

The affect hcg has on VITALITY and just feeling good is always superior to natural… Not to mention the constant need to womb raid women ha ha . I felt exceptional after a 5000iu shot…. Far greater than AAS ever made me feel.
One time?
Doesn't help with atrophy I assume.
Yes HCG is awesome, great product. Big balls and horny af. A must for coming off cycle.

I think people use too low dose, don't be afraid to pin 2500 - 5000 iu E3D, but not too long because the body will believe he is fine receiving this product, and you actually want natural restoration.
The amount of hcg to recovery and to avoid atrophy is absolutely subjective.
Probably you will need a bigger dose for some weeks to recover your dimension then a smaller dose to avoid another atrophy.
500 ui week is really small dosage to recover dimension, it probably work but will need many many weeks...
Rich Piana said he would do 5000 IU E3D or so and have great libido, gains and feeling great even at his size. If it is a short blast pre-pct I wouldn't be afraid to do 5000iu per injection.

