HCG Help


New Member
I’m on week 8 on a 20 week cycle.

Currently using 300mg of Test weekly and 1iu of HGH a day

Had labwork done at 6 week mark and my Estrodial and Prolactin were too high.

Estrodial - 259.6
Prolactin - 32.9

I believe my numbers are up because my mixing of HCG and dosing was off.

I normally use a 1ml insulin syringe and inject 0.5ml every MWF but I think I may be mixing it wrong.

When I mixed, I would use a 5,000iu vial of HCG and inject 10ml of .9 reconstitution solution. If math is right, that should be 500iu on a 0.5 ml measure?

I stopped taking HCG week 4 because I noticed during 1 mix I messed up the mix completely, not paying attention and mixed it like I would HGH (I only put 1.2 ml of reconstitution solution.)

I had plans to go back on but the numbers from bloodwork freaked me out (and that spike could very well be due to the bad mix).

I need to get back on but hoping I could get guidance or reassurance I’m doing this right.

I appreciate the help and sorry for the wall of text.
@Jgutta23 I maybe wrong but I’ve never put that much recon in only 5k iu’s of hcg. I’m prescribed hcg for TRT, and they prescribe me 12k iu jugs and I was required to put only 6ml’s of bac water for 25 iu injections 3 times a week.
5000iu reconstituted with 2mL of BAC water should yield 500iu per 20unit injection. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, please.