Non responsive to Tren

You don't want to see the sides, it doesn't mean it isn't working. I doubt it's real, but if it is, make the most of the fact you can run it so high and not be affected (at least physically).
I think the problem is, he is not getting the body recomp he was expecting. I don't think anyone would complain about no sides when they look in the mirror and say "Dammmmmmmm, bitch better recognize!" Then again, last time I tried Tren (4 weeks ago) I had no sides and thought it was bunk. I didn't get it from a MESO source so I will be sending a sample to get checked out. I did however get a strength boost. If you think about it, it is kind of crazy we associate side effects with quality.
I think the problem is, he is not getting the body recomp he was expecting.
Too many variables to really even get into that considering he mentioned it but no details. Plus we have no idea of what his expectation is. And at that high a dose how could you not see something (depending on timescale) unless it's bunk or you're doing something extremely wrong.

I agree on it being crazy associating side effects with quality, because what it really highlights is taking more than you can tolerate.
I been using tren a hell if a long time. Yet my last 2 now this cycle I’m not really getting any sides or the recomp like I used to. Running a sponsors test E tren E blend. 2ml twice a week plus .5ml just tren e only added. 1000mg teste 800tren E total.
Definitely not the gear as it’s the same with a few sponsors. Even tried switch to tren A and the same.
I’m fixing to start my first time using Tren, what should I expect from it. I’ll be using Test C as well. Any suggestions are welcome
I’ll try to get blood work but can’t guarantee it. I’ve only been taken test c.
I would say stop doing steroids "on the fly" and without contemplation. You need to measure the variables that make for side effects: blood pressure, blood work, sleep quality, bodyweight, poundage increases in training et.c.

Personally if I run tren low for weeks and slowly increase the dose, mental side effects, sleep issues et.c. are much less than if I start at a higher dose. However side effects like higher blood pressure, bad lipid profile, bad CBC et.c. are equal
i'm the same with tren. Tried it from pharmaqo and from QSC 0 sides at all. I felt like I wasn't getting the results you see online. Genetics might be bad and diet might be worse

But what I did notice was other people starting to compliment my look more and more. This is what tells me it is working even a little bit. Also I've only taken Tren E from what i hear tren ace is another animal. Makes since if you look at a plotting chart. With ace your hitting the high amount multiple times a week while with E only twice a week or so. Even if it is a higher dosage
I would say stop doing steroids "on the fly" and without contemplation. You need to measure the variables that make for side effects: blood pressure, blood work, sleep quality, bodyweight, poundage increases in training et.c.

Personally if I run tren low for weeks and slowly increase the dose, mental side effects, sleep issues et.c. are much less than if I start at a higher dose. However side effects like higher blood pressure, bad lipid profile, bad CBC et.c. are equal
I appreciate the advice.
i'm the same with tren. Tried it from pharmaqo and from QSC 0 sides at all. I felt like I wasn't getting the results you see online. Genetics might be bad and diet might be worse

But what I did notice was other people starting to compliment my look more and more. This is what tells me it is working even a little bit. Also I've only taken Tren E from what i hear tren ace is another animal. Makes since if you look at a plotting chart. With ace your hitting the high amount multiple times a week while with E only twice a week or so. Even if it is a higher dosage
I am a borderline AAS non-responder andi have the same with tren I even kick started with 1400 mg tren e and decreased it to 700 mg for now and I dont see much except for when i eat a lot of carbs my hands get red and very warm no sides otherwise

EDIT: it is also form QSC
Non responsive to Tren. This is hard to imagine. I took advice from a forum goer elsewhere, very very good write up on it. Think about it for a minute- Tren is 500:500 on the anabolic to androgenic scale, it is 5 times the strength of Test, at least on paper (real world application, I'd say it's not exactly 5 times). So the advice was 300 mg a week. That's like 1500 mg of Test/week equivalent.

At that dosage, I had weird dreams, a little bit of night sweats--not a lot though, and strength would go up every time I hit up a body part in the gym. At current, 500 mg per week, I actually have less of these side effects. 500 mg is not a suggestion, just me sharing my experience. As such my work out yesterday consisted of biceps, triceps, shoulders and chest. Bicep work out was probably the best I've ever had in my life, it was ridiculous, the pump was absolutely insane.

All that said, I can't ever see a reason, and probably never will exceed 500 mg. Why play with fire? Even at 300, strength just kept increasing all the time. Are you guy's doing your set(s) to failure? Getting enough rest between work outs?
Non responsive to Tren. This is hard to imagine. I took advice from a forum goer elsewhere, very very good write up on it. Think about it for a minute- Tren is 500:500 on the anabolic to androgenic scale, it is 5 times the strength of Test, at least on paper (real world application, I'd say it's not exactly 5 times). So the advice was 300 mg a week. That's like 1500 mg of Test/week equivalent.

At that dosage, I had weird dreams, a little bit of night sweats--not a lot though, and strength would go up every time I hit up a body part in the gym. At current, 500 mg per week, I actually have less of these side effects. 500 mg is not a suggestion, just me sharing my experience. As such my work out yesterday consisted of biceps, triceps, shoulders and chest. Bicep work out was probably the best I've ever had in my life, it was ridiculous, the pump was absolutely insane.

All that said, I can't ever see a reason, and probably never will exceed 500 mg. Why play with fire? Even at 300, strength just kept increasing all the time. Are you guy's doing your set(s) to failure? Getting enough rest between work outs?
Currently on 300mg Test and 600 mg Tren E from pharmaqo this time. zero side effects. No night sweats or anything. As far as strength going up I havent had that but I am on a pretty agressive cut and I had the flu for like 2 weeks. My lifts have been around and about the same which I consider a win after being in bed for a week and feeling like shit for another week. I am on week 8 of this cycle.

But my first time using tren was from qsc and same with no side effects. strength went up though.

Are you on tren E or ace?
Tren shouldn’t be based on sides. I’ve ran it from different labs and always had solid gains. I’ve ran it and had to tap out at 6 weeks (insomnia and anxiety were through the fucking roof) and I’ve ran it 12 weeks with minimal sides other than altering my lipids and liver values on bloods.
Currently on 300mg Test and 600 mg Tren E from pharmaqo this time. zero side effects. No night sweats or anything. As far as strength going up I havent had that but I am on a pretty agressive cut and I had the flu for like 2 weeks. My lifts have been around and about the same which I consider a win after being in bed for a week and feeling like shit for another week. I am on week 8 of this cycle.

But my first time using tren was from qsc and same with no side effects. strength went up though.

Are you on tren E or ace?
I'm running Tren E, I like the longer acting stuff. Sorry to hear you've been sick, that sucks and might be accounting for some of what you're experiencing, last time I had the flue I felt friggin helpless.

It might be from the cut that you're not getting significant results as well. Tren is a great cutter, but as they say calories and food account for a lot of what we get from our routine.

As far as side effects, I know what you mean. It's hard to believe the gear you have is real when the expected side effects aren't present. I think it's a product of the environment, "Everyone says this side effect occurs at this much, this side effect occurs with this much" so on and so forth. With counterfeit gear floating around out there, there's that risk of getting a fake. Side effects are unreliable though, like some of the others mention, sometimes they just aren't present, possible adaptation.

I hope you feel better.
Only sides i had from tren, was down the pants. But it did work, but i ran it only 2 times.
Interesting. How much Test were you running with it? I've heard people mention this and they were running low test with it. When they increased it, down stairs issues went away.
Interesting. How much Test were you running with it? I've heard people mention this and they were running low test with it. When they increased it, down stairs issues went away.
I was at around 200-250 of test and like 300-400 of tren ace if remember correctly, as it was 4-5 years ago. But i had other compounds on me as well, as i was cutting. Issues in the pants i guess occur due to increased prolactin? i mean its not like very big issues, just softer weiner, less sensitive and hard to finish.
Ok, yeah maybe increase Test if it ever becomes an issue again. There's been a trend of folks that keep Test low and their exotics high. I totally get it, "let the exotics do the work" but for some people, this might be problematic. Kind of depends on the person and their body chemistry.