Hello, from a total noob


New Member
Hi all.

New to the forum and to PEDs. I have so many questions!!

42M. Due to some pretty savage domestic abuse as a kid (which I won't vent on this forum) I grew up malnourished and physically underdeveloped.

I've been trying to build for 6 years now but never been able to gain muscle like everyone else, some call me a "hardgainer", yet others think that hardgainers don't actually exist. When I try to bulk (and trust me, Ive put a lot of effort into nutrition and exercise regimes) I always end up with lots of extra subcutaneous fat and very little in muscle and even strength gains. My inability to gain doesn't just cause issues with how I look, it also means I'm very prone to tendon and soft tissue injuries. My knees, back and (especially) ankles are fragile and my brachialis in both elbows are often getting strained.

I've tried asking my doctor for advice. My blood tests at the time didn't show any hormonal abnormalities so they wouldn't give me meds and instead referred me to a physio, who just chucked me a couple of resistance bands and told me to come back in 6 weeks. For those of you based in the UK, you'll understand what it's like using the NHS.

I've decided to give PEDs a go and am going to start relatively slow. I was thinking of running just Anavar for a first cycle and seeing how it goes. I was recently sold counterfeit var, which turned out to be Tbol when I tested it and is going in the bin. Now I am in the process of ordering some var from a more reputable source. In the meantime I'm interested in seeing how you fine people may advise on things and I'll post my many questions in the appropriate forums.

Thanks in advance to anyone that can help with my questions!
1. Don’t run an oral only cycle. *if* your hormone levels are fine now, they won’t be after that.

2. If your hormone levels truly are fine and you’re not making any progress now, steroids won’t help. They’ll just jeopardize your health while you pay extra to spin your wheels some more.
Try just testosterone.

I started with a testosterone and anavar cycle. Because I wasn’t used to the feeling of high androgen load, I found it very hard to deal with. Now I’m used to a higher level of testosterone in my system I run the same cycle and love it.

What are your testosterone levels currently?

If you run Anavar without testosterone then your natural production will shut down, your estrogen will crash, and your joints and tenons will be much much worse than they currently are.
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I think strength training is your best bet to help your bones and tendons. If you’re thinking of cycling just keep it as just testosterone. Don’t do an oral only cycle. If you want to add orals with testosterone that will be so much better. I am on my first cycle now just 500 test.