Hcg timing and dosage?

david davis

New Member
For the past year and half I have been on a blast and cruise...multiple compounds...recently I was strong armed by the wife to come off cycle because of me having a 0 sperm count and she wants a rugrat...the doc prescribed me hcg and Clomid with instructions to use 5,000 iu x 2 a week. For a month with the Clomid 50mgs x 2 a day.. For everything I have read hcg should be used while on cycle and Clomid afterwards....so I have still used my Test and will stop at the end of the Hcg and begin the Clomid .....do I need to use a ai also? Any input would be great! I don't want to crash my test and feel like crap!
My doc is a fertility doctor who told me to use the Hcg and Clomid together and never use AAS again and never mentioned ai ....so maybe someone who has used Hcg could helped me out....
So why don't you do what your doctor tells you to do. pop a baby then jump back on AAS lol

AI is used on cycle if you have estrogen side effects. I personally don't use ai on cycle because I don't get estrogen sides. My friend on the other hand does because his nipple gets itchy.
The funny thing is I can usually feel when my e is to high and it rarely happens...a couple days after the first time with the Hcg my nipples were burning hell! I guess I should just have asked what's everyone's ideas on proper dosage and use of hcg!
Well my dose is 500iu/week on cycle. However your doctor told you 5000iu x 2 a week. So he has his reasons. I'm not a doctor so I couldn't tell you if he's right or wrong. Try getting second opinion from another doc
Exactly! I thought it was super high also! Maybe because my history of blasting a cruising...who knows...no bad side effects yet I'm curious to see my labs in a couple weeks...we shall see lol..