Looks like ya pregnant
Hard to say-- I usually get a faint line but I use a few drops enough to get the paper wet--- looks like u slammed it with 1/2 ML or a full mL depending on dilution.
Prolly has hcg in there... how much who knows
I'd be much more prone to think it's right if it didn't come from turkey:
Here's a quote from Dr Jim
The most commonly quote sensitivity urine
hcg is
50 mIU/cc.
Now that's 50 milli IU/cc
To have a good idea about whether your HCG contains the appropriate concentration or 5000IU/ml, try the following (yep it works!)
1) dilute the 5k into 1cc,
2) draw off 1/10th of a cc (500IU)
3) fill up an empty ONE LITER soda container with water.
4) inject the 500IU (1/10th a cc) into the one liter bottle
5) this mixture will achieve a dilution of 0.5IU/CC which far exceeds the threshold by roughly 100 fold!
6) shake the mixture and test if noblue color change occurs it's bunk!