Non responsive to Tren. This is hard to imagine. I took advice from a forum goer elsewhere, very very good write up on it. Think about it for a minute- Tren is 500:500 on the anabolic to androgenic scale, it is 5 times the strength of Test, at least on paper (real world application, I'd say it's not exactly 5 times). So the advice was 300 mg a week. That's like 1500 mg of Test/week equivalent.
At that dosage, I had weird dreams, a little bit of night sweats--not a lot though, and strength would go up every time I hit up a body part in the gym. At current, 500 mg per week, I actually have less of these side effects. 500 mg is not a suggestion, just me sharing my experience. As such my work out yesterday consisted of biceps, triceps, shoulders and chest. Bicep work out was probably the best I've ever had in my life, it was ridiculous, the pump was absolutely insane.
All that said, I can't ever see a reason, and probably never will exceed 500 mg. Why play with fire? Even at 300, strength just kept increasing all the time. Are you guy's doing your set(s) to failure? Getting enough rest between work outs?