Hello from STL MO


AnabolicLab.com Supporter
Hey all! So glad I found MESO. Been perusing the forums for about a year on and off while researching and learning all I can regarding AAS.

Im 35, 5'6 ~ 18% BF @ 188 LBS. Been training on and off (mostly on!) for past 15 years. I built a real solid base in my early 20's doing a program called Body For Life by Bill Phillips then moved on to basic strength training with a program called Starting Strength by Mark Rippetoe. A few of my favorite programs since then have been StrongLifts 5x5 by Mehdi followed by Madcow (Bill Starr) and Jim Wendlers 5/3/1. I now do my own programming. Nothing too fancy just good old school olympic barbell lifts w/ assistance work and HIIT cardio. Up till 1 year ago all natural too, I might add.

Nutrition has always been a challenge for me. I tend towards an ability to pack on mass when trying to build muscle rather than lose fat when dieting. Not to mention, I love to eat sweet carby shit. It took a while for me to realize how important nutrition is for me. When I was younger, not so much but now, at 35/6, its real important. Ive spent most of my lifting career reading everything that peaks my interest ( which is a lot ) and have formed (in my opinion) a well rounded view of nutrition. Intellectually, I understand much when it comes to my body and how it acts and reacts to the food I put in it. Insulin sensitivity, protein synthisis / intake, macro %'s, BMR / activity level, etc etc. Im no dietician but I know what works for me. Just the past few years have I learned to impliment what my reading has taught me.

About a year ago I came over to the dark side. It wasnt a big leap for me probably because I have a background in pre hospital medicine (paramedic). Drug dosages / injections / needles / gauges / proper sterile technique/ etc etc isnt a foriegn concept for me so the transition was easy. My God, what an amazing way to train! Totally in love. My primary concern was buying legit gear and from legit sources. I read up and when I decided to pull the trigger, I went with a few of the Naps / Geneza Starter stacks and I was totally blown away. My experiences were very positive to say the least. I never had labs done prior to my first cycle but I can all but guarantee had naturally low test. After a couple weeks on that 250 mg geneza test e, I was truly a new man.

Basically, Im here because this forum (from what I can tell) is an enormous and highly credible resource for everything AAS. Credibility due to the forum Mods and knowledgeable members. Mostly Im here to learn and hopefully, at some point, contribute.

- norfl33t
Welcome to Meso brother. I can see already you will contribute as well as learn.