Heart Palpitations from Exemestane?

I know this is older but I too suffer from palpitations. It's a fucked feeling but for me harmless. I've had ekgs, 24, 48, 72 hour monitors, nuclear stress test, and echocardiogram. All fine. Getting another echo soonish too.

It's really only mentally draining but this effects QOL. I think for me it's Vegas nerve too as they increase with stress and anxiety. And really only started after my Dad dying.

Hell otherwise my heart is strong AF. And yeah they can be caused by anything. Ive got them just from Turing my head to the side lol.
Good doctors are extremely rare and you should never trust any doctor. Keep them on their toes at all times. You probably know more than your doctors or would be better researched than they are, just by looking online. Sad but true.

EKG is almost useless. Holter monitor is almost useless. Stress test almost useless. The gold standard, in my opinion, is the echocardiogram.

Yes, I have experience with the vagus nerve. If it isn't a structural problem in your heart, it's very often a vagus nerve issue. Almost anything can cause palpitations, especially stimulants or mineral deficiencies, dehydration etc. From how your described it, I'm thinking vagus nerve. But I would insist on getting an echocardiogram because even if you are fine, you will have a baseline measurement that you can use in the future.
Very late reply, but they ended up doing a stress test too and all they could say was that my heart health was in the 92nd percentile, so they had no worries. The palpitations have stopped since I've done PCT. For the echocardiogram, do doctors just give you one if you ask?
I know this is older but I too suffer from palpitations. It's a fucked feeling but for me harmless. I've had ekgs, 24, 48, 72 hour monitors, nuclear stress test, and echocardiogram. All fine. Getting another echo soonish too.

It's really only mentally draining but this effects QOL. I think for me it's Vegas nerve too as they increase with stress and anxiety. And really only started after my Dad dying.

Hell otherwise my heart is strong AF. And yeah they can be caused by anything. Ive got them just from Turing my head to the side lol.
Do you think that it's a blood pressure or hormonal thing? Mine were triggered in high stress situations like at the peak of a heavy which makes me think it's blood pressure related. However, I remember it being triggered when on the couch which makes me think it might be because of fluctuating E2. I've read that this is a common side effect of estrogen swings.
Very late reply, but they ended up doing a stress test too and all they could say was that my heart health was in the 92nd percentile, so they had no worries. The palpitations have stopped since I've done PCT. For the echocardiogram, do doctors just give you one if you ask?

Do you think that it's a blood pressure or hormonal thing? Mine were triggered in high stress situations like at the peak of a heavy which makes me think it's blood pressure related. However, I remember it being triggered when on the couch which makes me think it might be because of fluctuating E2. I've read that this is a common side effect of estrogen swings.

Yeah ive been trying to figure out what my triggers are for it about two years. Honestly I just do my best to ignore it at this point. I do maybe have a small aortic bulge which is probably genetic cause my pops had it. Dont know if that would aggravate it or not.
Very late reply, but they ended up doing a stress test too and all they could say was that my heart health was in the 92nd percentile, so they had no worries. The palpitations have stopped since I've done PCT. For the echocardiogram, do doctors just give you one if you ask?

Do you think that it's a blood pressure or hormonal thing? Mine were triggered in high stress situations like at the peak of a heavy which makes me think it's blood pressure related. However, I remember it being triggered when on the couch which makes me think it might be because of fluctuating E2. I've read that this is a common side effect of estrogen swings.

It may have been high blood pressure.

You should say that the you still have the problem and the holter monitor and stress test didn't show anything. Then ask or demand an echocardiogram. It's the only thing that actually matters. It's the first thing they should be doing, in my opinion.

This exact situation is extremely common. All the tests will show nothing wrong, and then echocardiogram shows something.
It may have been high blood pressure.

You should say that the you still have the problem and the holter monitor and stress test didn't show anything. Then ask or demand an echocardiogram. It's the only thing that actually matters. It's the first thing they should be doing, in my opinion.

This exact situation is extremely common. All the tests will show nothing wrong, and then echocardiogram shows something.
Yeah I will say I had to keep going back to get them to give me an echo. It was several in office EKGs and holsters before.
Everybody who suffer from palpitations regardless of the cause should considering adding the following supplements:

- 3x 2,000mg (yes 6gr total) per day Berberine HCL
- 5,000mg Taurine per day
- 2,000mg Arginine per day
- 500mg Magnesium per day
- 500mg NAC every other day

Do it at least 6 weeks and then check if symptoms cease.

Solved all heart and bp issues. No palpitations even though I am prone to them (4x coffees and its starting). 10-15% lower blood pressure, much better lipid profile, lower RBC count, lower resting heart bpm. No side effects except some mild diarrhea but ceased after a month.
Your bonified MD’s failed hard here. A 2-3 minute ekg with some basic bloods are not enough. You need to wear a heart monitor for a month, get imaging done and you need comprehensive blood work.

I had all this done and luckily was only diagnosed with pvc’s that the doctor said I shouldn’t worry about as long as I don’t become obese. How do you know you don’t have a murmur?

Also did you get a calcium score? Did your blood work include things like apo-b, crv, d-dimer?
Very late reply, but they ended up doing a stress test too and all they could say was that my heart health was in the 92nd percentile, so they had no worries. The palpitations have stopped since I've done PCT. For the echocardiogram, do doctors just give you one if you ask?

Do you think that it's a blood pressure or hormonal thing? Mine were triggered in high stress situations like at the peak of a heavy which makes me think it's blood pressure related. However, I remember it being triggered when on the couch which makes me think it might be because of fluctuating E2. I've read that this is a common side effect of estrogen swings.
After bending and getting the heart palpitations, do u feel like vomiting?