HCG - Three alternatives


New Member
Okay, it's like this. I didn't start HCG until week 8 in my 12 week test c cycle. I messed up when I was mixing so I lost 0.750ml so I only had 4.250ml left. I've been taking 250ui and the plan was to start taking 500ui e3d until last inject of test c. But I'm not sure if I maybe should take it up until 1 week before pct instead, everybody says different. So I got three alternatives which is better?

Alt 1: 500ui e3d until last test C inject.

Alt 2: 250ui eod up until 1 week before pct.

Alt 3: 250ui e3d up until 3 days before pct.
Interesting, I was just wondering this very thing ...

I've recently read this: http://www.swolesource.com/forum/traditional-anabolics/311-hcg-unraveled-hcg-guide-eric-potratz.html

And this: https://thinksteroids.com/community/threads/comprehensive-guide-to-pct.134353228/

And many other sources about hcg, and there seems to be equal part science and voodoo when it comes to running hcg on cycle.

But I didn't run hcg from the start of the cycle and here in week 4 i'm sure I'm completely shut down (may even have some shrinkage). So I was wondering, if I started hcg around week 6, and ran it through the weeks leading up to my PCT, would I need to start with a massive 2000iu dose.

Your answer seems to suggest what I was thinking, that if I just start using it at 250iu EOD, that over 6 weeks it should adequately trigger natural test production so that I'm back up and running by the start of PCT.

Maybe you can shed some light on prescribed practice ... is the 2000iu jump start supposed to get the boys back up to full scale production asap? And if so, why? If I don't really need them until I start PCT, what's the rush to get normal test production back at nominal levels while I'm in the middle of a cycle?