HCG once a week


New Member
Hi guyz i have one question ,
I understand hcg is used to mimic LH and prevent Testicular atrophy , and its half life is 3-5 days .
my question can i inject 300iu -500 iu every week instead of every 3 days . why do i have to inject every 3 days , am sure even the body does not produce LH everday without testosterone shortage , since am on testosterone i dont need the extra natural test , i just need to prevent Testicular atrophy ,
There is no other molecule like hCG.

Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG), a glycoprotein hormone produced by the human placenta, is composed of an alpha and a beta sub-unit with a molecular mass of 36.7 kDa. The α (alpha) subunit is 92 amino acids long. The β-subunit of hCG gonadotropin contains 145 amino acids.

The α-subunit has 2 N-linked oligosaccharides, and a non-covalently linked acid ß-subunit with 2 N-linked oligosaccharides and 4 O-linked oligosaccharides. The structure of each variant of hCG varies considerable in carbohydrate structure. hCG molecules also vary greatly in charge, due to variation in sialic acid sugar content.

The α sub-unit is essentially identical to the α sub-units of the human pituitary gonadotropins, luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), as well as to the alpha sub-unit of human thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH). The beta sub-units of these hormones differ in amino acid sequence and thus confer biological specificity of the hormones.

The different composition of these oligosaccharides affects bioactivity and speed of degradation. hCG is the longest circulating molecule in human blood with a circulating half life of 36 hours (2160 minutes). LH has a circulating half-life of ~25 minutes. Effectively, hCG extends its biological activity 2160/25 or 86-fold over LH.

The action of hCG is virtually identical to that of pituitary LH, although hCG appears to have a small degree of FSH activity as well. It stimulates production of gonadal steroid hormones by stimulating the interstitial cells (Leydig cells) of the testis to produce androgens and the corpus luteum of the ovary to produce progesterone.

Human LH (hLH) and CG (hCG) also differ in some structural features, such as the presence of a carboxyl terminal peptide (CTP) and the type and amount of glycosylation. Due to this heterogeneity and derivation from extractive preparations, gonadotropins have been difficult to quantify accurately in the past, and most in vitro experiments have been conducted using urinary hCG calibrated by in vivo bioassay against standard preparations expressed in activity units.

With the advent of recombinant gonadotropins, highly homogeneous and consistent r-hLH and r-hCG can be accurately quantified in molar terms and used to compare their effects in vitro at exactly equimolar concentrations.

Being structurally different, it should be expected that hLH and hCG display different hormone-receptor interaction features and, consequently, might be not equivalent at molecular and cellular level.

This was found to be true in a recent study, “LH and hCG Action on the Same Receptor Results in Quantitatively and Qualitatively Different Intracellular Signalling.” They concluded the LH/hCGr is able to differentiate the activity of hLH and hCG. Any statement that LH & hCG are bioequivalent is clearly wrong.
Twice per week administration of hCG will prevent testicular atrophy for most healthy adult males. However, it's not unusual to see this increased to three times per week (EOD) because of the 1.5 day half life.
Twice per week administration of hCG will prevent testicular atrophy for most healthy adult males. However, it's not unusual to see this increased to three times per week (EOD) because of the 1.5 day half life.

E3-4D is best.

Finally, there is an excellent study on down-regulation modeling. This paper has some good modeling graphs. I use 1,000-2,000 IU E3D now. https://thinksteroids.com/community/threads/my-introduction.134320172/page-18#post-1256349
Do you advocate hCG before test administration or does that matter to you, based on your work?

I should also note that my above comment #5 is dependent on volume as well. Ex: three times per week would be using little hCG but frequent administrations.
I finally got some much needed hcg. 2-5000iu amps of pregnyl and the 2 solvent amps. I've been cruising on test at about 200-300mg/wk for at least a couple years and my nuts aren't getting any bigger. It's been a long time since I've taken hcg and I've completely forgotten the protocol. I'm trying to figure out how to get the most with what I've got. I guess the easiest method would be shoot one whole amp and then a week later the other. I'm guessing that probably isn't going to be the best method. So should I get some slin pins instead and try to put 1000iu in each (5 at a time) and spread that out. Also in regards to storage/refrigeration. Is it necessary and how long can hcg keep unrefrigerated? Keeping it in a refrigerator might be a problem so I may have to use a small cooler and change out those refreezable gel packs. This is kind of going to be a hassle but It's gotta be done. Actually I'm thinking slin pins might not be best option. Because It might be tricky getting the liquid out of amp. I don't know... any advise on how to get measured doses out of a 5000iu amp would be appreciated.
E3-4D is best.

Finally, there is an excellent study on down-regulation modeling. This paper has some good modeling graphs. I use 1,000-2,000 IU E3D now. https://thinksteroids.com/community/threads/my-introduction.134320172/page-18#post-1256349
Im curious to hear if a hCG dosing protocol like this could potentially be run indefinitely in an attempt to optimize one's own testosterone production(should this approach be prefered over the other options available)
- and if so, how one's estradiol levels would look, and which AI at which dosage would be recommended to run alongside the hCG in an attempt to keep E2 in a more optimal range.
Just watched an interesting video on Ric Drasins channel with Jerry Brainium on test and HCG usage this guy is very knowledgeable and has done the research. If you got the time watch the whole video it has some interesting facts, if not skip to the HCG part at 19mins 15secs.
