HCG Protocols


Reading some clinical literature on the subject there is a lot of variation in the amount of HCG used to maintain fertility, testicular fullness, and reducing atrophy. Anywhere from 500 to 3,000IU of HCG every other day.

Wondering what the boys think. Y’all run HCG concurrent with your TRT? Do you care about testicular fullness/atrophy? If so what are your typical dosing regimens and how effective are they? Notice a decrease in atrophy/increase in semen volume?
Personally, I don’t give a shit about my fertility as my family is complete.

I use 1000iu once a week right into my belly. My wife cared more about my testicular size than me, so that keeps their size. But that’s just me.
I run it on cycle, usually do 500x2/week the whole cycle right up to first day of PCt, gotta admit it made PCT a breeze (relatively) and my boys stayed plump (relatively) and I believe the people running at 2000iu+ are tying to increase fertility for a short range of time. I don’t believe it’s continued for months/years at a time.
Been on TRT myself two plus years and my nuts have taken a huge hit. Personally I miss my big balls. Can’t speak for anyone but myself. 1000iU 2x week for a few weeks now. Can’t really tell much yet.
Been on TRT myself two plus years and my nuts have taken a huge hit. Personally I miss my big balls. Can’t speak for anyone but myself. 1000iU 2x week for a few weeks now. Can’t really tell much yet.
It’s gunna be hard to get your HPTA going again. No idea how to handle trt stuff but hey, keep trying hCG for a couple months and see what happens that’s the best advice I got…
Larry Lipshultz, Endocrinologist writes:

"In a study published in 2005 in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, Andrea D. Coviello, MD, a reproductive endocrinologist and practicing clinician and researcher at Boston University School of Medicine, and colleagues analyzed data from 29 men with normal reproductive physiology randomly assigned to 200 mg testosterone enanthate weekly in combination with saline placebo or 125 IU, 250 IU or 500 IU hCG every other day for 3 weeks. The researchers found that intratesticular testosterone increased linearly with increasing hCG dose, demonstrating that a relatively low dose of hCG maintains intratesticular testosterone within the normal range in healthy men with gonadotropin suppression, Lipshultz said.

“Without any hCG replacement ... there was literally no intratesticular testosterone, and then as hCG was given in a stepwise fashion, once it reached about 500 U, you were back to baseline [level],” Lipshultz said. “Using this data, and realizing that despite very high doses of testosterone, there were high levels of intratesticular testosterone maintained with low-dose hCG, we then asked whether this low-dose maintenance could also protect spermatogenesis during testosterone treatment.”