HCG Has Kept My Boys Firing!

I came off after 8+ years and first and foremost everyone is different and will experiences will vary. That being said the dread and worry/anxiety of coming off was WAY worse than the actual cessation of TRT.

The first month not much changes as the esters take a while to clear. Month 2-4 you definitely notice not being pumped,strength dips, sex drive reduction of course..but it was tolerable. I used 2500 i.u of HCG/week and 25-50mgs of clomid per the urologist. Sperm count back in 3 months and back on TRT in just under 7 months total.

What REALLY helped was KNOWING I had pharm grade products and a reproductive urologist working with me. I just kept telling myself we'll be back on soon enough just chill and enjoy the process. My body didn't change much either which was great. The initial 10 lbs of water was cool to lose in month 1.

I'd say the hardest part was month 3-7 when I started to tack on a little bit more fat. Was to be expected when you're mid 40s and go from 200mg test a week to clomid and hcg lol.

If you're in the states and are going to come off definitely check out Natesto. It's a nasal gel you apply 2-3× a day. It won't shut down your HPTA and keeps sperm parameters in check. 5.5mg a pump..1 in each nostril..so 11mg a pop for a total of 33mg a day.. i only used it 2x a day for 2 months before transition to TRT again. It'll have your total T in the 700-1000mg range. Best of luck on your journey with kids. My wife and I are in the midst of IVF now
That makes sense about the levels not being the same from month to month, week to week, or day to day. I will add this to my confirmation bias, though; I test my sperm count and volume at least once monthly and usually twice per month using a labcorp home kit. My volume and count is normally higher than the results above. I missed the damn cup and half of it ended up on the floor. That may not have affect the count but it’s usually closer to 100 million. My main concern was motility and morphology which obviously can’t be measured by most people at home.

Me being honest with you, I’m scared to come off. The thought of the depression and feeling worse than I already do because of my lupus frightens me. That’s why I say that if it doesn’t happen in six months we are going to have to try IUI. It’s just a scary thought to me. If it comes down to some crazy thing where I have to then I will just have to, but it’s still a scary prospect.
Damn, dude. You just went dark with it. I assume that was a joke. Haha. Gotta laugh to keep from crying sometimes. But, no shit, her Hcg levels drop out after 12 weeks each time, and we can’t figure out what’s causing it. It sucks pretty bad and doesn’t get any easier when It happens, but it is what it is. It’ll happen when it’s supposed to I suppose. Everything happens as it should.
My woman’s best mate had so many miscarriages… turned out to be her hormones namely HCG.
Hello dudes. Wonderful post to see that you’re boys are firing like John Wick hahaha

Has anyone used Lupi-hcg 5000 iu?

I’ve ordered some
To reverse atrophy
Unfortunately, we have had three miscarriages in the past two years, so I knew there were at least a few survivors Even though my wife and I haven’t conceived yet, it still gives me peace of mind to know that everything is still working as it should.
Thank you for your post. It gives me hope that I may not have an abysmal sperm count.

May I ask how old you and your wife are?

My wife and I are currently trying to conceive our first. We've been trying for five months so far and no pregnancy, which I understand is perfectly normal. But I'm currently 37 years old and my wife is 34, so the biological clock is winding down for her.

I'm not sure what my fertility looks like, but I made a doctor's appointment to get a referral for testing. I took a couple year break, then blasted and cruised for a couple of years (with HCG throughout), followed by a two month PCT before my wife and I began trying to conceive. I couldn't stand having zero sex drive when trying to make a baby, so I added 15mg test per day along with 1000iu HCG 3x per week. I'm also adding HMG to the mix in a few days.
Thank you for your post. It gives me hope that I may not have an abysmal sperm count.

May I ask how old you and your wife are?

My wife and I are currently trying to conceive our first. We've been trying for five months so far and no pregnancy, which I understand is perfectly normal. But I'm currently 37 years old and my wife is 34, so the biological clock is winding down for her.

I'm not sure what my fertility looks like, but I made a doctor's appointment to get a referral for testing. I took a couple year break, then blasted and cruised for a couple of years (with HCG throughout), followed by a two month PCT before my wife and I began trying to conceive. I couldn't stand having zero sex drive when trying to make a baby, so I added 15mg test per day along with 1000iu HCG 3x per week. I'm also adding HMG to the mix in a few days.
I'm 35 and my wife is 33. I understand your concern in regards to the biological clock. Five months definitely isn't a long time when it comes to trying to conceive. My insurance allows us to seek fertility assistance after six months of unsuccessfully trying to conceive. My mom actually tried for 8 years after having my sister before I finally came along.

For sure get a semen analysis done. I understand it can be kind of nerve racking not knowing whether or not you're swimmers are there, but hopefully it will bring you some peace of mind to see what your count looks like and seeing if you need to add the HMG. I thought about going the HMG route, but I honestly just can't afford it in the amounts needed for spermatogenesis to properly take place. I hope it all works out for you brother. I wish you and your wife the best of luck.
My woman’s best mate had so many miscarriages… turned out to be her hormones namely HCG.
Ahhhhh....I see. I couldn't tell if your last reply was a bit of a joke or not. If we don't conceive this month, my wife has to have her tubes looked at to make sure they aren't blocked and then we will go from there. The doctor told us that its very common for couples to conceive the month after having a woman's tubes checked for blockage, because the test they do will actually open the tube if it does happen to be blocked. Wish us luck. She's actually ovulating today, so we have been getting after hard the past few days.
Just to let the guys know that commented on this page. My wife is 7 weeks and 4 days pregnant as of today! Wish us luck and be praying for us if you pray. We appreciate it.
Thanks, brother! How are things going for you? Aren't y'all trying to conceive at the moment?
Yes my SA was pretty good recently but she's still not pregnant (cycle 11 starting in a few days). I tried HCG/HMG for 5 months and clomid for 6. I have ran out of HCG/HMG since september but kept the clomid until 5-6 days ago when I decided to stop.

I'm trying the natural route with supplements for now until we get check with the fertility doc.
Yes my SA was pretty good recently but she's still not pregnant (cycle 11 starting in a few days). I tried HCG/HMG for 5 months and clomid for 6. I have ran out of HCG/HMG since september but kept the clomid until 5-6 days ago when I decided to stop.

I'm trying the natural route with supplements for now until we get check with the fertility doc.

Is too personal of a question to ask why you stopped the HCG?
Congrats Fike

Thanks, brother. We just had a visit with the fertility dr today and everything is looking great. We didn’t know this until we started seeing the fertility specialist, but my wife has polycystic ovary syndrome and another genetic disorder that keeps her body from synthesizing and utilizing folate effectively, so he has used a “kitchen sink” approach with her to make sure we keep this baby growing and developing like it’s supposed too. Early blood testing is telling us we are having a girl, but I’m keeping my fingers crossed for a boy. Ultimately it doesn’t matter at all as long as it’s healthy.
I went off TRT for 7 months while regaining fertility and doing cryogenic savings for the future. Got fertility back in 3 months after having a 0 sperm count even with 500i.u HCG/week for the 8 years on TRT.

From what the reproductive urologist told me was he recommends 1500 I.Us/week for those on TRT and whom wish to remain fertile or avoid atrophy.

Thankfully last month I got the clear to hop back on and boy o boy life is good. Was never so eager and happy to harpoon my ass! I'm currently running the 1500 i.u's broken up into 2 pins 3-5 days apart.
Same here. 500 IUs EOD. It definitely did the trick for me.