Hcg for recovery


New Member
So I'm in the midst of waiting to go see an endo. I've gotten bloodwork done and everything is pretty poor. I'm now over two months post cyce with 50 mg clomid a day and 20 mgnolva a day and my testicular atrophy is unchanged. This kind of scares the shit out of me and now I'm thinking about going on a course of hcg and then getting a fertility test and hope I have enough to bank. If hcg raises natural test production and increases fertility then how is it suppressive ?
So I'm in the midst of waiting to go see an endo. I've gotten bloodwork done and everything is pretty poor. I'm now over two months post cyce with 50 mg clomid a day and 20 mgnolva a day and my testicular atrophy is unchanged. This kind of scares the shit out of me and now I'm thinking about going on a course of hcg and then getting a fertility test and hope I have enough to bank. If hcg raises natural test production and increases fertility then how is it suppressive ?
Just like when you take exogenous Testosterone long enough your body will sense that it has enough T to go around and it will stop making it's own T. Same thing goes for LH.
Well said guys, you op need to have bloods done to check for fsh and lh levels and you can reassess if you need a an hcg blast. You might be able to kick start it with the hcg. Best of luck and let us know brother.