HCG newb questions


Well-known Member
Ordered some hcg to address some atrophy. Planning on 350iu 2x a week.

I did not know Id have to prep this stuff. Do i need sterile h20 or reconstitution fluid or are they the same. Can this be reconstituted w a oil base? Dumb questions I know. The viles are 5000iu so not sure how much fluid i need to add etc etc. any help is much appreciated.
Buy bacteriostatic water and ensure it contains benzyl alcohol and not just NaCl or salt. Use 2.5ml or 5ml to reconstitute. If you use 5ml, it will give 1000iu per ml; if you use 2.5ml, it will provide you 2000iu per ml. If you are going to use 250iu eod do it with 5ml so it will be easier to measure.
Buy bacteriostatic water and ensure it contains benzyl alcohol and not just NaCl or salt. Use 2.5ml or 5ml to reconstitute. If you use 5ml, it will give 1000iu per ml; if you use 2.5ml, it will provide you 2000iu per ml. If you are going to use 250iu eod do it with 5ml so it will be easier to measure.
This work well enough? I plan on doing IM injections. Not wanting to mix this with my oil although I’ve read its ok to do. What gauge needle can i use to pin this. For oil i use 23. Thinking i could go 25 or 27 for water based.


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Yea, this is perfect. Pin in subq in your belly fat so it doesn't absorb that fast. 30g or slin pins would also be fine since it is water-based and subq. As for mixing with oil I won't do that. Oil and water don't mix
Never done sub q and from what ive read im is perfectly fine. Protocol? I mean. Mix “x” amount of bac water in vile and pin drawn amount. I imagine ill need to refrigerate it once mixed but other than that i havent looked much further into it.
Hcg should be subq. Otherwise it gets absobed very fast. You are injecting water it is painless. I mean a protocol on how much you are going to use and how .frequently
I believe its the very first thing i wrote in my post. 350iu 2x week up to 500iu 2x a week and see if my atrophy eases up. Not horrible but aching nuts and lower ab cramps get old so trying to see if this helps.
Sorry I didn’t see it. Good luck
Wasnt trying to be a dick. Your responses are very helpful. I plan on getting some insulin slin pins on amazon along with that water I posted. Ill add 2.5cc of the water to the powder and pin .2 ml (400 iu) sub q every 3.5 days. Or increase to eod. If my balls dont come back a bit. They started aching few weeks ago after coming off blast.
yes u can sub q Drs recommend IM though as theoretically BETTER absorbed. half life is 30 some hours so slower absorption isn't something to worry about and possibly even slight disadvantage to slower absorption/sub-q.. either way, sub-q is easier and likely very comparable for all intents.
My Dr. recommends sub-q. I have been doing it that way for going on 20 years now. The thing that needs to be remebered is also the faster something is absorbed the fast it clears out of the system and will needs to be injected more often.
You need BAC water. You can get it on Amazon as "reconstitution solution".

I would reconstitute with 2ml (you won't be able to fit 5ml of water as someone else suggested). This would make every 10 mark on a 100 unit insulin syringe 250IU.

Note that HCG does aromatize so you may need to redial in your AI if you're taken one or may need to add one if you're not. Confirm with blood work of course.