Heavy metal Testing


New Member
I see that @janoshik offers heavy metal testing but I can't recall ever seeing a lab test with that result (positive or negative) on it. Is it not commonly ordered or do people just not post the results?

Side note: if heavy metals were present how big are the particles? Would a standard .22 syringe filter catch them?
I see that @janoshik offers heavy metal testing but I can't recall ever seeing a lab test with that result (positive or negative) on it. Is it not commonly ordered or do people just not post the results?

When we did the Anabolic Labs crowdfunded project the expectation was that we would see a lot of this but IIR it didn't happen even once.
Interesting. Can you ballpark how many tests you ran looking for them?
There was probably well over 100 from all different labs.

If I recall I think Hilma came back with bacterial contamination or something. I can’t remember and I’m too lazy to look thru the entire AL site.
There was probably well over 100 from all different labs.
100's yeah.

299 individual test results posted on the site.

and I think you are correct it was just that 1 bacterial test that popped. No heavy metals.

Underdosing/overdosing/misdosing (pills) were routine but really the shocking thing was that contra all our prior assumptions, pretty much everything was "fine" from everywhere.

"Fake", "Bunk" "Just oil" were things that were routinely asserted about pretty much every UGL here prior to that testing. Pretty rare to see that now.

Jano's testing seems to continue to bear that out on the main even today. Pretty rare to have him test anything that is just fake (HGH nothwithstanding).
I would think if you had a test these days with bunk or fake products it would be the death of the source. Especially once posted on this forum. I Like the sources that are committing to test their products by batch and promoting the consumer to test their products. It's even more of a confidence booster when the source will reimburse a customer for sending a sample to e tested. UGL is becoming a more competitive scene which is good for the consumer and the ability to safely consume.
I would think if you had a test these days with bunk or fake products it would be the death of the source. Especially once posted on this forum. I Like the sources that are committing to test their products by batch and promoting the consumer to test their products. It's even more of a confidence booster when the source will reimburse a customer for sending a sample to e tested. UGL is becoming a more competitive scene which is good for the consumer and the ability to safely consume.
Couldn't agree more.

One test that pops nothing but oil etc and that would be that.

Given the low price for most raws doesn't seem like it would be worth it for anyone.

Expect maybe that weird motherfucker in Kentucky who was trying to peddle syringes pre-loaded with AAS he made in him mom's tub (yes it was a thing, no I didn't bother trying to find the ancient thread here about it). That sort of UGL might try it.
The people who buy/sell (and thus test) bunk/severely underdosed products are seldom present on highly competitive online forums - thus what you see here is a survivor-ship bias of sorts.

On top of that goes the fact that there are often strong forces at play disincentivizing posting up bad results.
heavy metals were present how big are the particles? Would a standard .22 syringe filter catch them?
Like trying to catch a grain of sand with a basketball hoop haha.

Micrometers vs nanometers (1000X diameter difference)
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Couldn't agree more.

One test that pops nothing but oil etc and that would be that.

Given the low price for most raws doesn't seem like it would be worth it for anyone.

Expect maybe that weird motherfucker in Kentucky who was trying to peddle syringes pre-loaded with AAS he made in him mom's tub (yes it was a thing, no I didn't bother trying to find the ancient thread here about it). That sort of UGL might try it.
Remember that guy Black Cat Roids? He was selling all weird name brands. We harassed him to test his products so he tested his entire Alpha Zone lineup and nearly everything was bunk or underdosed. Like zero API in his anavar lmao. Oh man he was gone within a week. I miss those days.
There was probably well over 100 from all different labs.

If I recall I think Hilma came back with bacterial contamination or something. I can’t remember and I’m too lazy to look thru the entire AL site.
I took a look I found two microbacterial contaminations

Myogen decagen 250. 2018
Hilma deca 250. 2019
I was reading into it more on other articles it said the test is completely useless because all it said was microbacterial contamination was detected and that was it. Didn’t say which and how much.

And online it says there is microbacterial contamination on a lot of things and it doesn’t automatically mean it’s harmful.

The only thing that I found that is concerning is some microbacterial contamination can cause leprosy.
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Interesting that the metals testing interest is starting to pick up.

After months of trying to frame the issue of impurities, not just heavy metals, I am happy to see some are taking a renewed interest.
I took a look I found two microbacterial contaminations

Myogen decagen 250. 2018
Hilma deca 250. 2019
I was reading into it more on other articles it said the test is completely useless because all it said was microbacterial contamination was detected and that was it. Didn’t say which and how much.

And online it says there is microbacterial contamination on a lot of things and it doesn’t automatically mean it’s harmful.

The only thing that I found that is concerning is some microbacterial contamination can cause leprosy.
Presence of microbes indicates lack of sterility.
Still means they got in and sterility measures were lacking.
Yeah I need to learn more about heavy metals and bacterial testing. Too complex right now. Maybe in 2025 I’ll switch over to those kinds of test after I have more experience.

I’m sticking with blind samples for now. Those are the best.
I took a look I found two microbacterial contaminations

Myogen decagen 250. 2018
Hilma deca 250. 2019
I was reading into it more on other articles it said the test is completely useless because all it said was microbacterial contamination was detected and that was it. Didn’t say which and how much.

And online it says there is microbacterial contamination on a lot of things and it doesn’t automatically mean it’s harmful.

The only thing that I found that is concerning is some microbacterial contamination can cause leprosy.
The other thing is sometimes Simec would drop the ball. Again I’m just going off memory but I think Sciroxx had something tested that came back off. The owner showed them their lab report and had Simec run it back. Then they were like oh yes sorry we messed up and missed an ester or something. So it could’ve been contamination or just a simple mistake.

Edit: It was Chemtox not Simec.
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It didn’t say which microbes though. What if they weren’t harmful microbes. That was what I was reading online

It just says microbes were detected.
Since its possible to have NO microbes (ie sterile), I guess I don't care whether they were harmful ones or not. They shouldn't be there
I took a look I found two microbacterial contaminations

Myogen decagen 250. 2018
Hilma deca 250. 2019
I was reading into it more on other articles it said the test is completely useless because all it said was microbacterial contamination was detected and that was it. Didn’t say which and how much.

And online it says there is microbacterial contamination on a lot of things and it doesn’t automatically mean it’s harmful.

The only thing that I found that is concerning is some microbacterial contamination can cause leprosy.
2019 Hilma Tren E also. Interesting that they're all 19-nors.