Hello bros and broettes


New Member
I'm new here so please let me in and allow me to learn from you.
I have just brewed my first 10g test E...Now I'm a very careful person and id like to do my stuff with care and would normally pay attention to details all along the way... but despite all that my final product came out cloudy and was left unmixed. here are the steps...

As this was my second try after my first failure (my first try I couldn't even get the powder melt thoroughly due to not heating it and it was dumb coz I thought BB would be the melting agent, little did I know that it's rather just a dissolving agent) So here's the second time...

Here's my set up:
I weighed 10g on my scale
Placed the 10ml beaker with the powder in it on the hot plate mixer and put the thermometer stick right inside it.
Added BB and set the heating to the melting point which is 33.5 ( my hot plate will continue heating the substance up to 48 after it reaches the melting point coz the plate is still hot, which sometimes is annoying but in this case I found it convenient lol) the powder melted and it was so clear I was 100% sure it was okay to move on to the next step (oil)
I measure the oil (22ml) and added to the liquid:
I let the magnet stirrer do it's work for 10 minutes on 48c temperature before I drew up the mixture into a 20ml syringe and placing the 22um filter on the syringe:
filled up 4 vials ( I had to change to a new filter every 2 vials)
Crimped them up.
They were all clear and nothing seemed unmixed until I placed them in the fridge to sit,
they turned out cloudy and unmixed like half oil and half something else...

so folks where did I go wrong?
Did I have to stir longer and heat it up with higher temperature before the filtration process?


In advance: Thank you very much for your time and I appreciate you guys for letting me in and replying to this thread of mine .
Placing it in the fridge would cause some of the powder to crash. You have to keep it in a cool place not in fridge
Why would you place this in the fridge? Just stand the vials up in your sock drawer.

Where did you find these inside? I'm also wondering why there's no BA in your solution.
Why would you place this in the fridge? Just stand the vials up in your sock drawer.

Where did you find these inside? I'm also wondering why there's no BA in your solution.
I am quite positive refrigerator is the place you keep your medicine, and I keep all of my substances in the fridge no problem. It's not a freezer btw it's a refrigerator. They also look the same in room temp as I tried last night. I'm gonna crack them open and dump them in the beaker once more and heat up to 90c and stir for an hour see if it brews up this time. I've just noticed I've forgotten to mention adding BA after adding oil, but yeah I did add BA. 10g powder, 0.8ml BA and 2ml BB plus 22 GSO.
I am quite positive refrigerator is the place you keep your medicine, and I keep all of my substances in the fridge no problem. It's not a freezer btw it's a refrigerator. They also look the same in room temp as I tried last night. I'm gonna crack them open and dump them in the beaker once more and heat up to 90c and stir for an hour see if it brews up this time. I've just noticed I've forgotten to mention adding BA after adding oil, but yeah I did add BA. 10g powder, 0.8ml BA and 2ml BB plus 22 GSO.
2ml of BB? Is that a typo?

for 10gs of my Cyp 200mg brew, I use .5 BA and 10ml of BB. So if you only used 2ml of BB that's a huge your problem
2ml of BB? Is that a typo?

for 10gs of my Cyp 200mg brew, I use .5 BA and 10ml of BB. So if you only used 2ml of BB that's a huge your problem
Yes, I used 8 ml. The dosage I was aiming for was 250mg/ml I'm going to use 10ml next. what temperature and for how long do you brew Test cyp?
Yes, I used 8 ml. The dosage I was aiming for was 250mg/ml I'm going to use 10ml next. what temperature and for how long do you brew Test cyp?
Oh ok.

They way I do it is I put the powder, BB and BA together in a my beaker first, let it dissolve, as it floats in a pan with shallow boiling water, then I add the oil last and mix it until it is all even. I don't know the temp or anything, nor do I have all the gadgets you do; I just go until everything is clear and looking perfect.

I never had a problem though; only one time I didn't mix my tren well enough and I had to remix it lol.
I am quite positive refrigerator is the place you keep your medicine, and I keep all of my substances in the fridge no problem. It's not a freezer btw it's a refrigerator. They also look the same in room temp as I tried last night. I'm gonna crack them open and dump them in the beaker once more and heat up to 90c and stir for an hour see if it brews up this time. I've just noticed I've forgotten to mention adding BA after adding oil, but yeah I did add BA. 10g powder, 0.8ml BA and 2ml BB plus 22 GSO.
youll just waste time for the same result. nothing wrong with it crashingnin the fridge, just warm and make sure its homogeneous before injecting. if you want it to sit in your fridge without crashing youll need to add more BB or otherwise dilute the brew.
youll just waste time for the same result. nothing wrong with it crashingnin the fridge, just warm and make sure its homogeneous before injecting. if you want it to sit in your fridge without crashing youll need to add more BB or otherwise dilute the brew.
That's exactly what I have gathered from a dozen of forums and brewer's discussions. I will add more BB and heat up a bit and let it stir for a quarter and then just let it sit there to see if it's mixed and dissolved in the oil after cooling. I have just made Tren E too, Weighed 5g powder, added 10ml BB and heat a bit to dissolve on the hot plate stirrer, Added the oil, stirred for 15 mins on a temprature of 90c_100c and then added 1ml of BA at the end before filtering. once it passed the filtering into vials came out milky. I stopped then, and took one vial of milky tren e into the oven and heated it for 120c for an hour at about 12;00 midnight then went to bed. in the morning it didn't look milky anymore but looked exactly like that picture of four vials of test e I posted above. I'm gonna do the same following what u said and add more BB to it and heat and stir longer, see if it turns into two miscible substances. There's a secret recipe somewhere I don't seem to be able to find it anywhere on the net. Maybe I should filter the oil and add half of the BB to it and dissolve the powder and add another half of the BB to the melted powder, keep both laced with BB and keep the temp identical then let them mix in my main beaker? Maybe if I make the condition of the two substances (solvent concentration & temreture) more similar to each other there'll be more chance of them blending and brewing properly. why can't I put my hormones in the fridge after I'm done? why they don't hold up like the ones I buy from my supplier? where did I go wrong? what did I miss? These are some of the questions in my head for weeks...
One picture shows a beaker of water and what looks like wet stoppers? Hopefully I'm wrong.

Also you need to understand how condensation works. If you have a pocket of air at 35°C that hasn't condensed, and you cool this air down. Now it may condense depending on the relative humidity.

Just one small speck of water droplet will cloud your gear.

As others have mentioned. Keeping it cool in the fridge may crash it. Although I disagree because I've kept Test E 250 in the garage during winter and nothing crashed.
One picture shows a beaker of water and what looks like wet stoppers? Hopefully I'm wrong.

Also you need to understand how condensation works. If you have a pocket of air at 35°C that hasn't condensed, and you cool this air down. Now it may condense depending on the relative humidity.

Just one small speck of water droplet will cloud your gear.

As others have mentioned. Keeping it cool in the fridge may crash it. Although I disagree because I've kept Test E 250 in the garage during winter and nothing crashed.
Yes that beaker was half full of water and that was a dumb move by me (I am not really as careful as I claim to be, apparently)... where I live we experience quite a moisturized weather condition and you are right, it makes the substance milky and that's why the after filtration baking is necessary. it clears out the mixture by vaporizing the moist in it. But I still don't get why keeping it cool in the refrigerator would cause it to crash...I have all of my roids in the fridge for a year and nothing happens to them. So I think that is out of the way (not a cause)
BTW, I made tren and another vial of test e with 15ml of BB and it still does not mix. I am going insane now...But I know I will get it right one day.
It seems like one of your ingredients may be contaminated with something else. I am normally against heating hormones, but just for investigative purposes maybe this might help:

talke and open one of your vials, mark the fill line, put in a pan with oil, heat to about 120c and observe. Anything coming off? there shouldnt be at that temp. if it does u have some impurities that could be causing poor solubility at the colder temps. keep it at 120 for half an hour or so, then put in oven(off) for a couple hours to cool. Did the volume change?

poorly synted test E can cause both bad pip and poorer solubility in oil/bb/etc.

if ur BA smells strong of cherries it could have quite a bit of benzoic acid in there. BA oxidizes quick and is probably the inert ingredient that needs the most attention to keeping fresh. Old, or poorly kept BA will cause crashing.
It seems like one of your ingredients may be contaminated with something else. I am normally against heating hormones, but just for investigative purposes maybe this might help:

talke and open one of your vials, mark the fill line, put in a pan with oil, heat to about 120c and observe. Anything coming off? there shouldnt be at that temp. if it does u have some impurities that could be causing poor solubility at the colder temps. keep it at 120 for half an hour or so, then put in oven(off) for a couple hours to cool. Did the volume change?

poorly synted test E can cause both bad pip and poorer solubility in oil/bb/etc.

if ur BA smells strong of cherries it could have quite a bit of benzoic acid in there. BA oxidizes quick and is probably the inert ingredient that needs the most attention to keeping fresh. Old, or poorly kept BA will cause crashing.
Alright I’ll mark one of the vials at the filling point and then will place it in my dry heat oven on 120 for an hour. So if it does not exceed the point I’ve marked there’s no contamination or impurities? I’m actually learning from your comment so thank you.
My BA and BB are both 99%. Is that impure enough to cause the hormone and the oil not dissolve?


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