Hello All


New Member
Hello All,

Please be patient with me. Belive it or not this is the very first forum I have ever joined. I am not one to share, and writing this to share with the community is very difficult for me.

First off I would like to thank @MESO ADMINISTRATOR and @Millard for creating, and running this forum. I had no idea something like this existed. Thank you for taking the time !

I decided to join this form after I spent the weekend reading through it. Why was I reading through it? Well I recently I attended an event (funeral unfortunately) where many of my friends from years ago who I had lost contact with attended. Some had lost hair some now wore glasses, but most were still in shape, and clearly living a better life than me. Although I am truly happy for them I could not help but feel disappointed in myself.

I could not help but notice that I use to be the the guy they looked at and tried to emulate. I was in shape (weights, martial arts, military reserve, football, and wrestling).

Now am currently 280lbs with a bmi of 49%, and clearly the butt of the jokes and comments. I even had to go to a big and tall store to buy a suit. I am not tall.

Needless to say it's extreamy hard to look in the mirror from both a physical and psychological veiw.

In 2006 I had suffered a sever should injury that had prevented me from working out. From there I got a desk job. The weight started to gain year after year.I would try and get to the gym but with the work hours ect..(excuses I know)

Now I own my own buisness, and due to the events at that funeral I have made getting in shape a priority.

I would like to lose this fat and start putting on lean muscle. I would like to get back into fighting shape. 210-220 lbs 10-14 % bmi.

I have began swimming laps to take the weight off of my knees, and have added resistance paddles and flippers.

However; It's now time to get serious with the workouts, and nutrition. As it's still hard and embarrassing for me to even try to lay down and get up from the bench. Let alone use it. I am hoping a cycle can give me a boost on the right track.

I have previous experience with P.E.D's; However, it's been 20 years. Back then we took what we were able to find. There was no testing. There was no planning a cycle. There was only what your source said they had. Usally you never actually met the source, as it was a friend of a friend. It's actually scary when you stop and think about it. We did not openly talk about what we were running, as use was frowned upon. (Even amongst each other) That's why I am greatful I came across this form.

As it's been so long I hope this form will help me navigate and do this properly and safely.

I hope to benefit from all your insights and expertise to get me back on track. From cycle recomondations, brands, nutrition (especially nutrition, let's face it). Hopefully this forum can also keep me accountable!

I am in Canada so anyone up here who is willing to help out with pointing me in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.

Once again @MESO-Rx Administrator, @Millard and everyone who takes the time to contribute to this form!

Thank you for your time!
What a wonderful introduction to the board. Appreciate you taking the time and sharing so much. Wish you the best and hope to see you posting around.

Thank you for joining.
Welcome to the board. I was not too far off from your situation when I started and this place has helped me tremendously. It's definitely hard at the start, but if you want it enough you will make it happen. Good luck!