
New Member
So I was curious about how many different Mg doses do they generally produce of hcg tablets? recieved a small bottle with about 2ml of water, with one tab dissolved in it. Have no Idea how one would take it, and no contact with this person.
Also recieved about 10ml of sustanon250, 12ml of decca, and 30 caps of anadrol50. Would hcg typically be alright after this cycle?
You got bacteriostatic water with hcg already mixed in? Might as well toss it, also never seen hcg come in a tablet form. Also never seen a 12ml vial of deca before. And you dont have enough of anything to run a cycle. Im most likely wasting my time as this is probably a troll, but you shouldnt be anywhere near gear. You have no idea what youre doing. Also you didnt mention your ai or pct.
So I was curious about how many different Mg doses do they generally produce of hcg tablets? recieved a small bottle with about 2ml of water, with one tab dissolved in it. Have no Idea how one would take it, and no contact with this person.
Also recieved about 10ml of sustanon250, 12ml of decca, and 30 caps of anadrol50. Would hcg typically be alright after this cycle?

Btw hcg is ran on cycle, not after
Definitely not a troll haha. Sry im new to all of this... how did you first learn about pinning? Probably from your source. I havent had the luxury of talking to the person I got things from, and just figured Id take it because its hard to find, and educate myself through other means. As far as the gear, the bottle I have of sustanon250 has a label and says 10ml, from atomiclabs. The second bottle I got had a little bit more oil in it than the 10ml of sustanon250 so I was just assuming it was around 12ml. And the guy said it was decca. Not sure of the strength. Im not pinning anything unless I have a good Idea what it is. Ill probably ditch everything but the sustanon250 and the anadrol50.
You got bacteriostatic water with hcg already mixed in? Might as well toss it, also never seen hcg come in a tablet form. Also never seen a 12ml vial of deca before. And you dont have enough of anything to run a cycle. Im most likely wasting my time as this is probably a troll, but you shouldnt be anywhere near gear. You have no idea what youre doing. Also you didnt mention your ai or pct.
This^^^is REALLY GOOD ADVICE , i hope u listenbecause as ozzy619 says its obvious you have no idea what your doing.
I think you should start reading and doing research, all the info you need is rt here in meso.
Otherwise this could b a decision you will regret!!

Definitely not a troll haha. Sry im new to all of this... how did you first learn about pinning? Probably from your source. I havent had the luxury of talking to the person I got things from, and just figured Id take it because its hard to find, and educate myself through other means. As far as the gear, the bottle I have of sustanon250 has a label and says 10ml, from atomiclabs. The second bottle I got had a little bit more oil in it than the 10ml of sustanon250 so I was just assuming it was around 12ml. And the guy said it was decca. Not sure of the strength. Im not pinning anything unless I have a good Idea what it is. Ill probably ditch everything but the sustanon250 and the anadrol50.

Its cool your new, everyone is here your for your best interest, even if the advice sounds dickish. I learned to pin from a close friend, but pinning is a remedial step in this lifestyle. I wouldnt recommend sust for your first time, and 1 10ml vial isnt enough. Let me ask you, how many times are you planning to pin sust a week? When will you start pct after your last pin? As far as the deca, if its not labeled dont touch it, and one vial is not enough. You need to spend alot of time here reading and asking questions or your going to fuck your hpta up.

hCG is not manufactured in tab form. Its a lyophilized powder that requires reconstitution with a liquid media such as bacteriostatic water or some other saline equivalent.