
New Member
Hey, guys. I'm going to run the following:

Test E and Tren E for 12 weeks (possibly dbol as a kickstarter)
Test P and Tren A for 2 weeks
PCT 2 weeks after that

I do competitive bench press and I'm working on building a fitness brand. I've benched 440lbs while weighing 161lbs and that was completely natural. Next thing I'm looking for is 500 at no more than 180.

My main thing is wanting to be able to have kids. I've been doing a lot of reading on HCG. It's supposed to keep your natural test and sperm production up. Looking around the web, people say different things about it. I wanted to get some info from people that may have actually done it.

Do you guys think it's best to take during cycle or after? I've been leaning toward during.

Any help is greatly appreciated.
It sounds sort of like this is your first cycle.
If it is, I would drop the Tren.
And I deffidently wouldn't start with Tren e.
Hcg is usually used up to pct.

Edit:(scratch the first part I read some of your other stuff)
Like I said I would use Hcg up until pct, not during. Idk anyone on this board that has does it during pct unless maybe they were on trt for a long time and were trying to have kids and then hop back on.
Okay, cool. What dosage do you think would be good? What do you think about HCG being able to help you have kids?
It works. But there is always a risk. Never a sure thing. I don't have kids so I don't have first hand experience.
There are some threads here on it though. Pretty sure dr scally has written some stuff too.
If your gunna run it the whole cycle id say 300-500 a week. If you just gunna do a blast before pct I'd go a little stronger like 1000 a week.
I'm sure other members here are much more experienced than me on it as far as dosage goes. Hopefully more will chime in.
Gl op.
Edit: this question has deffidently been answered in other threads.
Do you guys think it's best to take during cycle or after? I've been leaning toward during.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Well let me reformulate your question, "should I wait until my balls atrophy and then reverse it or should I keep the atrophy from happening?"

With that said, run hCG early, to avoid atrophy in the first place.