HCG Has Kept My Boys Firing!


The wife and I have been struggling to have a baby since we’ve been married. We have had 3 miscarriages and a string of infertility that has lasted a year. Everything seems to be fine with my wife as far as follicle and egg development and she is having a normal cycle. She has been using clomid for the past 5 months under the supervision of her OBGYN.

With all that being said, I thought it has to be a problem with me. I have been blasting and cruising for the past 3 years, so I know there’s a possibility of it having affected by fertility. The only caveat is that I’ve been running 500 iu per week of HCG since I hopped on the juice. I went and got a semen analysis done yesterday and the HCG is 100% a fertility saver for me. All parameters are in the normal range except for motility, which is above average.

We are just having a string of bad luck with getting pregnant, but it brings me peace of mind to know that I have a compound that is allowing me to have the best of both worlds until I get the job done. See pic for lab results. IMG_2844.png
500iu per week is a low dose too so this is interesting

Is that one shot or multiple?
I separate my injections into three injections of .33 ml per week. It is 500 IU total. Bro, I was honestly very surprised that it is working this well, especially with my current cycle which I am 3 weeks from finishing up:

200 mg Test E
300 mg Tren A
600 mg EQ
What brand of hcg are you currently using if you don't mind me asking?
I get Pregnyl 10,000 IU from Empower, but I also use Amino Asylum's 5000 IU in between to help offset prices. I've heard people say some negative things about Amino Asylum's HCG, but it seems to work fine with me and it always shows up as a positive on a pregnancy test, so I assume some of it is legit.
Great to hear things are going well for you. I’m doing 250 iu EOD and going to get a test in a few weeks to see where I’m at. Started with pharma now using ZyHG then trying Driada.
Great to hear things are going well for you. I’m doing 250 iu EOD and going to get a test in a few weeks to see where I’m at. Started with pharma now using ZyHG then trying Driada.

Unfortunately, we have had three miscarriages in the past two years, so I knew there were at least a few survivors Even though my wife and I haven’t conceived yet, it still gives me peace of mind to know that everything is still working as it should.
Great to hear things are going well for you. I’m doing 250 iu EOD and going to get a test in a few weeks to see where I’m at. Started with pharma now using ZyHG then trying Driada.
Hey bro I also am using zyhcg will you post those results on here or let us know how they turned out when you test?
Have you been using HCG for the entirety of the 3 years? Did you notice any side effects? Did HCG help to prevent testicular shrinkage?
If you really want a kid then don’t blast and keep using the HCG

If it absolutely came down to it I would, but I know we can conceive, because it’s happened thrice and tests confirm normal function. I have a much better quality of life being on the sauce and it makes me uncomfortable to think about coming all the way off. If we aren’t pregnant again by Christmas, IUI is going to be our next step. Doctors don’t know why we keep losing them. It’s been a sad couple of years.
Have you been using HCG for the entirety of the 3 years? Did you notice any side effects? Did HCG help to prevent testicular shrinkage?

Yes, sir. I have used Hcg the entire time I’ve been been on HRT. It definitely prevented shrinkage In my case. The only thing that I have had issues with in regards to using HCG is that it causes my E2 to jump up pretty high on my Injection days, so I have to make sure my AI is dialed in correctly.
Maybe it’s her hcg levels?

Damn, dude. You just went dark with it. I assume that was a joke. Haha. Gotta laugh to keep from crying sometimes. But, no shit, her Hcg levels drop out after 12 weeks each time, and we can’t figure out what’s causing it. It sucks pretty bad and doesn’t get any easier when It happens, but it is what it is. It’ll happen when it’s supposed to I suppose. Everything happens as it should.
What your levels are now isn’t always going to be where they’re at next month, sometimes it’s not as consistent as “yea the test shows this so I’m going to keep going”

As for the miscarriages, my wife miscarried like 4x before one stuck. Every time she miscarried was when I was on cycle, not sure if that had anything to do with it or not. I came off about 6 months and that’s when she got pregnant. But the difference was that I wasn’t on TRT, I think the odds would be less on TRT
What your levels are now isn’t always going to be where they’re at next month, sometimes it’s not as consistent as “yea the test shows this so I’m going to keep going”

As for the miscarriages, my wife miscarried like 4x before one stuck. Every time she miscarried was when I was on cycle, not sure if that had anything to do with it or not. I came off about 6 months and that’s when she got pregnant. But the difference was that I wasn’t on TRT, I think the odds would be less on TRT

That makes sense about the levels not being the same from month to month, week to week, or day to day. I will add this to my confirmation bias, though; I test my sperm count and volume at least once monthly and usually twice per month using a labcorp home kit. My volume and count is normally higher than the results above. I missed the damn cup and half of it ended up on the floor. That may not have affect the count but it’s usually closer to 100 million. My main concern was motility and morphology which obviously can’t be measured by most people at home.

Me being honest with you, I’m scared to come off. The thought of the depression and feeling worse than I already do because of my lupus frightens me. That’s why I say that if it doesn’t happen in six months we are going to have to try IUI. It’s just a scary thought to me. If it comes down to some crazy thing where I have to then I will just have to, but it’s still a scary prospect.
I went off TRT for 7 months while regaining fertility and doing cryogenic savings for the future. Got fertility back in 3 months after having a 0 sperm count even with 500i.u HCG/week for the 8 years on TRT.

From what the reproductive urologist told me was he recommends 1500 I.Us/week for those on TRT and whom wish to remain fertile or avoid atrophy.

Thankfully last month I got the clear to hop back on and boy o boy life is good. Was never so eager and happy to harpoon my ass! I'm currently running the 1500 i.u's broken up into 2 pins 3-5 days apart.